Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1513 I Will Crush You Unilaterally

"Cai Kun, a disciple of Deity Academy, you are being polite here. Brother Guangling, Bo Yuntian, took the initiative to lend the warship to my younger brother. He has something to do, so he won't be here today."

Li Xiaobai got off the boat, looked at the strange faces in front of him and said.

"What about Fairy Guangling, this time the extremely evil Pure Land quota was given to her, why isn't she here?"

A monk asked suspiciously.

"She has also gone back. There are many chores at home and she needs help. That fairy has a virtuous character, and she is a filial son at first glance."

Li Xiaobai didn't blush and his heart didn't beat, he said with his eyes on his nose, his nose on his mouth, and his mouth on his heart.

"It's nonsense, how could they easily let go of such a great opportunity, and you said that Fairy Guangling has a good character, you are simply... talking nonsense!"

A young man said angrily. He wanted to refute something, but when he came to his mouth, he realized that something was wrong, so he quickly changed his words, blushing with anger.

The faces of the rest of the monks also turned cold. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that there was something wrong on the ship. If there were no accidents, the monks from Guangling Region must have had an accident.

"Cangtianyu Deity Academy, I remember that it was just a small domain, insignificant, I didn't expect to be qualified to enter the extremely evil pure land now, it really is impermanent!"

"But I'm afraid I don't know, my old man and the others have reached a consensus just now. Internal friction is prohibited before reaching the extremely evil pure land. The journey is far away and you will experience many dangerous places. You need to face it together. If someone shoots other monks without authorization, It is a taboo that must be pushed out and beheaded to achieve the effect of killing chickens and monkeys!"

"According to my judgment, the little friend is probably out of selfish desires, so he intentionally hurt others. In order to protect the unity and harmony in the team, the old body can only execute the little friend here!"

An old woman came out from the crowd. She was from the Jiuhua Region and was the host of this place. She wanted to temporarily appease these people under the banner of letting everyone live in harmony. Such a daredevil popped up as soon as she came up, it was like God was helping her.

Although she didn't know the situation, but the monks from the Guangling Region didn't show up, and she could make up an excuse to kill the little boy from the Cangtian Region. Before she left, she could subtract the division of wealth between the monks from the two regions, which was perfect.

"That's right, the old man also agrees with what Aunt Mei said."

"Guanglingyu monks can't disappear for no reason. You must know something if you can get off their warship. You can still save a little life by telling the truth at this moment. Young people, don't make mistakes!"

An old man lightly stroked his beard and said with a smile on his face.

No one in the field stopped it, whatever the reason, it must be a good thing to cut two penny guys before going.

"What I said is true, and I hope you can show me some face. Wouldn't it be nice for us to go there safely and come back smoothly?"

Li Xiaobai said helplessly that he still wanted to take a ride, but it seemed that he had to go alone again.

"Full of lies, nonsense, what are you talking about, kill him!"

"Do it!"

The surrounding cultivators couldn't hold back their killing intent and shot one after another.

In an instant, the top of the mountain was filled with colorful lights, and no one cared whether the monk from the heavenly realm was innocent or not. They only wanted to coax and kill a monk who was going to the extremely evil pure land while taking advantage of the chaos.

Not even a master guard, what is this waiting to be slaughtered?

"Hmph, I'm afraid that Cang Tianyu knew that he was no match for us, so in order to avoid losses, he simply let this unlucky disciple come out on his own. It's a pity."

The old woman looked at the smoky battlefield with cold eyes. The warships in the Guangling Region were smashed after holding on for a few breaths. Most of the shots were masters of the younger generation and a few of them High guard.

The elder level disdains to make a move, that is tantamount to surrendering one's status.

"Yes, yes, it's a pity that this kid has an arrogant and domineering face, and he doesn't know that he was sold by his own academy."

"By the way, I heard that the entire army was not wiped out in the battlefield of the heavens, and a disciple successfully came out. I don't know which genius it is."

The old man with the white beard said.

"No matter which domain the genius is, it is useless. I believe that any force will strictly protect such precious resources, and will not really let them go to the extremely evil pure land."

The old woman said indifferently, her eyes narrowed slightly, the sound of fighting gradually decreased, and the smoke and dust in the field cleared, revealing a group of figures, but they were not from the juniors of various domains, and the expressions on their faces gradually became stiff.

Li Xiaobai stood on the spot with his hands behind his back, without moving a single step. The monks who attacked him just now fell to the ground, and lifeless corpses were stepping on their faces.

"how can that be!"

"Where did these people come from? No, these people are not alive at all!"

"Corpse, you can refine corpses! You are a demon!"

The old woman screamed and jumped up like a cat whose tail had been stepped on. Her duty was to protect her young master. If something went wrong, she would have to go back with her head up.

"I wanted to get along with you as ordinary people, but what I got in exchange was estrangement. Stop pretending. I'm a contractor. I'm showing my cards. I'll go back to move bricks for you!"

With a thought in Li Xiaobai's mind, dozens of big grievances rushed out, heading straight for the masters of the major families, with the aura of resentment spirits, he is not afraid of these monks, isn't he a master, we have plenty of them.

"Where did these corpses come from? I actually met a master of corpse art. This person is not a disciple of Deity Academy at all, but an evil heretic in disguise!"

"Don't fight in close quarters, these corpses have resentment!"

Seeing the mighty army of corpses approaching, the faces of all the monks changed instantly. Let alone fighting against the corpses that were braving the sky-high purple-black resentment, they were unwilling to even touch them. The number of demons has increased greatly, and it is certain that the cultivation base has stagnated. It is impossible to say that there will be a drastic change in heart and nature, and the murderous heart will turn into an out-and-out demon.

"I have no grievances or grievances with you, why do you act like this, you are not afraid of being wanted and retaliated!"

The old woman's eyes also showed a strong look of jealousy. She hit the crutches in her hands and knocked out all the corpses that approached. Her cultivation is not good enough to be suppressed by such a few corpses.

"Senior, did you forget that you were the one who found fault first, and I just retaliated."

"Then you should also know that it is impossible to defeat the old body with such a few corpse slaves alone. It is not easy to practice, so we should not lose both!"

"Both lose? No, no, no, this is me unilaterally crushing you. Today you will all be miners for the Lord. Even if the gods come, they won't be able to keep them!"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and under the envious eyes of the crowd, hundreds of corpses came from the air wrapped in a monstrous purple flame, rushing towards the masters like bloodthirsty beasts.

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