Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1526 Human-Dog Love Unfinished

Er Gouzi was furious, the sour taste in the sauerkraut jar reminded him of what he did back then.

It was the one who buried it in the Imperial City with its own hands, and it turned green from eating its own shit.

Needless to say, the coffin is gone, the wine jar is back, there is no doubt that it is Liu Jinshui, that guy came back to settle accounts with him!


"What kind of a hero is hiding in the dark? The guy named Cai Kun just now must have been sent by you, but he only knows how to hide his head and show his tail, and his strength is greatly limited compared to yours!"

"Without a physical body, the outcome is still in doubt. Ma De, I counted you as a fat man back then, so hurry up and fight your grandfather for 300 rounds!"

Er Gouzi screamed, his ears flickered from time to time, he scanned his surroundings vigilantly, and suddenly thought of something, he hurried up the mountain, screaming all the way.

The treasures are all gone, and the surface has traces of being rummaged and excavated. All the treasures have been emptied, and there is not even a hair left.

This is someone cutting off the beard, it's really wicked.

"Ergou, I haven't seen you for five hundred years, and I'm still so noisy."

"In this extremely evil pure land, but you can stay at ease?"

Li Xiaobai removed the talisman that concealed his figure, walked out from the shadows, and said with a smile.

"You are……"

Er Gouzi narrowed his eyes and looked at Li Xiaobai. Not everyone knew this familiar title.

"it's me."

Li Xiaobai took off the human skin mask, revealing his true face.

"Boy, it's you..."

"You have come to the fairyland!"

Er Gouzi's eyes were wide open, and his face was full of disbelief.

"It's me, Ergou, I've come to the world of immortals and gods, I want to find those people from back then, and avenge my cultivators from the Zhongyuan world!"

"I'm glad you survived!"

Li Xiaobai nodded and said with a smile, the joy of reuniting old friends is uncontrollable.

But then the other party's next sentence almost didn't make him half dead.

Er Gouzi tilted his head, and said the quintessence of the country, "Fuck, why are you not dead?"


Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, sure, he was still the same old dog, without any change.

"Wang, boy, you took the things, you entered the imperial city, you took my wine jar, and now you still come to my place to steal the corpse!"

"Do you know how hard I have worked to protect brother Liu Jinshui's body all these years?"

"Five hundred years, do you know how I got here for five hundred years!"

Er Gouzi's eyeballs rolled around, and a villain came and complained first.

"Brother Liu Jinshui left a physical body for future generations and wanted to continue the inheritance, but the evil forces came wave after wave. It was me who resisted desperately and snatched his body out under the siege of many gods. , and now it has been meticulously taken care of for ten years, carefully checking every day whether the body is decayed, whether the blood has disappeared, and you kid actually poached it without saying a word!"

"Hurry up and return the body, otherwise Brother Liu will be so sad when he finds out about it. So many immortals have never done anything to him, and finally he was broken in the hands of his own people. Is it true in your heart? Don't you feel ashamed at all?"

Er Gouzi said righteously, full of enthusiasm, as if what he said was true.

If it wasn't for the fact that Liu Jinshui himself was hiding in the forty-ninth battlefield at this moment, Li Xiaobai would have almost believed it.

This poor dog has a set of nonsense to make up.

"In this way, the Sixth Senior Brother's body was preserved thanks to you?"

Li Xiaobai said with a half-smile.

"Hmph, that's natural, boy, you were really taken aback by jumping out just now, but looking at it now, you are very weak, a mere ant in the Void Spirit Realm, how dare you call this god by his first name?" !"

"Change your words, and call me Lord Master from now on!"

After a brief shock, Ergouzi regained his composure, glanced up and down at Li Xiaobai, and said indifferently.

"Silly dog, Fat Master sees that you are tired of living, and actually took out Fat Master's body to do such a deceitful, deceitful and shameful thing. Who gave you the courage!"

A vortex emerged in the void, and a figure jumped out of it, grabbed the little broken dog by the tail and picked it up.

"Junior brother, we have something to eat tonight, stew this guy, make up for it!"

"This is a dog that can fight immortals and gods. If you eat him, your cultivation will improve a little bit!"

Liu Jinshui's eyes shot fire, and he said with a grin.

"Fuck, why are you here? Aren't you nailed to a stone pillar?"

Er Gouzi was trampled on his tail, and screamed loudly. He was always a little guilty when he saw the owner come to the door.

"Made, the fat man knew that you knew everything, and you already knew that the fat man was pinned down, so you decided to die, just to plot against your grandfather's body!"

Liu Jinshui was furious. In order to enjoy his body to himself, this poor dog was so mad that he knew of his existence but didn't help him.

"Wang, there is nothing to save, it's just a clone, if it's gone, it's gone!"

"Back then, you said it yourself. You chose the path yourself, and it was up to you whether you lived or died. If you ran away before the battle, those guys would definitely skin you if they found out!"

Er Gouzi yelled, and bit Liu Jinshui's arm with a big grin. Sparks flew everywhere, and he grinned in pain.

"Made's avatar is still so hard, is there any reason?"

"Hmph, you know what a fool, Fatty, I call it conservation of strength. Everyone is a battle madman. How can we do it regardless of the consequences? There must be a general in the rear. Fatty, I am that general!"

Liu Jinshui curled his lips, and he knew that this poor dog would talk about him as a deserter.

"Soy sauce?"

"Dip it in vinegar?"

Er Gouzi grinned, full of sarcasm, "Only with a military strategy like this seat can guard the Quartet. From now on, you two will follow me, one weak chicken, one corpse, I will take you flying!"

"Ergou, I'm afraid your strength will not be what it used to be. Since I'm here today, I will take over this extremely evil pure land from now on. When I regain my strength, I will go find some senior brothers and sisters."

Li Xiaobai pulled Er Gouzi over, swayed twice and said.


"What about your cultivation?"

Li Xiaobai wondered.

"The Dao Fruit has been stolen, Ma De, you must kill that bastard!"

Er Gouzi said indignantly that it only had copper skin and iron bones, and its cultivation base was gone.

"You deserve it, you can't live with your sins, quickly untie the formation on Fat Master's body, wake up Fat Master's physical body, and he will rule the world soon!"

Liu Jinshui said, the formation is extremely mysterious, although his blood essence clone can be untied, but it must consume a lot of energy, and he can't waste any more before successfully awakening the main body.

"It can't be untied, it's the bullying pattern that I planted when I had a cultivation level, and now I can't untie it without my cultivation level."

Er Gouzi said dryly, "Why don't you help me find the Dao fruit first, and then I will help you untie your flesh body?"

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