Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1542 \"Be Cautious In Your Words And Deeds\"

"The tea has been prepared in the courtyard, please take a break for the little master Wuhu!"

The smiles on Monk Qingsheng's face are amiable, and Li Xiaobai found that the smiles of these old monks are all carved in the same mold, they all look like they are smiling but not smiling, and there is a deep scheming and purpose hidden deep in their eyes .

"The monks in your monastery are really alive and well, all of them exude a ferocious aura without anger and self-prestige, and they also have Buddha-nature tolerance. They are really inner saints and outer kings!"

Li Xiaobai looked at the monk who was practicing along the way, and praised him.

"Amitabha, it's just a daily practice, it's not real, Master Wuhu praises it, these young people still have a long way to go!"

The birthday old monk said cheerfully.

Very humble, but it can be seen that he is still very satisfied with this group of disciples, especially after the group of female cultivators were taken away just now, this group of disciples practiced more diligently.

Because they know that the number of rewards in the monastery is limited, and not every monk can get it.

"Our monastery implements a reward system. Although it is said that the four major elements in the Buddhist sect are empty, if they are really empty, they will slack off in matters of practice, so they are not completely empty. Appropriate rewards can stimulate the fighting spirit of the disciples and practice hard. spurred."

Said the young monk who followed him.

As for what the reward is, Li Xiaobai knows it well.

"The scenery of your temple is beautiful, and the disciples are actively practicing. It is a scene full of vitality. If there is no important matter, the truth is always here, listening to the teachings of the masters."

Li Xiaobai said quietly.

"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay, if the little master Wuhu wants to stay permanently, the old monk will naturally welcome him, not only the old monk, but even the master abbot will laugh from ear to ear."

The old monk Qingsheng had something to say, he patted Li Xiaobai on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"I'm so terrified, I don't dare to bother you."

Li Xiaobai said hastily.

Following Qingsheng into the main hall of the monastery, the construction layout of the monastery is similar, but the scale is different.

There was no one in the hall, only two old monks were drinking together, and the person sitting opposite Yuan Hua should be the abbot master.

"Amitabha, this must be the little master Wuhu?"

"The abbot of Luohan Temple, old man, has an extinct dharma name, so he is very polite here."

The old monk put down his teacup, and said softly, he is very old, with criss-cross wrinkles on his face, but his whole body is full of energy, unbelievably strong.

"Amitabha, little monk Wuhu, dare not enter the eyes of Master Abbot, and have seen Master Abbot!"

Li Xiaobai returned a salute and said slowly.

"My old monk has heard about the Guanghan Temple. Being able to seek Buddhism from the abandoned land of the Eastern Land, and walking to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the young master of Wuhu's admiration for Buddhism can be learned from the world."

"Accordingly, the old monk should have let it go, but the teleportation formation in the city has a lot to do with it. It must not be opened just because of one person, otherwise it will be criticized by others. It just so happens that three days later is the day when the Debating Buddha Stage will be opened. Masters from all walks of life will gather together to explain the scriptures, disciples and disciples will testify to each other’s teachings, and the old monk’s Arhat Temple will also send a team.”

"If you don't mind, little master, you can temporarily join my Luohan Temple team and go together. When you get there, you can meet the eminent monk of Lingyin Temple. How about it?"

Master Abbot Juehu said unhurriedly, from Yuan Hua's astonished expression, it was not difficult to see that Cai Qi had not mentioned this matter just now.

At this moment, he suddenly mentioned it in front of Li Xiaobai, just to catch him off guard.

A buddhist peerless genius, everyone wants to have it, even if the temple is too small to accommodate, the benefits of sending it to a big monastery are indispensable, so who will easily miss the opportunity of the pie in the sky?

Master Juehu's meaning couldn't be more obvious. It is impossible for Monk Yuanhua to take Li Xiaobai away alone. Either let Li Xiaobai join Luohan Temple and become a part of the temple, or he will be sent by Luohan Temple to Lingyin Temple. The latter matter has nothing to do with Guanghan Temple.

"This...Master Juehu, there may be something wrong with this matter. This Master Wuhu was discovered by Guanghan Temple, and he was also a monk of Guanghan Temple who recited the scriptures and recited mantras. Only after he has taught him three times can he truly confirm the Buddhadharma. If something happens one day later, Guanghan Temple can't bear the anger of the Lord Buddha, it's better to let the old monk follow by."

Monk Yuanhua said with a bitter face, he thought that he could get some face from this exorbitant monk with the name of his master uncle, but he didn't expect that he would be kicked out of the game as soon as he came up.

If he did this, damage to his personal interests would be a small matter, and damage to the interests of Guanghan Temple would be the real top priority. If Master and Uncle knew about it, he would not let him off lightly.

"Master Yuanhua, you and I have known each other for many years. After so many years of fighting alone, our older generation of monks is also tired. It's time to make way for the young people."

"Is there any chance for young people to make their own choices? It's hard for a chick who is always tied to him to fly."

"Little Master Wuhu, what is your attitude towards the old monk's opinion just now?"

Monk Juehu smiled slightly, turned to look at Li Xiaobai and asked.

This Yuan Hua wanted to threaten him, but how could he easily let go of a peerless genius who needed to be transformed three times to succeed. Tianjiao must be in his own hands, and his interests must be won to his own temple.

"Amitabha, the Lord Buddha once said that the Buddhist sects in the world are one family. I thought it was just a superficial talk, but I didn't expect to see it today. The idea of ​​a monk wanting to meet the Lord Buddha and listen to his teachings is a bit absurd, but Master Yuanhua Both Master Juehu and Master Juehu are willing to help this little monk to obtain the scriptures for him, this kindness is higher than the mountains and wider than the sky!"

"Your kindness monk has written it down. Thank you Master Juehu for fulfillment and Master Yuanhua. I will never forget the kindness of Guanghan Temple, and I will definitely ask for a scripture for the master in front of the Lord Buddha!"

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together and recited the Buddha's name with a look of gratitude.

"Hahaha, the little master Wuhu is really talented. If he can have such awareness at such an age, his future achievements will definitely be limitless!"

Master Juehu laughed out loud. He didn't expect things to go so smoothly. He thought that he was a Guanghan Temple Duhua and would rely on Yuanhua, but now it seems that he was completely overwhelmed.

"Ahem, Master Wuhu, Guanghan Temple was moved by your sincerity to Buddhism, and dug you out of the market. I don't ask for the kindness of a drop of water to repay you, but I want to be a witness and watch you with my own eyes The moment you enter Lingyin Temple!"

The situation was out of control, Yuanhua was a little dumbfounded, and wanted to redeem something, but Li Xiaobai's next words almost didn't make him half dead.

"Master Yuanhua, be cautious in your words and deeds!"

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