Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1516 Get Rich First And Get Rich Later

The blue veins on the neck of the big man in the lead burst out, he suppressed the anger in his heart and said, Jiuhuayu is still very prosperous, its strength should not be underestimated, if it is not necessary, don't make enemies.

"Ma De, waste so many words, let me crawl!"

"How can you intervene in my Jiuhuayu's affairs, stop the battlefield quickly, and stay away!"

Li Xiaobai put his hands behind his back and said lightly, Jiuhuayu was responsible for all the blame, and he didn't have any pressure at all.

There was a war in this place, and many monks died below. It was a natural breeding ground for the great resentment species. After a search, a large wave of corpse slaves came into the account.

"You bastard, I'm afraid you won't succeed if you really are a grandfather!"

"I didn't expect that Jiuhuayu was so ambitious that he dared to intervene in the affairs of other clans. Is this what Jiuhuayu meant, or the meaning of the extremely evil pure land!"

"Take it!"

The burly man at the head was furious, screaming, the veins on his hands bulged like horned dragons, and the terrifying fist prints condensed into a gluttonous mouth, biting down on the warship where Li Xiaobai was on.

The momentum of this technique is frightening, and half of the sky is covered by the big mouth that covers the clouds and the sun. Whether it is the attacking monks or the city covered in flames, they are all shrouded in this huge shadow.

"The cultivators of Jiuhuayu have enraged Master Sun, this hand of Taotie Fist will either kill or disable you!"

"Yes, yes, this is a fist that devours the power of blood. It is said that it was acquired during the travels of the adults, and its power is extraordinary!"

The sound of fighting below gradually subsided, and the monks stared at the sky without blinking their eyes. This kind of power is hard to see on weekdays.

On the top of the wall, a middle-aged man was trembling, with a look of despair on his face.

"It turned out that they didn't use all their strength at all. Seeing that their cultivation has reached the second level of the Void Spirit Realm, they are a little bit stronger than me. My Hunyuan City is in danger. I have no face to meet the ancestors of the following springs!"

"Father, isn't there another fellow Taoist, maybe he is also a master!"

A woman with a battle robe and a long spear beside her said, her heroic spirit was overwhelming.

"So what? Judging from his young appearance, he should be a genius from the Jiuhua Region. Seeing the injustice, his blood is surging, and he wants to take care of everything. I have seen this kind of young man a lot these years, and he has not recognized his last It will only end badly, what a pity for such a good seed..."

The middle-aged man wanted to continue to say something, but the scene he saw in the next second shocked him for a hundred years.

The warship was enveloped by the Taotie Fist, crushed to pieces, but that figure was the only one who remained indifferent, with his hands behind his back, and never suffered the slightest injury.

The prestige faded, Li Xiaobai stood on the spot intact, stepping on the golden chariot, his face full of resentment, what a good warship, it was destroyed just like that.


"It's impossible to be unscathed by my Taotie Fist!"

"There are only a handful of monks in the Jiuhua Territory who can take this trick and are intact, but I have never heard of a number one person like you. Who are you and what is your intention to break into our camp!"

That Lord Sun's eyeballs almost burst open, his all-out attack got such an effect that he couldn't even hurt a single hair, what kind of cultivation is this?

Can't even do the four god-peeping realms, is it an elder-level powerhouse who is in the realm of the gods?

"I've never heard that it's because you are ignorant. I didn't expect that someone in this small Huntian Territory would dare to disobey the meaning of my Jiuhua Territory, and let the Lord dig mines!"

Li Xiaobai swung down the long sword in his hand, and was 100% caught empty-handed!

In an instant, all the monks fell from the sky like kites with broken strings, unable to move their bodies. At the same time, the forty-ninth battlefield opened, and a vortex of spiritual energy appeared on the surface, and the monks fell into it and disappeared.

"what happened?"

"Master Sun was kidnapped by monks from the Jiuhuayu?"

"What is the vortex that I got just now, some kind of skill?"

The audience was shocked, and the monks couldn't care less about fighting. When a suspected enemy appeared, the two parties took a step back in a tacit understanding to deal with the next matter.

Especially with such an unknown monster.

"It's because I have a small structure. I only pay attention to the corpses. In fact, there is no difference between the living and the dead. They can all be included in the bag. Those who can breathe can be miners, and those who can't breathe can be big grievances. It's simple and clear."

Li Xiaobai murmured to himself, he was playing the name of Jiuhuayu, he was afraid of wool, so he just took all the litter that should be collected.

The forty-ninth battlefield unfolded directly, and in an instant, the ruins of the war-torn ruins turned into a desolate blood-colored soil.

"Stop fighting. Violence can't solve any problems, but wealth can. Get rich first and get rich later. Fellow Taoists, dig mines for the little brother first, accumulate wealth, and when the little brother is on the rise, I will take you to fly!"

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, the battlefield was closed, and all the monks disappeared, leaving only a group of defending monks standing on the top of the city, with their mouths wide open and their faces full of disbelief.

"Dare to ask the hero's name, the Lord of Hunyuan City, I will come to the door in person to thank you in the future, in order to repay today's kindness!"

The old man on the city gate said loudly, he has never seen such a young master, even a genius disciple like the pure land of bliss is at this level, is the one below really a monk from Jiuhuayu?

"When the road is injustice, let out a yell, and take action when it is time to do so. This is the duty of my generation of monks!"

"I grew up in the Jiuhua Region since I was a child, and was deeply taught by the elders. Now that I have traveled the world, I dare not forget it. Don't thank me. If you want to thank me, go thank the many masters in the Jiuhua Region!"

Li Xiaobai also said loudly, his face was not red at all, and what he said seemed to be true.

His eyes scanned the Hunyuan City up and down. If he was not afraid of making too much noise, he would have the urge to move the entire city away.

"My little girl thanked my fellow daoist for your help here. If you don't mind, please come to the city to talk about it, so that I can wait and express my gratitude to you as a landlord."

On the city wall, the female cultivator in a war robe said with a finger spear.

"Although it is not easy to move the city directly, it is no problem to get some oil and water."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, there is no distinction between good and evil in this kind of dispute, and since Hunyuan City was attacked, it means there must be something to fish for.

At least get another warship.

"Alright, that's it, then I will bother you!"

Li Xiaobai stepped into the city gate with a smile, but he didn't see a stern look in the eyes of the female cultivator on the city wall.

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