It was Ouyang Shuang'er who collapsed beside the big tree.

At this time, Ouyang Shuang'er was out of breath, her face was pale, and she looked very panicked.

After seeing the black mass in his arms again, Li Xiaobai's heart suddenly burst into anger.

"Who did this?"

"What happened to you?"

"Where is the second dog?"

Seeing Li Xiaobai and Ouyang Shuang'er was like seeing a savior, and burst into tears.

"Er Gouzi was captured by the masters of Huolin Cave. They said that Er Gouzi was a Qilin beast, and they wanted to kill me. It was Ji Wuqing who rescued me, but it..."

"I really don't know anything. I was targeted by experts for no reason. Huolin Cave is a top force. If they want to kill me, even my father can't keep it!"

She is just a twenty-year-old girl, her cultivation level is not high, and her social circle is not wide on weekdays. She has never seen such a big scene of life and death fighting today.

The most important thing is that she didn't do anything, didn't know anything, and was targeted by the top forces in the mainland for no reason.

The outside world is really scary!

Li Xiaobai was furious in his heart, and it depends on the owner to beat the dog. The people in Huolin Cave are so arrogant, and they directly catch the dog, which is too domineering.

I have heard about Huolin Cave. This is a Zhongzhou force that even the coir raincoat man Xiexiu feared back then, and it is considered a top sect.

This time, the old man who captured Er Gouzi's team is also a master of the tribulation period. Even if he passes by now, he may not be able to rescue Er Gouzi successfully.

According to what Ouyang Shuang'er said, the opponent needs Er Gouzi to participate in the selection among the beasts, so it seems that there will be no major problems in a short time.

He first increased his defensive power, and then went to Zhongzhou to find Er Gouzi.

Well, it's decided!

"Miss Shuang'er, don't be sad, it's all over, and you didn't get nothing this time. I brought you all the herbs under the speech. If you refine them all, your strength will definitely increase rapidly."

"I'll give you a 10% discount."

Li Xiaobai said.

"But Mr. Li, your monster is also dead..."

Ouyang Shuang'er was afraid to look at Li Xiaobai, although she was an innocent victim, but no matter what, Ji Wuqing died to save her.

"Well, let's die if you die, it's no big deal, get in the car, let's go to the place where the treasure was born first."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

The characteristic of the Pudong rooster is that the more times it dies, the stronger it will become, and after an hour, it will be resurrected with full blood on the spot.

A trace of doubt flashed in Ouyang Shuang'er's eyes. It seemed that Ji Wuqing and Li Xiaobai should undoubtedly be partners and have a good relationship. Why is the other party acting so indifferent and casual now?

Sure enough, the boss's world is cold-blooded and ruthless.

In the driver's seat, Ouyang Shuang'er was depressed. This trip was very different from what she had imagined.

Li Xiaobai turned on the music switch in the car casually, and the pleasant and melodious music floated out slowly, making the atmosphere in the car much better.

"Heck, I'm scared to death!"

"Boy, come and talk to Hua Zi for this deity!"

The little grass chicken in Ouyang Shuang'er's arms suddenly jumped three feet high.

Shaking the charred shell on his body, he regained his previous spirit.

"Ah You……"

Ouyang Shuang'er was taken aback. Isn't Ji Wuqing already dead? Why did she come back to life?

"Isn't it normal for the undead Divine Phoenix to come back to life?"

"Don't make a fuss about the little girl, but you were able to find Li Xiaobai, which is beyond my expectation, very good!"

"Boy, your new mount is not bad. That truck was taken away by Huolin Cave. It's time to change it."

After the resurrection, Ji Wuqing was possessed by chatterboxes, and her mouth never stopped, chattering endlessly.

"So, what is the cultivation level of the person who killed you?"

Li Xiaobai asked, and handed over a Huazi.

Ji Wuqing came back from the dead, and needed to take root Huazi to suppress the shock.

"Generally, if the deity blows a breath, it can be ashes and annihilated."

Ji Wuqing took a small mouthful of Huazi, exhaled a smoke ring, and said calmly.

Li Xiaobai's forehead is full of black lines, "Speaking of human words..."

"Heck, I'm a master of the Huolin Cave, with the Huo Qilin blood in my cultivation, and my subordinates are all Huo Qilin primordial spirits. Their strength is just like that. I just don't want to haggle with them."

Ji Wuqing squinted at Ouyang Shuang'er, and said lightly.

Ouyang Shuang'er completely fell into a sluggish state. She felt that the world was a little crazy, and such nonsense things as death and resurrection could happen. She saw too many incredible things today, and everything she experienced in half an hour was worse than the sum of the first half of her life. Be exciting.

There was some blackness in front of my eyes, and I fainted.

Li Xiaobai shook his head, this woman still lacked exercise, such a small thing scared her out of her wits.

But now that the Lingshi has not been obtained, she cannot be let go.

"She fainted, you can tell the truth." Li Xiaobai reminded.

"Grandma, a group of old immortals dare to kill this deity. One day, this deity will flatten that Laoshizi Huolin Cave!"

Ji Wuqing's pent-up anger spewed out like a volcanic eruption. With the blood of the phoenix, the incomparably noble existence was killed by a little monk. It couldn't stand it.

"Boy, when are we going to fight back?"

"Don't worry about this. There is no danger of Ergouzi's life for the time being. It may not be a bad thing to start the bloodline inheritance to improve your strength. I have to improve my strength first, and then I can go to Zhongzhou to retrieve Ergouzi." Li Xiaobai took a sip of Huazi, Said lightly.

"By the way, this little girl has reported her family name to those people, and the people in Huolin Cave may find trouble with Zhenyuan Kingdom." Ji Wuqing said.

"Most of the monks in Zhenyuan Kingdom have their eyes above the top and are full of bookishness. It's good to be taught a lesson. Let's get the Lingshi first. If people from Huolin Cave dare to come to the Northern Territory, we will have a bad day."

"Hey, I understand..."


An hour later, in the passenger seat, Ouyang Shuang'er woke up slowly.

When she saw Ji Wuqing still alive and kicking in front of her, she understood that she was not dreaming, this little grass chicken really came back to life.

The facts were before her eyes, and she couldn't help but not believe it.

It seems that everything connected with Li Xiaobai is extraordinary, this is the case with Er Gouzi and Ji Wuqing, and it is the same with this new mount that he is riding now.

The vehicle moved forward slowly and reached the edge of a jungle.

In front was an open space, barren, without grass, only a lonely thatched hut quietly sitting there.

The dazzling golden beam of light pierced the sky from this hut, no need to ask, there must be a treasure in this hut.

Just as Li Xiaobai was about to drive over, Ji Wuqing who was at the side suddenly stretched out a paw and pressed the steering wheel.

"Heck, boy, something is wrong with this place, don't go there yet!"

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