Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1527 Build High Walls, Accumulate Food Widely, And Slowly Become King

Liu Jinshui narrowed his eyes and asked.

"Being taken away by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, that unlucky bald donkey killed me and dragged Daoguo away."

Er Gouzi said in a dazed tone.

What Li Xiaobai heard was in the mist, Daoguo seemed to be a brand new realm, able to condense all the knowledge he had learned into a reality, and that's how Er Gouzi was murdered.

"Elder Sister has said long ago that the Dao Fruit Realm is the most dangerous realm. In the eyes of others, it is almost a sweet pastry. It is a walking human-shaped pill. It's all right if you don't want to make progress, but you have been stolen from the Dao Fruit Realm!" , and let Fat Master’s physical body fail to return to its original state, it’s just an extra crime!"

"I will report it to my senior brothers and sisters later, and let them convict you!"

Liu Jinshui stretched his neck and stared, and said viciously.

"Hmph, before you can convict me, you must be cut alive, you fat man."

One person and one dog were arguing so hard that they blushed and had thick necks.

"Let's think about how to act next. I brought a battlefield. If it is placed here, we can seek development. Put aside the past grievances for the time being, and improve the strength and cultivation base is the top priority."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

I thought I would be able to harvest two leading flying masters at once, but I didn't expect that they would lose their chains one by one in the end.

"Huh, it's just a temporary shelter. As long as I can get back the Dao Fruit of this seat, what if we stand on three legs and divide the world equally?"

Er Gouzi held his head high and his chest high, his eyes cast a contemptuous look.

"How can such a broken place be regarded as the best in the world. The fat man saw that you were kicked in the head by a donkey. If you hadn't taken care of the friendship back then, who would stay in this place where no shit."

Liu Jinshui scoffed.

Li Xiaobai felt a headache, these two bastards didn't have a single word of truth in their mouths, if the sixth senior brother released the physical comfort, he would definitely turn around and leave without saying a word.

If the second dog returns to his former cultivation, with its virtue, even a bird will not bird him.

"Er Gouzi, what happened back then, can you tell me in detail, why didn't the brothers and sisters become the dishes of the gods?"

Li Xiaobai looked at Er Gouzi and asked.

"Since this fat man can't give an answer, he must be restricted by that power, and this seat is the same. Some things are not allowed to be said, and they will be banned if they are said."

Er Gouzi stuck out his tongue and said.

"You weak chicken can also be silenced? This is the punishment that monks who have reached the level of Fat Master can enjoy."

Liu Jinshui disdains.

"Anyway, it's just a sentence. We have been beaten up by people. After so many years, those who haven't shown up must be dead. Instead of going to them, you might as well find a way to get my cultivation base back."

Er Gouzi said casually, it is realistic, it only looks at the people in front of it, and it doesn't care about the people in the sky.

"What about Ji Wuqing and the old beggar, back then I stuffed both of you into the world of immortals and gods."

Li Xiaobai frowned.

"The chicken should be living quite comfortably. The ability to be reborn from the ashes is endless, but something has happened to the old man. He is not complete, and he can't even condense the Dao fruit. There is a big problem."

"It is said that there is a problem with the three souls and seven souls, and he is incomplete and incomplete, because he is a clone?"

Er Gouzi frowned, thought for a moment and said.

"It should be so. The old beggar is just a clone, and it's only natural that he can't achieve too high an achievement. It's a pity that he couldn't find where his real body is!"

Liu Jinshui also said.

"Since this is the case, there is no hurry. As long as you are still alive, there will be a day when we will meet again."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said, at the moment he is still wearing a crystal old man, I don't know if it is the body of the old beggar, but it is useless to take it out at the moment, this thing is the same as Liu Jinshui's body, it can only be used as a shield at critical moments.

"What do you think about this kid?"

"Why don't you shave your head and go undercover in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to steal the Dao fruit back for me?"

Er Gouzi was out of tune, running the train with his mouth full.

"I came to help the extremely evil pure land become a land of blessings. Ergou, follow me from now on and work hard. One order is two million. If you want a certificate, I will send you a certificate later."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, he has already found a good place, this extremely evil pure land is quite good, with few people, it is suitable as the boundary of the forty-ninth battlefield.

"True or not, first take two million for the tooth-beating ceremony?"

Er Gouzi looked at Li Xiaobai suspiciously, with an expression of disbelief on his face. Although he has no cultivation base, his vision that once disdained the universe is still there. No matter how you look at it, it is impossible for an ant who only has the Void Spirit Realm to grow the extremely evil pure land. .

This is a false forbidden zone, there is no danger at all, all the visions are Er Gouzi himself pretending to be a ghost to confuse the world.

"What do you know, you bastard, the younger brother controls a battlefield, which is the prototype of the restricted area!"

"Let the battlefield cover the extremely evil pure land, and hopefully turn it into a true mythical forbidden zone!"

Liu Jinshui said.

"This is all something for later, don't worry, since I'm here now, let's figure out how to use the name of the extremely evil pure land to circle the resources?"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

"What's your plan?"

Er Gouzi asked, it didn't dare to be too ostentatious, for fear that people would jump over the wall and find that it was just a strong outsider but capable in the middle.

"When I came, all the twelve domains sent disciples to come, but none of them were able to show up because of something wrong. Let's write a letter to let monks from all domains prepare their taxes and hand them over to the evil pure land. How about making a small fortune? ?”

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered, and he said leisurely, paying taxes in advance is a very good trick, if you make good use of it, you can make a lot of money, Er Gouzi is a talent.

"Wang, that's what I mean too. Tell them to send more people, and then we'll have our backs!"

Er Gouzi got excited.

"Namenzi Yaozi, is that thing useful?"

"It's fine to send it to mine. The extremely evil pure land is in urgent need of construction. It's a trivial matter."

Li Xiaobai rubbed his chin, picked up a pen and sent out twelve envelopes.

Er Gouzi opened his mouth and spit out a big seal, covered with a complicated pattern, exuding a faint halo of terror.

This is the imprint of the extremely evil pure land, and the power on it can suppress the masters of all fields, making them unable to resist.

"That's no problem. With a piece of leek, our funds will be in place. First, we will include the twelve domains in my forty-ninth battlefield, and then we will slowly map it and eat away at the pure land of bliss."

Li Xiaobai said, "Our goal is to build high walls, accumulate food widely, and become king slowly!"

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