Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1543 Ma's Triangle Kill

Li Xiaobai made a gesture of compassion, "Master Yuanhua, Luohan Temple is an important place for Buddhism, we need to be cautious in our words and deeds in every move!"

"It's really not easy for a young monk to arrive at Lingyin Temple safely, to meet all eminent monks and great virtues, and to listen to their teachings. Now Master Juehu is willing to take the young monk to participate in the Buddha debate stage, witnessing the exquisiteness of all kinds of Buddhist teachings with his own eyes. This is the blessing of the young monk. "

"Master Yuanhua doesn't need to worry about the little monk, you can return home with peace of mind."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

Yuan Huaqi's face turned green, good guy, when he came in, he gave a lot of advice, that's how the words "cautious in words and deeds" are used, and this foreign country bumpkin returned them intact.

It was the monk he had converted in Guanghan Temple, and he was the one who wanted to take him to the hinterland of Buddhism. This guy was full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, but when the critical moment came, he turned traitor directly!

For a while, he couldn't figure out whether this monk was really simple and kind, or if he just pretended to be like this on purpose, in fact he was an unfamiliar white-eyed wolf.

By the way, did he really convert this monk in Guanghan Temple?

Why do you feel something is wrong?

"Okay, okay, it's the old monk who is worrying too much. If you bother me, please don't be offended by Master Juehu. The old monk will truthfully report to the abbot what happened today."

Monk Yuanhua knew he had no chance, so he drank the tea in his hand and said calmly.

"I hope Master Wuhu will not have any problems in your temple."

"Amitabha, Master Yuanhua, don't worry, the little master Wuhu is a family member in my Arhat Temple, and there will be no problem."

Master Juehu said with a smile, he didn't care about the threats in Yuanhua's words. As the largest temple in Luohan City, Luohan Temple had no fear of these at all.

"The old monk is going!"

Yuanhua couldn't hold back, and didn't want to stay for a moment, so he walked away.

"Little Master Wuhu, stay at the Arhat Temple for a few days, take a bath and change clothes first, and then go to the training ground to testify what you have learned with my temple disciples."

Abbot Juehu smiled, his tone was always gentle.

"I'm bothering you!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, followed the little novice and left.

There was a moment of silence in the hall.


"The disciple is here!"

"Go write a letter and report the situation to Lingyin Temple, saying that you encountered difficulties on the road, Master Yuanhua was blocked and unable to move forward, and I, Luohan Temple, will help you. I am willing to take the initiative to send Master Wuhu to the temple."

Abbot Abbot Juehu said.

"Abbot, why don't you just keep that little master from Wuhu, the genius who has been transformed three times in a row will definitely become a great help to our temple in the future!"

The old monk Qingsheng frowned and asked.

"He's from Lingyin Temple. That old guy Yuanhua is so smart. He says he has no relationship with him. In fact, he must have already greeted him. If Lingyin Temple knows that I am hiding this kind of talent, the future Life will not be easy, and it is the best policy to take a fortune and leave."

Juehu said in a nonchalant manner.

"Thank you, Abbot, for your guidance!"

Birthday suddenly.

"In addition, please come to this main hall to listen to the old monk's Dharma after the little master from Wuhu takes a bath and changes clothes. The power of faith in Guanghan Temple is weak, and the old monk can't believe it. Only by doing it yourself can you feel at ease."

Master Juehu said.

"In this way, the value of the little master in Wuhu will increase again, and then the Arhat Temple will be able to reap more benefits..."

There was a smile on Qingsheng's old face, and after Master Abbot's transformation, he can report that the little master Wuhu is a peerless genius who succeeded in four transformations. In a hurry, deprive Guanghan Temple of the credit.

"It's good that you know it, don't say too much!"


the other side.

Li Xiaobai didn't follow the little novice's guidance to go to the wing room, but turned his head and walked to the practice field. He wanted to see how strong this Buddhist disciple was.

"What's your name?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the little monk and asked.

"Reporting to Master, the disciple's Dharma name is Lu Yin."

It was the first time to meet such a big boss, and the little novice was a little nervous.

"Do you know where I can buy the rosary that seals up the thunder calamity?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"My disciples don't know, it's against the law of heaven to seal up the thunder calamity..."

Li Xiaobai nodded and didn't continue to say more. It's true that a young novice can't know about this matter.

On the practice field, the monks were fighting with each other, with a magnificent momentum, one after another terrifying breaths were released, various Buddhist mahamudras were manifested, and dust was flying.

He found that the physical strength of Buddhist disciples was more than a little stronger than that of outside monks. It should not be just a problem of powerful disciples. This group of monks can train their bodies and pay attention to their physical bodies.

The cultivation bases are generally in the virtual spirit realm, and the overall strength is much stronger than that of the outside world, but it is still within an acceptable range.

Looking at it, a familiar voice came from the ear.

"Made, give Ben Niubi a stop, how did Ben Niubi teach you how to practice?"

"Three days later will be the opening day of the Buddha Debating Stage. I'm an awesome person who wants to lead the Arhat Temple to capture the leader. Don't hold back your awesomeness, you lazy bums!"

"Today, the Martens Triangle is not practiced well, no one is allowed to rest!"

In the corner of the training ground, a bald monk was reprimanding several other disciples. The aura around these people was completely different from that of other Buddhist disciples. The aura was dark and powerful.

Li Xiaobai was stunned for a second, and then he was pleasantly surprised that he really ran into an old acquaintance in this place. Isn't the monk who is giving lectures really awesome?

I shaved my head and didn't recognize it.

"Look, Tianyinbo is going to hit here."

"Then in the process of gliding Tianyinbo, first touch the Arhat stick, then dodge to adjust the position, and hit the opponent to my Tianyinbo's position, forming a Martensian triangle kill!"

Ma Niubi was seriously explaining the skills of using the exercises, and the horizontal knife immediately hit a golden ripple towards the side. At the same time, a golden lightning bolt suddenly fell in the void, and it was inserted straight in front of Li Xiaobai. Before he could react, a The figure appeared suddenly without warning, and with a kick, Li Xiaobai felt his body fly out of the air quickly, just hitting the golden ripple.

Attribute points + 30 billion...

Attribute points +40 billion...

Attribute points + 50 billion...

The values ​​on the system panel jumped wildly, Li Xiaobai fell to the ground with a dazed look on his face, why was he suddenly kicked out?


"Who are you? Even though you are only using your success power, you are actually able to face the powerful Martens Triangle Kill head-on. You are a character."

Ma Niubi looked at Li Xiaobai who was slowly getting up from the dust, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

But when he saw the appearance of the person next, his hairs stood on end in shock.

"Fuck, Master, I hit the wrong person!"

"Why are you here, old man?"

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