Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1544 Master And Apprentice Meeting

Isn't this his master? They separated in Tianshen Academy back then, but they didn't expect to meet each other in Luohan Temple in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss today.

This is not the temple city on the edge of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It is already close to the core area of ​​the hinterland. It is unfathomable to be able to get here!

"This is my master, who was kind to me before I entered Buddhism. It is because of his existence that I have the idea of ​​coming to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and converting to Buddhism."

Ma Niubi realized the strange gazes of the people around him, and hurriedly said something to explain.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet you here today. Donor Ma is too serious. At the beginning, I was just asking the almsgiver for advice, to verify and learn from each other, and there was absolutely no intention of teaching."

"The word "master" is absolutely unacceptable."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, chanted the Buddha's name and said, with a pious look on his face, and one sentence showed his identity and situation, letting the other party know the current situation.

He believes that Yima's ingenuity and intelligence will not be easily saved by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

"So that's the case. I didn't expect such a fate between Master Wuhu and Brother Ma. It's God's will!"

"Senior Brother Ma is the pride of our Arhat Temple, and in three days' time, we will be led by Brother Ma at the Arhat Temple!"

The little novice at the side came forward and said, introducing the identities of the two parties is also to let the monk disciples present understand Li Xiaobai's status.

"Senior Brother Ma, Master Wuhu is a Buddhist genius handpicked by the abbot. He will be with you brothers in three days. Please don't hurt your kindness."

"Hahaha, how could it be, Master Wuhu is here, I am too happy to be happy, how can I hurt my peace, just now I was blind and failed to recognize Master Wuhu, I apologize here!"

Ma Niubi laughed loudly, waved his hand, and patted the little novice monk on the shoulder, "Needless to say, Master Wuhu will be taken care of by me. You can step back first and go to the Buddhist scripture pavilion to receive the reward yourself!"

"Thank you, Brother Ma!"

The little novice was ecstatic, and ran away in a hurry.

"Master Wuhu, long time no see, let's find a secluded place to continue our relationship!"

Ma Niubi said with a smile, and took Li Xiaobai to leave the training ground. There are too many people here, and it is not convenient to talk a lot.

"Amitabha, Ma Shizhu is really a man of temperament."

Li Xiaobai happily followed behind and said.

The two of them turned a corner and entered a house with golden bricks and jade tiles. The interior of the house was resplendent and resplendent.

"You're doing really well. As a teacher, I thought you were converted by a monk."

Li Xiaobai sat down sternly, looked at the horse and said awesomely.

"Hmph, with Master's guidance, how can I be easily converted by these bald donkeys? It's just a joke."

"However, when it comes to monks, the way of doing things in this Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is very restrained and reserved. The so-called "Four Elements are all empty" is just a piece of paper, even worse than the Buddhism of Zhongyuan Realm."

Ma Niubi said disdainfully with his hands behind his back.

Just look at the furnishings in this house, you will know that there is no half of the meaning of the monks' penance, they are all big fish and meat, served by good wine and beautiful women, as long as the cultivation level can be improved, they can do whatever they want.

I don't even bother to pretend.

But this can't be blamed on the monk. After all, all monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss are their own people, and foreign monks will be saved immediately, so no matter what they do in this pure land, they will not be blamed.

"It's why the master is here, but there is something important?"

"Whether you need disciples to help, don't say anything else, and now the disciples' status in this Arhat Temple is deeply rooted, and everyone will definitely respond!"

Ma Niu looked at Li Xiaobai and asked.

"As a teacher, I have found your Uncle Ergou and Uncle Liu Jinshui successively in the twelve domains, but their situation is not optimistic."

Li Xiaobai handed over a Huazi and said leisurely.

"What's the meaning?"

"Master, have you found the whereabouts of the two uncles one after another?"

Ma Niubi's expression moved, and he hurriedly asked, following Li Xiaobai to ascend from Zhongyuan Realm, naturally he also wanted to find the former masters and uncles.

Back then, he was still young and unable to participate in the battle, but now the time is ripe, his cultivation is steadily improving, and if there is any turmoil, he will not just sit idly by.

"That's right, your Uncle Liu Jinshui proclaimed himself a physical body, leaving only a clone made of condensed blood to walk in the world. As for your Uncle Ergouzi, he lost all his cultivation and his Dao fruit was taken away. This time To enter this Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss as a teacher is to find the fruit of Taoism for him.”

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

"Looking for Dao Fruit?"

"Master Ergou's Dao fruit was taken away by the monks of the Pure Land of Bliss? Who has the guts, who has the ability?"

Ma Niubi's eyes widened, he has been in this pure land of bliss for a while, why didn't he know that there was such a thing, he had never heard any news!

What is the level of Er Gouzi's cultivation? This kind of existence has been robbed of Dao Fruit, and his cultivation has been completely lost. After all, some rumors can be heard.

"Aside from Lord Buddha, who else can handle your Uncle Ergouzi so casually?"

"The purpose of being a teacher this time is only for the Dao fruit, and try not to cause trouble. The monks of the Arhat Temple said that I am a peerless genius in Buddhism. If you want to take me as a teacher to the hinterland of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, you should be happy to accept it as a teacher."

"I didn't expect to meet you here. Seeing that the Martens Triangle Kill you performed just now, is it a kung fu move created by yourself?"

Li Xiaobai looked Ma Niubi up and down, a small braised egg dangling on his shoulders, with an appearance of disobedience, showing no trace of cultivation as a Buddhist disciple.

"That's right. The Buddhist debate stage is divided into literary debates and martial debates. The Ma Clan's Triangle Kill just now belongs to the category of literary fights. Disciples and monks from various monasteries will perform some stunts. Firstly, to prove each other and learn from each other. Second, it is also for the sake of Demonstrate the strength of their respective monasteries."

Ma Niubi said softly.

He felt a little embarrassed, just now he made a fool of himself in front of the master, and the gaudy operation looked dazzling, but it failed to hurt the master's hair.

Sure enough, the master is still the same master back then, unfathomable, not comparable to him.

"I think it's pretty good. If you use it well, you can catch your opponent by surprise, but it's more expensive to operate."

Li Xiaobai didn't take it seriously, he had seen the power of the triangle kill, the caster's body could move instantly, appearing in front of him without warning, it was definitely not as simple as body skills, it was just because he touched the law Powerful fur.

Moreover, a wave of sky sound directly stored most of the power in his divine hand, and if he did it again, he might be able to fill his hands.

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