Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1515: Meeting The Battlefield On The Road

This Peach Blossom Lord came and went without a trace, with an unknown purpose, knowing the existence of the human imperial city, who is it?

"Brother, have you ever felt something?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"A purely human body, without the slightest blood of monsters, is already very rare."

Liu Jinshui's voice came from the void, he seemed very surprised, but he didn't take any action. The human body can survive in this world, and it has its own set of survival rules without external interference.

Li Xiaobai "It looks like he is also looking for the Human Race Imperial City, and he may have entered it before."

"It's meaningless to look for the imperial city. Whether it's before or after it's destroyed, it's just a temporary shelter for pure-blooded humans. It's just a city, and you won't get any real benefits if you enter it. The fat man thinks that this person is probably a I have misunderstood the Human Race Emperor City."

"However, this person's cultivation is not bad. He has just entered the fairyland, and he can be regarded as a top expert in this poor mountain valley like yours."

Liu Jinshui said, directly pointing out the strength and cultivation of the Peach Blossom Lord. As he said, the Human Race Emperor City is just a city. There are no resources, no treasure house, and not even a book of exercises. It's just the heavy precipitation of history.

Going in and looking up at it is still talking about the past, and it is delusional to want to find something in it.

"Fairy God Realm!"

"Isn't that a strong man who controls a little power of law!"

Li Xiaobai was startled, the master who surpassed the realm of the gods, the always smiling senior brother Huahua is so strong, but with such a cultivation level, why is he willing to hide in a place like Tianshen Academy?

"It's just big ants. As long as it doesn't hinder our miner's plan, don't bother with it. Hurry up and start. The fat man can already feel the call from the main body!"

Liu Jinshui urged, thinking that Er Gouzi was running around the world carrying his dead body, he would be furious, this dead dog is always so unreliable in doing things.

"Use the warships from the Jiuhua Region. This region seems to have a high status, so it should save you a lot of trouble."

Li Xiaobai glanced at the several surviving warships, and he fell in love with the middle one, which was a circle larger than the other warships and belonged to the Jiuhua domain, where monks from other domains could gather. The energy of a domain is not small.

"Ma De, if I knew it earlier, I should have acted faster and grabbed some resources. Just catching a few disciples won't make any money."

Li Xiaobai started the warship cursingly. The larger the ship, the more resources and fuel it would need. The geniuses he captured didn't have many rare earth resources, which meant that the future journey would have to be paid for by himself. money.

"So, if you hesitate, you will lose."

"Little brother, you have to understand the importance of making up the knife in many cases."

Liu Jinshui's voice came again, feeling a little gloating.

Li Xiaobai summoned a great grievance to control the ship, while he sank into the forty-ninth battlefield to observe the progress of the project.

It has to be said that this kind of project is still efficient only if it follows the mass line. If it is about individual heroism, it will not know that it will be built until the year of the monkey.

A magnificent white city has already landed, only a few details are missing, and Liu Jinshui also sent monks to explore this battlefield, marking all dangerous areas.

Except that no veins were found, everything else was fine.

"Junior brother, such a battlefield is a natural sacred place in the forbidden area. In the future, it can be integrated into a famous river and mountain. In this way, you will be the master of this dojo. Whether it is building a city or breeding a big resentment With half the effort, if there are believers, this land will expand on its own."

Liu Jinshui said.

You must know that even in the original Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the land of Buddha's light was only a small village at the beginning. It was the former Lord Buddha who recruited believers with great compassion and made the ashram bigger and stronger step by step, which led to today's achievements.

"The younger brother is also looking for the blessed land."

Li Xiaobai responded that many people had said similar words to him along the way, that the power of rules that can suppress one's cultivation, and using it properly would be a remarkable existence.

"When you reach the fairyland, you need the blessing of the power of rules. You usually comprehend it by yourself. However, junior brother, you have your own rules on the battlefield, and you can directly use them to refine them. The problem that has stumped countless people lies with you. It can be regarded as a solution, and the fortune is unparalleled."

Liu Jinshui said with a little envy that even he didn't have the power of rules ready to use back then, and he came from his own enlightenment.

"The power of rules required for every step of improvement in the realm of immortals and gods is huge. If you cultivate Taoism in a realm like Fat Lord, even the Dao of 3,000 is not enough to fit your teeth."

"That's natural. Brother is invincible in the world. There are few rivals in this world. It's hard for my younger brother to hold a candle to him."

Li Xiaobai smiled and complimented.

These six senior brothers spoke too much, half-truths and half-false, but he understood the general meaning that every promotion after the Immortal God Realm required the power of rules to support it.

"It's good to know, quickly find that broken dog, and take back the body that belongs to the fat man!"

Liu Jinshui nodded in satisfaction, and the younger brother was more flattering and awesome. In the past, bragging in front of the younger brother was usually beaten to pieces, without any sense of superiority.

The two chatted happily, and the boat shook suddenly, as if it had hit something.

Li Xiaobai lost his mind and stood up from the deck.

"What's the situation, have you encountered faultfinding again?"

The Great Resentment didn't speak, and pointed to the bottom of the ship. The speed of the warship was very fast, and it had completely left the Jiuhua Territory. Below it was a city, where the battle was raging, and it was plunged into a sea of ​​flames. Their colorful exercises seemed very chaotic.

Just now the ship crashed into a cultivator standing in mid-air, so it had to stop.

The big grievances have low intelligence, and they don't know how to dodge without manipulation.

"Where did that warship come from? Elder Sun was smashed by it!"

"No, there are helpers in this ruined city, that ship is their reinforcements, shoot it down quickly!"

Seeing the scene in front of them, the siege monks below twisted their faces. Dozens of escaped light soared into the sky and surrounded the battleships.

"The flag of Jiuhuayu!"

"Your Excellency is a cultivator from Jiuhuayu, why do you want to meddle in the affairs of my Huntianyu!"

Seeing the logo on the ship clearly, the leader of the big man said coldly, revealing his ferocity.

Li Xiaobai glanced at the battle situation below, understood the general idea in his heart, and said lightly with his hands behind his back, "I am doing things in Jiuhuayu, why should I explain to others, and ask your managers to come and see me!"

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