Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, his face full of pious belief.

The old monk Yuanhua took out a formation plate and threw it on the ground, a complicated golden formation came out through the body, and strange runes were engraved on the four pillars of golden stone sticks.

These are all scriptures, which contain a strong power of space, which has been felt in Liu Jinshui.

Li Xiaobai knew in his heart that this should be a teleportation formation.

"Your temple is really a big temple, and there are such complicated formations. The scriptures on this stone pillar alone are enough for a young monk to study for a lifetime!"

Li Xiaobai pretended to be surprised, staring at the scriptures on the stone pillar and said.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu doesn't need to be overly modest. As long as the master studies these methods with heart, he will eventually succeed."

"The old monk is incomparable. The seal carving on the stone pillar contains the way of space. It can only be written by a real eminent monk. It contains infinite potential."

The old monk Yuanhua said, his eyes were full of complacency, this is something exclusive to the big powers, and it is nothing at all to put a teleportation formation in a fertile land, it is almost a necessary means for monks to travel.

But for a cultivator from a barren land like Li Xiaobai, it can be regarded as a treasure.

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is indeed the right time. I will definitely practice seriously and listen to the teachings under the seat of the masters!"

Li Xiaobai nodded seriously, as if he had never seen the world.

In fact, I have never seen this kind of thing in the twelve domains. No matter where I go, it is always a warship clearing the way.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu's Buddha-nature awareness is far beyond ordinary people, and his talent is even more intelligent. He can clearly understand the importance of this time. Compared with the achievements of walking practice, saving time and enlightenment will gain more. This is why I am a monk in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The reason why I never practice penance on foot.”

The old monk Yuanhua said cheerfully.

"Amitabha, Master Yuanhua, walking on foot can refine one's mind in the world of mortals. This is an experience that no amount of scriptures can exchange, and true knowledge can only be obtained through practice."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, and said leisurely, in just a few words, he understood the ethos of this monk in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

He is not a real monk, but a monk practicing Buddhism. All he uses is Buddhist supernatural powers, but he lacks the comprehension of Buddhist scriptures, so he is not considered a Buddhist monk.

They are all just chasing monks who become stronger.

"Master Wuhu is a person with great enlightenment. The Lord Buddha once said these words. It really takes real experience to gain true knowledge!"

"It's just that this real experience can often be changed. There are many ways to refine the heart in the world of mortals. For example, my master uncle in Guanghan Temple is close to the age of exhaustion, but he still insists on seducing himself with beauty every day. , in order to challenge one's weakness, overcome greed, hatred and ignorance, so as to achieve the effect of tempering the mind."

The old monk Yuanhua pinched the seal formula with his hands and kept talking. At first glance, the old monk seemed to be unscrupulous in his words, but the words he said were all aimed at the so-called master uncle.

He had a deep scheming intention, and this was intentional to make Li Xiaobai feel bad for the master-uncle he had never met, so as to consolidate his position in Guanghan Temple.

These days, monks are not honest.

"So that's it, I've been taught."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said perfunctorily, the formation under his feet had taken shape, and a disciple at the side carried out a sack, which was full of top-grade rare earth crystals, dumped on the formation, the brilliance flowed, and the two slowly disappeared.

Li Xiaobai felt that there was chaos in front of his eyes. He was entering a void tunnel, but he was unconscious, and the formation directly communicated with the two places, allowing him to descend in an instant.

The old monk Yuanhua at the side put a hand on his shoulder, signaling not to panic.

In just a few breaths, the two were teleported to a brand new soil.

There is an open world in front of you, more resplendent than Guanghan Temple, everything is covered with a layer of Buddha's light, even the breath is golden.

The power of faith was so strong that old monk Yuanhua took it for granted, and took Li Xiaobai straight to a city not far away.

"Master Wuhu, this Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss also has a distinction between high and low, for better order management, otherwise, if things get messy, someone will mess around."

"Therefore, the power of each monastery is different. My transmission authority in Guanghan Temple only goes to Luohan City. Let's go from Luohan City to Lingyin Temple. In this way, this trip can end safely."

The old monk Yuanhua said, Guanghan Temple is just a small monastery, don't look at all the awesome ones just now, when you get here, if you are a dragon, you have to coil up, and if you are a tiger, you have to lie down.

"Amitabha, the Lord Buddha said that all living beings are equal. How can there be distinctions between high and low? Master Yuanhua's words are obvious!"

"It seems that the masters in this city have a biased understanding of Buddhist scriptures. I'm afraid they have gone astray. I would like to have the courage to correct them for them!"

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, his eyes firmly said.

These words frightened Yuanhua so much, good guy, if he wants to do something in Luohan City, even ten of him are not enough to kill him.

This is not a place to be a hero. I just want to safely bring this genius into Lingyin Temple, and then accept the reward. This trip will be a perfect ending.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, there is no need to be like this. All the monks have pursued the Tao for three thousand years, but they all come to the same goal. No one knows whether he will become a Buddha immediately after reaching the end. Only time will tell everything. , the poor monk and others are not qualified to give advice."

The old monk Yuanhua grabbed Li Xiaobai's skirt and said hastily.


"Master is really a master!"

Li Xiaobai gave a thumbs up and exclaimed, "I didn't expect this old monk to say such a chicken soup for the soul."

It's a pity that he doesn't really yearn for Buddhism. He came here just to make troubles. Since he is a genius, the more people who know and protect him, the safer he will be.

As for whether this rounding can reap benefits, it has nothing to do with him.

Monk Yuanhua brought the certificate of customs clearance, and the two entered smoothly.

Luohan City is a city composed of monks and believers. The reason why it is named Luohan is because there is a golden Arhat sitting here. According to the monk Yuanhua, the cultivation of the golden Arhat is unfathomable, and it is already an unknowable realm. up.

A monk guarding a city is not something that ordinary monks can do.

"Master Wuhu, time waits for no one. The poor monk will take you to see Master Juehu first. He has the authority to open the teleportation formation in the city. If he knows about your deeds, Master, he must be accommodating."

There was a strange light in Yuan Hua's eyes, and he didn't know what he was thinking.

"Everything depends on the arrangement of the master."

Li Xiaobai didn't care about his attitude. Anyway, he relied on this roundness to go to the hinterland of Buddhism. Without this old monk, he couldn't have arrived in Luohan City so quickly, and he was one step closer to finding Ergouzi's Daoguo.

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