The warship rumbled and fell straight down, crashing down towards Li Xiaobai's direction.

This is not a provocation, this is a forceful obliteration. The young man on the boat is inviolable. Seeing this bumpkin on the side of the road contradicting him again and again is unbearable for him.

The berserk breath suddenly suppressed and swept towards Li Xiaobai, but he remained motionless.

Just watching the warship land in front of him, there were not only two people on it, but also the accompanying family guards, more than ten figures flickered and surrounded Li Xiaobai.

"kill him!"

The young man waved his hand and said very proudly.


The guards didn't say much, and rushed towards Li Xiaobai with a wave of their palms.

Attribute points + 50 billion...

Attribute points +60 billion...

Attribute points +70 billion...

The momentum is like a rainbow, the strength of these monks is all above the Transcendent Realm, and the increase in attribute points is horrifying, but to Li Xiaobai it's just a painless one.

The strength and cultivation of the monks in the Twelve Realms are naturally inferior to the many geniuses in the battlefield of the heavens. He doesn't need Brother Six to take action, he alone is enough to handle this group of people.

While being bombarded by a group of monks, he remained unmoved. The first-level defense of the Ethereal Realm cannot be broken by these small fish and shrimps.

"I planned to go to Jiuhuayu to take over all of them as miners, but I never thought that there would be unsightly provocations in the middle, so I will move bricks!"

Li Xiaobai opened the forty-ninth battlefield, a big fat hand protruded from it, grabbed two young people nearby, pulled them into the battlefield in the void, and disappeared without a trace.

"how can that be!"

"What is that hand, how could you appear here unscathed!"

The pupils of the young man watching the battle from behind contracted, and a feeling of something bad was lingering in his heart. His guards shot with all their strength and the opponent was not hurt. What kind of strength does this have?

Is it really as simple as just a disciple?

"Didn't you find fault first, what are you talking about here!"

"Be obedient and follow me back to move the bricks, and you will save yourself from death!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist and took out a long sword, he slashed it down, and it was 100% launched by the empty hand and the white blade!

In just an instant, all the guards in front of them, together with the young man and the girl with two ponytails standing not far away, felt their knees go limp, their bodies kneeled down involuntarily, and their hands were raised above their heads to face Li Xiaobai. Can't afford a trace of waves.

"What kind of exercise is this, why did I kneel down!"

"This is definitely not the level that Cangtianyu disciples can achieve. You are not a disciple of Deity Academy at all, you are an elder-level master!"

"As an academy, you shamelessly sent elders to pretend to be disciples in an attempt to confuse the audition and pass the test, and now you are even attacking the winning disciples who are also in the battlefield of the heavens. Your Deity Academy must have a plan!"

"As an elder of a dean, don't you feel ashamed!"

A frightened look flashed in the young man's eyes. He provoked the wrong person and kicked him on the iron plate.

He wants to kick out as many winners as possible, but why don't other forces think so, careless!

"Did you forget that you were the one who found it first?"

"This is a fight where you found fault, and I retaliated. Life and death depend on destiny, and no one needs to complain. If you have any complaints, go to Deity Academy!"

Li Xiaobai said coldly with a calm expression.

"You can't kill me!"

"There is my soul token in the sect. If I die, the clan will know about it immediately, and you will not be able to escape the responsibility. If the senior releases me for now, he will definitely visit the door in the future and plead guilty!"

The young man was sweating layer after layer, and his mouth was dry.

"Even if you are a master, how dare you kill your aunt, I don't believe it!"

"You bullied my aunt today, and you will enter the Guangling area in the future, and you will only end up with a different head!"

The little girl with strange ponytails said with unfriendly eyes, she looked like a daughter of a rich family, and she couldn't bear to be wronged.

"I didn't say to kill you all, let me dig mines and move bricks, and integrate into the big family of harmonious development and construction!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and ten lifeless monks appeared behind him in an instant. They were dressed in rags and had dark eyes, like walking corpses, but they moved extremely swiftly. With one dodge, all the monks who were kneeling on the ground were thrown into the fortieth In the entrance of the vortex of the Nine Battlefields.

These are the Great Resentment Seeds refined from corpses. Their strength and cultivation are far superior to those of the deceased. They are transformed from the energy of resentment spirits. The only drawback is that they cannot cultivate independently.

If you want to have a powerful Great Resentment Seed, you can only find the body of a strong person for refining. For example, the body of Sixth Senior Brother who actively hides himself is very suitable, but it is not good to kill familiar ones.

"There will be unexpected surprises on the road, and my army of great grievances will soon be formed!"

Li Xiaobai manipulated the big grievances in the battlefield to plunder the monk's wealth. He was in a relaxed and happy mood. He could be regarded as one step ahead of the sixth senior brother. If it was too late, the treasure would have fallen into his pocket.

"This warship is good, take it!"

"Guangling Region seems to be a region with good strength. Using this warship should avoid a lot of trouble."

Li Xiaobai boarded the warship, found the control room with ease, and threw a pile of rare earth resources as fuel. The roar sounded again, and the creatures in the surrounding fields were frightened and scattered, and the huge monster rose up and walked in the air.


Jiuhua domain.

It seems to be no different from Cangtianyu. The speed of the warship is very fast, and it takes almost half an hour to arrive at full speed. Li Xiaobai doesn't care about rare earth resources at all, and throws them out like water.

The other warships passing by gave way one after another, and they dared not touch the slightest bit of bad luck for this kind of local tyrant's squandering.

The wooden sign guides the warships to dock on a mountaintop. At this moment, several warships, large and small, are docked above the mountaintop. There are crowds of people, and the leaders are all young talents from various forces.

"I just mentioned the Guangling domain and they arrived. Look at my mouth, but I haven't seen Guangling Fairy in a few days."

"Yeah, Guangling and Cangtian are the only ones left. It is understandable that Guangling is far away, but this Cangtian is really slow."

Seeing the warship slowly descending from above, the monks all showed smiles in their eyes.

But when they saw the figure coming down from the warship, the smiles on their faces froze. It was a strange man who came out.

"Brother Guangling, someday... Fuck, who the hell are you, why did you get off Brother Guangling's warship!"

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