An hour later, the guard disciples in front of the back mountain gate saw Li Xiaobai returning the same way.

"Brothers, you have worked hard. This time, my younger brother is the winner of the battlefield of the heavens. Now I am going to the gathering place. Please trouble me to report to the dean."

"Time is running out, send my greetings to the dean and all the elders."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists together and said smilingly at the two of them.

"Understood, Junior Brother, go all the way well."

The guard's disciple was stupefied and waved his hand in a daze.

Received the letter from the dean, and also won the championship in the battlefield of the heavens. These are not ordinary disciples, and they are really flattered to call them senior brothers.

After Li Xiaobai left, several disciples whispered to each other.

"Hey, who was that just now, I haven't heard of it!"

"I don't know, I just heard that only one disciple successfully returned from the battlefield of the heavens this time, and even Brother Bodhidharma fell into it. I guess it must not be an ordinary character, and the water here is deep!"

"Speaking of which, why did he enter the back mountain? There is nothing else here except the mausoleum. Could it be that he came here to pay homage?"

"Go in and have a look, and the dean will be able to explain something when he asks."


A few people made up their minds and walked along the route Li Xiaobai had come from...

After a few minutes.

Several roars came from the back mountain, shouting up to the sky.

"Tomb robber!"

"Damn it, he hollowed out the grave!"

"The funerary objects, the elder-level funeral objects are gone!"

"Go to the Ming Academy!"


Deity Academy, inside the main hall.

Feng Wuhen and the elders were still discussing about the disciples from various domains going to the extremely evil pure land, and they were thinking about whether to send people to intercept and kill disciples from other forces halfway.

Several monks outside the hall ran in in a panic.

"Dean, something is wrong!"

"What's wrong, so flustered, how decent!"

Feng Wuhen looked at the few disciples who broke into the palace gate in a hurry, frowned and scolded in a deep voice.

"Dean, elder, a disciple has gone to the back mountain with your token token."

"I know, I gave it to him, if he wants to go to the back mountain and let him in."

Feng Wuhen said lightly.

"But he dug out all the graves on the back mountain!"

"Even the ancestor's grave was never spared!"

A few people spoke, looking a little urgent.


"Digging the grave!"

Feng Wuhen's lips trembled, and his calf twisted.

His complexion changed in an instant, the back mountain is an important place for ancestral graves, and the funeral objects are just treasures of meritorious service, with no real value.

But the meaning it represents is extraordinary. Being directly dug up the ancestral grave is more uncomfortable than killing him. This is trampling on the reputation of Deity Academy!

The most important thing is that the position of Dean of Deity Academy is passed down in the same line, that is to say, his father is also in it!

"Quick... take me to see..."


Li Xiaobai was completely unaware of the chaos in the academy, and was humming a little tune and walking in the direction indicated by the token.

Although the family's ancestral grave was dug up, there was nothing wrong with it. Who told Feng Wuhen himself that he could go unimpeded in the academy and meet all needs.

Didn't touch a single thread in the sect, just removed a few corpses, it wouldn't be a big deal, after all, this cemetery is just a decoration for the academy, people in the practice world are indifferent, and they say mourning, but in fact I have never seen anyone actually cry in front of the grave in Houshan.

Using the Great Resentment Seed to bring these dead people back to the world, failing to fulfill the dream of being a strong man before death, but being able to conquer all directions after death, is not a kind of satisfaction for the deceased.

In the forty-ninth battlefield, all the corpses were thrown into the lake of resentful spirit.

One after another, the big grievances began to recover with the help of the bodies of these corpses, and walked out of the lake with a terrifying aura.

The level of horror of the spirit of resentment is quite high. Although it is impossible to cultivate, monks whose own strength is far beyond ordinary cultivation are enough to form an army with strong cultivation.

The other captured monks turned pale with fright when they saw this scene, and kept working hard. After staying in the battlefield for a while, they knew the basic rules, for fear that they would not be able to move enough bricks and be thrown into the lake to practice. Become a zombie.

"The weather is good, and there will be another wave of miners making money soon. Just thinking about it makes me excited."

The golden chariot galloped under Li Xiaobai's feet. Now he has no problem of breaking through at all. When he needs it, he will find two monks who are cultivated in the Void Spirit Realm to come out, use Huazi and Bathhousezi to break through the shackles, summon the catastrophe, once and for all.

The location marked by the token is in a place called Jiuhuayu. It is a long way away, and it will take a day to reach it with the speed of the golden chariot.

"Look for places like mass graves along the way."

"The world of practice is full of dangers. There should be corpses everywhere."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

"Senior brother, look at that person also has a guiding token in his hand, which is in the same direction as ours!"

A little girl's voice came from above. Looking up, a huge warship was galloping in the air, and a girl with twin ponytails on it was pointing at him and shouting.

The speed of the warship slowed down, and a young man appeared and said loudly, "Brothers below, I don't know where they came from. Are you going to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?"

"I'm Cai Kun, a disciple of Cangtianyu Deity Academy."

Li Xiaobai responded, looking at the warships above, he was not only emotional, but rich people are so nice, and the cars are all magnificent.

"A monk from the Heaven Realm?"

"You can go back, this extremely evil pure land has no place for you in the Heaven Realm."

The warship rumbled down several heights, and the powerful wind swept across, making Li Xiaobai unable to open his eyes. The young man said condescendingly with his eyes contemptuous.

The little girl with ponytails on the side also stared at her big eyes, "The monks of the Heavenly Realm, no wonder they are still on the road, what a bumpkin!"

"I have never had any contact with the two of you. This time, I won the qualification to travel to the extremely evil pure land only after winning the battlefield of the heavens."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists and said, it was the first time I saw him being picked on for no reason while walking well on the road, and it seemed that he was also a monk heading to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

"Get the win?"

"Only because you are from the Heaven Realm?"

"The battlefield of the heavens is so dangerous. Even I escaped by chance. I think you are just making up a dime. Go back and forth quickly, don't make mistakes!"

The young man said coldly, he didn't give any face, he knew some inside information, it is said that the whole army of monks in the battlefield of the heavens was wiped out, so each faction chose one person to go to the extremely evil pure land.

The fewer people who go, the more rewards he can share, so naturally he has to make some soft persimmons.

"A corner of the turtle?"

"Get away with it?"

Li Xiaobai tilted his head, the guy in front of him is really bragging and doesn't write drafts, he is the one who caused the destruction of the battlefield of the heavens, and he was picked on by the blind people.

With a sinister grin, he said, "Which domain are you from, come down, let's chat!"

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