Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1548 The Forgotten Little Monk Appeared

Is he really the monk guarding the Sutra Pavilion? Why do you feel that this little monk from Wuhu is the guardian of the Sutra Pavilion?

"Amitabha, the old monk Fa Chuan, met the little master Wuhu, it is really better to meet him than to be famous, he really is a heroic boy!"

"This scripture pavilion is in charge of an old monk, and there are countless scriptures inside. The little master Wuhu wants to study any scriptures, but it doesn't matter. The old monk can find them for you!"

Monk Fachuan said kindly, if it was another person, he would have given Fachuan a long time ago, but as a high-ranking member of Luohan Temple, he naturally knew Li Xiaobai's particularity, and he was surprised by Li Xiaobai's performance outside the Buddhist scriptures pavilion just now. It has a panoramic view, and at this moment, Li Xiaobai can be said to be responsive to every request.

"Amitabha, there is Master Lao Fachuan. I want to find some scriptures about strange things, so as to enhance my own experience and understanding of this world of immortals and gods."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully.

"Strange news?"

"This is really strange. The disciples who come and go are either looking for a way to get rid of the inner demons, or they hope to get stronger skills to improve their cultivation. It is extraordinary that the little master in Wuhu is just looking for anecdotes and strange things."

Monk Fachuan's eyes revealed a look of surprise and uncertainty.

"That's right, I believe that the essence of Buddhism is more important than its abundance, and I still understand the truth that you can't chew off too much."

"That's why I want to learn more about the experience of the powerful people in the world of immortals and gods, especially the life experience of the Lord Buddha, and I want to confirm each other with the Dharma I have learned from his experience."

Li Xiaobai clasped his hands together, his face full of piety.

"That's right, that's true!"

"The younger generation of monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss are very brave and fierce. They all want to surpass their predecessors and walk out of their own invincible path, but few people are willing to understand the past history and dust, and even lost many eminent monks and great virtues in the past. Due awe!"

Monk Fachuan's eyes lit up, and his eyes were full of approval when he looked at Li Xiaobai.

A young monk, who still came from the abandoned land of the East, had no access to good cultivation conditions, let alone the guidance of Buddhist eminent monks, but he was able to make it this far by himself, guarding against arrogance and impetuosity, practicing with great concentration, and being able to understand his true self. What is needed, these days, such young people are rare.

"Amitabha, Master Fachuan sees blood for a while, until the essence is really admirable. Those who dare to raise objections in this place where the Buddha's light shines are brave."

Li Xiaobai also clasped his hands together, trying not to hide his praise for Monk Fachuan.

What the old man said is the truth, the monks have changed their tastes, they are not pure Buddhist disciples, but this has nothing to do with him, he does not really want to practice in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, just to learn from a few words It is enough to infer the location of the Lord Buddha and the so-called orientation of Ergouzi Daoguo.

"Amitabha, little master Wuhu, please follow the old monk's invitation!"

The old monk Fachuan bowed, made a gesture of invitation, and led Li Xiaobai through the rows of bookshelves.

The stories of strange people and anecdotes are not helpful to practice, and are not valued by Buddhist monks compared with exercises, so they are placed in a corner, and on the edge of the corner of the last row of shelves, there is a stack of dusty of scrolls.

"Little master Wuhu, these scriptures are the creations of heaven and earth that the eminent monks of Luohan Temple have experienced during their travels. They are all recorded in the book. Most of them are praises for the beautiful scenery of mountains and rivers. I don't know if there are any things that the little master needs!"

The old monk Fachuan looked at a cabinet full of scriptures and said slowly.

"It's all anecdotes from monks in Luohan Temple? Are there any monks from outside?"

Li Xiaobai's expression changed, and he asked.

"No, each monastery only records its own affairs, but little master Wuhu can rest assured that the monks of Luohan Temple are well-informed and have traveled a lot of mountains, rivers and rivers. In terms of experience alone, it is enough for you, little master, to comprehend !"

The old monk Fachuan didn't know Li Xiaobai's real purpose, he only thought that the other party wanted to increase his knowledge and broaden his horizons.

"Thank you, Master Fa Chuan, I can just watch it by myself!"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

He picked up a volume of scriptures at random and began to study them carefully.

The above description is about the whole landscape of Lingyin Temple. It was written fifty years ago, and it generally says that Lingyin Temple is somewhere between fantasy and reality.

The entire temple is built on top of the mountains, in the form of a dragon vein, and there are two peerless eminent monks sitting in the town, one named Jianglong and the other named Fuhu, guarding the temple together, their bravery is irresistible.

But the abbot is not the Lord Buddha, but a monk named Daoji. The scriptures specifically explain that this person is a powerful thing to become a Buddha. Playing in the world like crazy.

He has been in the secular world all year round, and mingle with mortals, so as to refine his heart in the world of mortals.

The biggest achievement is that he proclaimed himself as the ninth world in succession, and all of his nine reincarnations achieved true results. The last time he became a Buddha immediately, breaking through the realm in one fell swoop and reaching a new height. No one knows what his true strength and cultivation level are. realm.

Daoji monk, Li Xiaobai silently remembered this name, he is a great person, but he is not the person he is looking for, in the entire pure land of bliss, only the whereabouts of the Lord Buddha can guess Er Gouzi's Dao fruit Where is it hidden.

Put down the scroll, pick up another one, and quickly glance at it.

Seeing this, the old monk Fachuan stopped disturbing him and turned around secretly to leave.

As the old monk said, these scrolls are mostly recording the scenery along the way, mountains, rivers, and beautiful scenery. After browsing for a while, they are discarded.

After rummaging through the past, Li Xiaobai finally made a new discovery.

The last volume of scriptures contains completely different contents. It is a scroll left by an unknown monk. It was written two hundred years ago, and the time coincides with the time when Ergouzi Daoguo was taken away.

It explained in detail my longing for Buddhist classics, and described the experience of getting acquainted with a Buddhist genius boy. It was only a fate of acquaintance. In the end, this Buddhist boy was selected into the hinterland and became the edge of listening to the teachings under the Buddha's tent. disciple.

The mention of the Lord Buddha in this scroll is only a few words, but what really attracted Li Xiaobai's attention was the young monk who was listening to the teachings under the Lord Buddha's tent, whose Dharma name is Forget!

Don't forget, this is the little monk who fought with the Zhongyuan Realm from the Fairy Continent, and now he actually appeared in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and even met the Lord Buddha and listened to his teachings.

This is how the same thing?

Did you forget that the little monk came up too?

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