Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1541 Why Do You Ask Me That, Amitabha

"I've never seen any business here. What are the stalls on the roadside?"

Li Xiaobai followed the old monk Yuanhua, and looked at the roadside stalls with some doubts. What they sold was neither panacea nor magical treasures. All the stalls displayed a kind of light cluster.

Light and floating, floating in the air, colorful, and the price is clearly marked under the light group, all of which require top-quality rare earths to trade.

"This is a unique thing of my Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It is called the inheritance rosary. It is a carrier for Buddhist monks to extract their own understanding of the scriptures. They can be refined by others, and they can easily obtain information about this scripture. understand."

The old monk Yuanhua explained that he was really a foreign monk, he didn't even know the rosary, and he was indeed a bumpkin.

"It's so convenient, but is it likely to backfire?"

"My little monk thinks that only the comprehension gained from being down-to-earth and earnest is the real experience!"

Li Xiaobai said.

"Of course not. The essence of this business is comprehension. Once refined, it will be rooted in the mind without the slightest discomfort. It can also be regarded as a unique method of inheritance in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss."

"What Master Wuhu saw just now were just the most common rosary beads, which contained monks' understanding of Buddhist classics, and above that, there were also understandings of exercises, alchemy refining tools, and even the understanding of formations, and even some As long as someone is willing to make rosary beads and sell the memories from the adventures in the secret realm, all of them can be traded as commodities.”

"If you are interested, you might as well buy it and try it."

Monk Yuanhua said.

"It's not necessary, I'm just curious."

Li Xiaobai nodded, he was too lazy to buy ordinary rosary beads, he didn't need high-end rosary beads, he didn't need the experience of kung fu practice at all, and he didn't need to practice, he just needed to be beaten.

"There are many types of rosary beads, and some powerful people even sealed Lei Jie into them."

Yuanhua took a look at Li Xiaobai, and a trace of disdain flashed in the depths of his eyes. After all, he was a country bumpkin from outside. Judging from this outfit, he probably didn't want to buy it, but he probably couldn't afford it.

"Can Thunder Tribulation be sealed in?"

Li Xiaobai had a thought, he could buy one for a try, the rosary with thunder calamity was exactly what he needed right now, to overcome the calamity continuously, improve his cultivation base and soar his combat power.

"Master Wuhu, here we are. Master Juehu is the abbot master of the great monastery in this city. He is an old acquaintance with my grand uncle of Guanghan Temple. We need to be cautious in our words and deeds when we seek his help today."

Yuanhua brought Li Xiaobai to the gate of a monastery, and urged him repeatedly.

"Amitabha, I have always treated each other with courtesy."

Li Xiaobai nodded and looked at the temple.

The name of the temple is very simple and unpretentious, it is called Luohan Temple.

This monastery is imposing, you can't see the edge at a glance, you can see the beautiful scenery surrounded by mountains and rivers from a long distance, and there are many young female nuns lying on the wall beside them, staring at the monastery without blinking.

"Look, it's a man, a lot of men!"

"Yes, yes, I like the first one, and the third from the bottom is also good. In fact, I also like the coach at the front..."

The exclamation of the big girl and the little daughter-in-law was endless, and their eyes were full of peach blossoms, yelling into the courtyard, no one stopped them.

"Ahem, Amitabha, don't worry about it. This is also a part of training the minds of the disciples of the Arhat Temple. You wait here, and the old monk will go in and report first."

Seeing Li Xiaobai's gaze, the old monk Yuanhua gave a dry cough, turned around and went in.

The Buddhist sect is so pure that it allows the female nun to openly lie on the wall, thinking that it is not a serious business.

At this moment in the monastery, the disciples should be practicing. The monks are practicing without shirts. The perfect figure is naturally admirable. It is a hundred people who don’t believe that Li Xiaobai is said to be practicing in the world of mortals. It is said that the monks inside are also choosing concubines outside. Then he believed it.

"There's another one outside, and it's pretty handsome!"

Yingying Yanyan on the wall yelled for a while, then turned her gaze to Li Xiaobai.

"Little master, are you also a monk of Luohan Temple?"

A woman in a red skirt stepped forward and asked, this group of women were not afraid of strangers at all, and surrounded Li Xiaobai as soon as they came up.

He carefully looked around, inside and outside, and even tugged on his skirt restlessly.

"Amitabha, goodness is goodness. Donors are different from men and women. Please respect yourself."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together and said, he came to find Ergouzi Daoguo, but he didn't have time to argue with these women, everyone, women will only affect his speed of finding Daoguo!

"Hey, I'm still a shy and restrained little master, my sister just likes you!"

"Elder sister saw it just now. The old monk brought you here. It seems that he wants to send you to the Arhat Temple to practice. In the future, the older sisters will come to see you often!"

"Little master, tell me, have you ever experienced human affairs, have you ever had sex with fish and water?"

The female Xiu smiled.

"The little monk is not interested in women, because the little monk is not a man. From the day he was born, the little monk has no interest in women."

Li Xiaobai spoke with indifferent eyes.

"Not interested? How could you not be interested? Just now you have been staring at my sister. Is my sister beautiful?"

The female cultivator in the red skirt didn't believe it, she approached Li Xiaobai and asked.

"I'm face-blind. I don't see you because you are good-looking, because I don't know if you are good-looking at all."

Li Xiaobai frowned, the smell of makeup made him very irritable, and he had the urge to slap him, but fortunately he held back.

"Ever undressed a woman?"

A woman behind him asked bluntly.

"You bastard, how can you ask such a question, Amitabha!"

Li Xiaobai stared at him, and sternly reprimanded him.

Yingying and Yanyan wanted to say something more, the gate of the Arhat Temple suddenly opened, and a group of monks walked out with the help of an old monk, seeing the situation in the field, they immediately became furious.

"Presumptuous, the pure land of Buddhism, how can you wait to play around!"

"Come here, take it, bring it into the Arhat Temple and wait for it!"

Several young monks stepped forward, captured the nuns, and dragged them to the temple. The nuns didn't resist, as if they were used to it.

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together and stayed there motionless, but out of the corner of his eye, he saw one of the young monks slapping the woman in the red skirt dishonestly on the buttocks.

"Amitabha, what Master Yuanhua said is right, the world of mortals is truly terrifying!"

Li Xiaobai bowed to the visitor with a look of fear on his face.

"Hahaha, you must be the little master of Wuhu. I have long heard that you have extraordinary deeds and a firm heart. I saw you today. It is true. Since ancient times, heroes have been saddened by beauty. You can stand still, and your firmness of mind is beyond ordinary. disciple."

"Come, come, come in quickly, Master Abbot welcomes you!"

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