Liu Jinshui yelled angrily, wishing he could rush out immediately to repair the fat figure on the throne, but then thought about it, it seemed to be his own body, so it was better to beat himself.

"What else do you have to say?"

The figure on the throne said coldly.

"The disciple failed the good intentions of Lord Beast God, and has nothing to say, so I will go back to the Heavenly God Academy in the Cangtianyu to accept the crime!"

Li Xiaobai leaned over and said.

"Hmph, things that can't be supported by mud, get lost!"

He was very displeased with the figure, and after angrily scolded, the surrounding starry sky shifted, turning into erupting magma purgatory, and turning into pieces of blue and deep sea of ​​death, exuding endless murderous intent.

It seems to be intimidating and showing his own authority, but Li Xiaobai knows that all of this is fake, just an illusion, and it is essentially the same old broken house!

After bowing and saluting, he withdrew.

"Brother, how can your physical body still speak, and it doesn't sound like your voice?"

After leaving the palace gate, Li Xiaobai asked.

"Made, it's Ergou's grandson who is behind the scenes. Fat Lord, my body is in a deep sleep. How can I wake up without essence and blood?"

"Little brother, this poor dog is playing tricks, find it out, and clean it up!"

Liu Jinshui's voice entered his mind, and Li Xiaobai could imagine his grinning expression.

"Well, my brother thinks so too."

With a thought in Li Xiaobai's mind, an identical figure appeared in front of him, walking towards the outside of the forest.

"Even a clone, when did it become so awesome."

Liu Jinshui was surprised. He could tell at a glance that this was a clone with autonomous consciousness. Although the strength was weak, there was no problem at all as a bait.

"It's all about differentiating yourself, you can't get on the stage."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, and a stack of talismans appeared in his hand again, with a faint light flickering, and his figure gradually disappeared in place.

Let the avatar go out to lure a wave, but the little clay figurine can't see the clue, and he will secretly send it back, find Er Gouzi's lair, and repair it severely.

"Made, stinky brother, let labor and capital become human shields!"

"Look back for a chance to kill you!"

The avatar had a bad personality, and walked away cursing.

In the shadows, the little clay figurine quietly followed behind, hanging not too close or far away.

"Sure enough, there is something tricky. That guy can't let you go so easily. There must be some plot behind it."

Liu Jinshui said lightly.

"Brother, where are we going next?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Go back, go around, Ergou has a lot of treasures, there must be a hiding place!"

"The blindfold just now is enough to show that the poor dog's body has also changed, and I'm afraid he can't show much of his strength."

Liu Jinshui said slowly, is it really necessary to have the strength of the past, and still need such tricks? Obviously a guilty conscience!

"So good!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and the golden chariot rose under his feet, and it walked quietly towards the back of the hall, and the systematic talisman concealed his figure so that he would not be found.

At this moment, the mastermind behind the scenes should be manipulating the little clay figurine to follow the clone far away. If he has no time to think about other things, it is a good time to sneak in secretly.

The extremely evil pure land territory is very small, and there are not many places in total. After searching door to door, it was quickly discovered.

There is nothing special in the stone house, and nothing is stored, but there are many traces of loose soil on the back mountain.

The soil is loose and has been rummaged, so something should be buried inside.

"Yes, here it is, junior brother, dig it out!"

Liu Jinshui said.

"Come on!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist and took out a long sword. He inserted the blade into the muddy ground, and the magic-sealing sword unfolded. The whole mountain had the tendency of melting ice and snow in an instant, and the soil under his feet surged like a thousand waves, revealing A sarcophagus was opened.

"Fatty's coffin board!"

"Senior brother, don't panic, I'll dig it out for you!"

Li Xiaobai lifted the lid of the coffin with his hands, revealing a fat male corpse inside. It was Liu Jinshui, whose body stayed here intact.

"The body is fine. The one on the throne just now should have used Fat Lord's void projection. It is sensible not to directly move the body."

Liu Jinshui muttered, the body was covered with a strange formation, the gray mist permeated the whole body to isolate the air mechanism, it was because of the existence of this formation that it was impossible to accurately perceive the exact location of the body .

"How to deal with the formation?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"It's a bit tricky. It's not an ordinary formation. It will take a lot of effort to untie it. Let's get it out first. Open the battlefield and throw it in."

Liu Jinshui said.


"By the way, it's impossible for Ergou to just dig up Fat Master's body, and he must have taken away a lot of treasures. Digging more should be rewarding!"

"Brother, don't worry, it's all right!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and began to work on the hill.


Half an hour later, the data of the avatar just now on the system interface disappeared, and no information was transmitted, but there was no doubt that it was black-handed.

The motive of the little clay figurine's stalking was impure, and the purpose was actually to kill people and seize treasures.

"Someone is coming, hide first!"

Liu Jinshui said.

Li Xiaobai activated the talisman again, concealed himself, and lay down beside a stone pile, watching silently ahead.

A dark shadow sneaked out, landed on all fours, petite, ran into the back hill looking left and right, and could vaguely hear cursing and muttering.

"Ma De, actually used a clone to lie to me, that kid is dead!"

"Forget it, it's all right, send an ultimatum stripe later, let Cang Tianyu pay for this kid, as long as the resources are in place, nothing else matters."

With a snow-white figure and a familiar male duck voice, Li Xiaobai recognized Er Gouzi with just one glance.

"Let's say it is pretending to be a ghost, and even the creatures that are close at hand can't detect it. It must have a big problem!"

Liu Jinshui said.

It's a good show.

The little broken dog still had the original appearance, like a husky, running up to a pile of dirt and digging.

What I saw was not a familiar coffin, but a wine jar exuding a familiar smell.

"what happened?"

"Why is it a wine jar, have you ever buried this stuff?"

"What about the coffin, did you dig it in the wrong place?"

Er Gouzi talked to himself, took out the wine jar, unplugged it, and the stench poured into his nostrils, so he couldn't vomit it up.

"Fuck, what is this? It can be stored in a wine jar and buried in the ground. It shouldn't be an ordinary product, the flesh and blood of some kind of creature?"

"It's also rotten and smelly flesh and blood, can it still be eaten?"

After hundreds of years, it no longer remembers what it did.

He stretched out his paw and put it in his mouth. In the next second, his entire face turned green.

"Your immortal bastard, bastard, get out of here, your grandpa will kill you!"

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