Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 153: Pudong Cocks Can Trick People

"My life is over!"

Ji Wuqing flapped her wings desperately, trying her best to avoid the attack of the giant lava beast behind her.

The entire sky turned into a sea of ​​flames, and its tail was completely burned. Fortunately, its speed was not slow, and it flew far away in a short time.

A huge fist of lava smashed down from the sky, and the void was scorching hot. Before the fist arrived, the hair on Ji Wuqing's body was already burning.

The hairs all over its body stood on end, and it felt a strong sense of crisis.

"Hehe, the power of this deity is about to disappear, find Li Xiaobai and ask him to rescue the silly dog!"

Ji Wuqing screamed up to the sky, spread her wings, wrapped Ouyang Shuang'er tightly in her arms, and forcibly resisted the fire fist that incinerated everything with her body.


In an instant, the multicolored light on the Phoenix's body dimmed, and the purple gold phoenix crown exploded, spraying blood.

The fist in the void pierced Ji Wuqing's heart easily, and the horrible blood hole kept burning.

Ji Wuqing's eyes lost their spirit and fell from the sky.

It turned into a scorched grass chicken again, and rolled into Ouyang Shuang'er's arms.


Ouyang Shuang'er was completely frightened, she could not accept anything that happened today, firstly, the little friend who was joking around with her turned into a beast for no reason.

Then he inexplicably offended Huolin Cave, the top force in Zhongzhou, and now he is hunted down, and his little friend died tragically.

She felt as if she was living in a dream.

Shaking his head, he got up, picked up the little grass chicken, turned and ran.

In any case, she finally escaped, and she couldn't sit still, she swore silently in her heart that as long as she could return to Zhenyuan Country safely this time, she would never go to any secret or dangerous place again in her life.

The outside world is too dangerous, let's be a princess honestly.

After a few breaths.

The void suddenly exploded, and several figures appeared out of thin air, searching the world.

There was some confusion on their faces.

"What's going on, I just clearly saw them fall in this area, why can't I feel any breath at this moment?"

"Maybe it's because the monster that looks like a phoenix hasn't died yet, it's pretty fast."

"Don't talk so much, we are only in charge of this area, other areas are in charge of others, since there is no sign of them, let's go back."

"Alright, the Qilin beast is the most important thing..."

In the valley clearing.

Old Chen listened to the reports of his subordinates with a gloomy face.

A divine beast that might have the blood of the phoenix just slipped away from under his nose. Perhaps because of the talent of the blood, I still know too little about the phoenix.

But as long as this monster is still in the Fairy Continent, it will only be a matter of time before it is found.

"The Qilin beast was able to get acquainted with the phoenix. It seems that the old man is going to change his mind about you. You are much better than other beasts in terms of making friends."

Old Chen said, untiing Er Gouzi's comfort.

"Wang, old rabbit, your Lord Ergouzi is a supreme existence, and a mere Qilin rabbit is worthy of being compared with your Lord Ergouzi?"

Er Gouzi exploded in anger, exhaling fragrance.

Ji Wuqing's life and death are uncertain, and it is extremely angry.

Hearing this, Mr. Chen's complexion changed, and he tied Er Gouzi firmly again.

"Qilin beast, the ancestor of manners, how can you say such vulgar words!"

"Now you may not have started the bloodline inheritance. It doesn't matter. When you receive the bloodline baptism in Huolin Cave, those memories of the ancient times will reappear in your mind."

"You were found by the old man's team. The old man hopes that you can defeat the rest of the Qilin beasts and become the overlord!"

Mr. Chen said that finding a Qilin beast scattered on the mainland is already a great achievement. If his Qilin beast can defeat the others, then his status in the Huolin Cave will also rise, and he will be admired by thousands of people. The presence.

Er Gouzi expressed disdain for this, and he didn't want to go to Huolin Cave at all.

However, starting the bloodline inheritance seems to be able to cultivate powerful skills and gain strength, which makes it very tempting. If it can have a cultivation base, the first thing it needs to do is to kill the old guy in front of it.

"Let's go. The harvest in the small world is nothing compared to the Qilin beast. This time, we will go home directly and no longer interfere with the secret realm."

"In addition, find two people to go to Zhenyuan Country to inquire and find that girl just now. She must know the whereabouts of the monster with the blood of the Phoenix!"



at the same time.

Somewhere outside the jungle, a Lamborghini is speeding and rampaging.

Countless creatures on the side of the road fled in all directions, and rumors had already spread in the secret realm. There was a ruthless man who rode a strangely shaped mount and savagely charged in the secret realm. Be it monsters or monks, they were all crushed and suffered heavy casualties.

"Where did Li Xiaobai come from begging to die?"

"I don't know, it's too fierce, gods block and kill gods, stop talking, run!"

"His ranking has improved again, and he jumped up to several hundred!"

"I heard the roar of that giant beast, run!"

The monks stared at the rankings on the small tokens with horror on their faces.

Kneeling and begging to die Li Xiaobai's ranking has been rising, and almost most of the monks in the secret realm have received the reminder of the small token at this moment, and their rankings have all automatically dropped by one.

Many monks have been kicked out of the list, obviously, they have been eliminated.

As soon as the monks in the secret realm heard a powerful roar, no matter what they were doing, they would immediately turn around and run away.

Because they can't afford to provoke this god of death.

Li Xiaobai was driving the car, feeling a little depressed. His ranking had been improved, but it seemed that his information had been leaked. The Lamborghini's shape was too conspicuous. Often, people would run away before the car arrived.

For a while, the rankings on the list stagnated.

list of people.

The 1111th begged to die Li Xiaobai.

It seems that my behavior has been discovered by someone with a heart, and I have figured out my behavior pattern. Now in the secret realm, almost no one gathers together.

The operation of trying to quickly improve the ranking by driving into people is not feasible.

30000 attribute points.

All defensive.

The defensive power of the nine-turn indestructible golden body can be advanced at the ninth turn (52000100000).

Checked the system panel.

The increase in attribute points is quite considerable, more than half, and it is estimated that after leaving the secret realm, he will be able to advance to the next stage of defense.

After a brief tidying up, he turned the steering wheel and set off towards his original destination.

The Lamborghini was in a hurry, quickly shuttling through the jungle, but at this moment, Li Xiaobai caught a glimpse of a figure leaning under a big tree from the corner of his eye.

His pupils shrank suddenly, and he frantically turned the steering wheel with his hands, and an elegant one flashed forward.

"Miss Shuang'er, why are you here?"

"This is... Ji Wuqing?"

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