Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1549 Sleepy Zen And The Auspicious Beast

"It was the first time that the poor monk saw what drowsiness meditation is. He resisted the invasion of the outside world in his sleep, and despite the poor monk's best methods, he stood still. The first time the poor monk felt such a strong sense of frustration, the root was actually On this little novice who is hundreds of years younger, it is like a dream."

"The poor monk doesn't know what kind of Buddhism it is. The poor monk just knows that from that day on, the way of Buddhism studied in his heart will no longer be preserved. He hastily returned to the Luohan Temple and lived in the Sutra Pavilion to understand this life."

The writing of the scriptures ends here.

Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, the amount of information contained in just a few lines of text was huge.

First of all, Wang Wang appeared, in the image of a little novice, and realized sleepy meditation, was received by the Buddha, and listened to the teachings.

From the Zhongyuan Realm, he was brought to the Immortal God Realm for some unknown reason, and also entered the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

This monk of Luohan Temple seems to have practiced for a long time, and he had no chance of winning against Monk Wang, and ended up hiding in the Sutra Pavilion for the rest of his life. Could it be the old monk Fachuan just now?

This last volume of scriptures was written by the old monk Fachuan himself?

Li Xiaobai frowned, trying to straighten out his thoughts, that is to say, the old monk Fachuan had met Monk Wang, and was very likely to know about the Lord Buddha two hundred years ago.

This Arhat Temple is really a generation of hidden dragons and crouching tigers.

Although it was impossible to find out the required information from these scrolls, the situation would be different if the person involved was present, so just ask if you have any questions.

"Amitabha, it was just a young monk with blind eyes who didn't recognize diamonds. He despised Master Fa Chuan, so please don't take offense!"

Li Xiaobai put down the scroll and went straight to the old monk in front of the scripture storage pavilion.

"Amitabha, the little master Wuhu found something he likes?"

"Is there something to be gained from the things recorded in the scroll?"

The old monk Fachuan said with a smile.

"The little monk wants to know about the Lord Buddha. After reading the classics, he found that the master seemed to have some contact with his disciples who sat down, so I came here to say hello."

Li Xiaobai said.

"It's all old stories. The little master can realize this, which shows that he is serious about it. He is sincerely looking for anecdotes and strange things, not for grandstanding. Your old monk already has a general idea of ​​his conduct."

The old monk Fachuan said cheerfully.

"Dare to ask Master, who is Liao Wang mentioned in the scriptures?"

"Two hundred years ago, did Lord Buddha make any big moves?"

Li Xiaobai humbly asked for advice.

"I forgot that when the monk met for the first time, he was just a little monk who didn't even have a monastery. He was wearing a tattered gray monk robe, and he was full of dead truths. Measurement."

"Back then, the old monk's cultivation in the realm of imaginary spirit was regarded as the best among the younger generation, but he was powerless to fight back against him. The time he fell asleep at that second is still vivid in his memory until now. .”

Fa Chuan recounted the past, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his eyes, he didn't know where the forgotten monk came from, he only knew that he had never seen the Dharma.

"What about Lord Buddha, have you ever done anything?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"The Lord Buddha is the god of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. There are very few monks who can see it. How can an old monk see it? I just heard that the Lord Buddha brought back an auspicious beast to guard the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and brought it to Buddhist monks. good luck."

The old monk said leisurely.

"Auspicious beast?"

"what is that?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a flick of his expression.

"It's rumored that it's a snow-white Qilin beast, which can kill the ancient green dragon in terms of pure blood, but it's just a rumor. Among the monks I know, no one has actually seen this beast."

"It's just that since that day two hundred years ago, the weather in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is indeed smooth, and there is no harsh climate and environment. Even the most barren land is also a scene of peace and prosperity."

"Although I have doubts in my heart, it is a good thing for the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

Monk Fachuan said with a light smile, these are not secrets, and only outside monks have never heard of them.

"So that's the case, thank you Master for clarifying the confusion!"

Thoughtful, Li Xiaobai packed up his thoughts and left the scripture storage pavilion, returning to his hut.

The pattern in the world of immortals and gods is becoming more and more psychedelic, so why is there such a thing as forgetting the little monk?

You must know that it is absolutely impossible for Wang Wang to have the conditions to enter the world of immortals and gods. First, he was not thrown into the void cracks of the year, and second, he did not ascend up with him. So there are other special passages?

If monks who have forgotten can come up, wouldn't other monks in Zhongyuan Realm also be able to come up?

"Forget that I don't have Huazi, I don't have the wisdom of Ma Niubi, and I haven't practiced the Blood Demon Sect's skills. Theoretically speaking, it should be impossible to resist the invasion of the power of faith, and the possibility of being saved is very high."

"From this point of view, if you enter the hinterland of Buddhism, you have to guard against your own people, so as not to be discovered by others!"

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, before he set off, there was an extra existence that might be an enemy out of thin air, forgetting that he was an old friend from the past.

It's too late to replace the leather mask now, let's take one step at a time.

"Master, the disciple is back, let's see what good things the disciple has brought back!"

A rough voice yelled loudly outside the door, and Ma Niubi broke in, his face full of excitement.

"Thunder Tribulation Rosary, the Void Spirit Realm is just right!"

"Thunder Tribulation of the Ethereal Third Heaven!"

Ma Niubi took out a long string of beads and placed them on the table.

"Good stuff, it was a great help!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, a long string of beads were all thunder disasters in the imaginary realm, as long as the mind sank into it, he would communicate and open the rosary, and then thunder disasters would emerge.

According to Ma Niubi's news, these rosary beads were made by the same person. The original intention was to study the power of the Thunder Tribulation rosary beads. They kept them at a respectful distance, without the little white mice willing to do the experiment, the rosary was shelved, and it has been sealed in the black market and no one cares about it. Today, Ma Niubi took all of them away.

It's cheap Li Xiaobai.

With these, not only can his cultivation be successfully broken through into the realm of the four gods, but it will also allow him to remain invincible in critical situations!

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