"Master, I heard that you were troubled by Chugui and the others just now?"

Ma Niubi asked with a fierce look on his face.

"Yes, there is such a thing, they are all right, right?"

Li Xiaobai nodded and asked.

"Those people are doing well. They thought that a little injury could turn the story over. How naive!"

"The disciple will lead someone to kill him right now, if he dares to attack the master, ten of him will not be enough to kill him!"

Ma Niubi said viciously, turned around and made a gesture to go out.

"Slow down, you troubled Monk Chugui. If he was seriously injured and unable to participate in the next Buddha Debating Stage, wouldn't it be a loss for Luohan Temple?"

"The monastery won't let you do whatever you want, just stay calm and wait. Arriving safely at Lingyin Temple is the top priority right now!"

Li Xiaobai said that he would be able to leave this ghost place in two days, and he didn't want to make any more troubles.

"It's okay, isn't there a master here? After the disciple kills Chugui, the master will take his place."

Ma Niubi said slowly, his mind was like a bright mirror, of course he knew where the Luohan Temple was, and he also knew the abbot's habits like the palm of his hand.

The other party will not be angry because of a first-time noble, but will be anxious because he is about to lose a Wuhu.

Flipping his wrist, he picked up a vajra and rushed out the door.

Li Xiaobai was speechless suddenly, his disciple was still so hot-tempered, it seemed that he hadn't learned anything from being among the monks.

Carefully put away all the Thunder Tribulation Rosary Beads, got up and followed out.

outside world.

Ma Niubi didn't even give Chu Gui a chance to breathe, and he was reckless while holding a stick.

The training field was full of smoke and dust, and the violent energy was raging.

"Chugui little bald donkey, I heard that you are the one who attacked my former master?"

"Still using the Markov Triangle Killer? You are really vicious in using the trick I created to deal with my master."

With a sneer on the corner of Ma Niubi's mouth, he approached Monk Chugui step by step.

"Brother Ma, it's my younger brother who did something wrong. Master Wuhu has already punished my younger brother, so please hold me high!"

Monk Chugui turned pale with fright, begging for mercy.

In the battle with Li Xiaobai, he was seriously injured by his own Tianyinbo. If Ma Niu forced him to repair him at this moment, he would be disabled if he didn't die.

At that time, let alone the Buddha Debate Stage, it is not yet known whether he can practice normally for the rest of his life.

"Hehe, there is no need to admit your mistakes. I, a Buddhist monk, have always been rewarded for meritorious deeds and punished for misconduct. Master Wuhu has never punished you. I will clean up the door of Luohan Temple today!"

The vajra shot out from Ma Niubi's hand, and at the same time, golden ripples swept across. The next second, the disciples and monks in the field felt a blur in front of their eyes. That terrifying golden ripple.

Coughing up blood in the mouth, smoke from the seven orifices, and the whole person collapsed to the ground like a pile of mud.

"The horse is awesome... You openly mutilate your fellow disciples, Master Abbot will not let you go!"

"And the Wuhu monk, he must have instigated and instigated him, and the crime is no less serious!"

"Abbot Juehu will definitely punish you two severely!"

Chugui's eyes were full of viciousness, and he looked at Ma Niubi with murderous intent.

As one of the genius disciples in the Arhat Temple, it was the first time in his life that he was treated like this. It was really infuriating!

"Drag it down."

Ma Niubi waved his hand and said in a neutral tone.

"Master, you don't need to worry about anything. Abbot Juehu is very clear about the situation in this monastery. If no one comes forward to stop him, that is acquiescing. After two days, you must be one of my Luohan Temple's expedition team." One of them!"

Ma Niu said leisurely.

"It's so good, there are still two days left, and it's time for the teacher to deal with the inventory in hand."

Li Xiaobai took out a space ring casually and said, this is the loot accumulated since he entered the world of immortals and gods. Except for rare earth resources, the others are useless to him. Exchange all resources into rare earths, so that there is a chance to realize Draw cards freely.

"This batch of goods looks good at first glance, but the quality seems to be a bit..."

Ma Niubi looked at it for a while, and asked tentatively.

"Yes, these are all damaged resources. They were accidentally damaged during the battle, but it doesn't matter. Add them to the real thing and sell them to the auction house. Let's take the money and leave."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said.

"And two days later, our master and apprentice will disappear and go to Lingyin Temple. At that time, the auction house will find that the resources are fake, and the right owner will not be found."

"Death does not tell, that's what it means!"

"High! Master is really tall!"

"Now that you know it, let's buy it for the teacher!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, flipped his wrist, and threw out a large handful of interspatial rings, his eyes stared straight at the sight.

He knew that when his master had never made money honestly, he had always robbed them. With such a large number of interspatial rings, the treasures would have piled up into mountains. How many people had to be robbed and how many sects had been harmed?

"It's done!"

Ma Niubi left with the space ring.

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself in the house, "This amount is distributed to the major auction houses in the city, so it should be enough to be eaten."

"There are too many treasures in my hand, and I can't sell them all. If I sell them all, not only will no auction house be able to eat them, but it will also cause people to be suspicious. I can only sell a part of them. As for the remaining resources and treasures, they will be sold in Lingyin Temple. , Let’s deal with another batch.”

Others are worried about not having enough resources in their hands, but Li Xiaobai is just the opposite. He is worried that he has too many treasures in his hands.

If he let outsiders know his thoughts, I'm afraid he will be pissed off.


Two consecutive days passed.

No one came to trouble Li Xiaobai anymore, Master Juehu seemed to have disappeared for two days, and the Luohan Temple seemed calm on the surface, but in reality it was undercurrent.

The feeling that the storm is coming makes me a little breathless.

Three days are up.

The exclusive formation channel in the city can be opened.

Ma Niubi brought back tens of millions of top-grade rare earth resources, and his reputation as a genius at the Arhat Temple settled many troubles.

Anyway, after today, it is impossible for him to return to Luohan City, so he hurriedly took advantage of the usefulness of his name to make some extra money and leave.

The two of them came to the deepest part of the city. There were already monks waiting here, and they couldn't wait.

A burly and sturdy monk in golden armor immediately sat in the center of the formation with a horizontal knife, his eyes were like torches, scanning every Buddhist monk passing by in front of him.

He didn't intend to use his cultivation, but there was an invisible fierce flame on his body surface, and just sitting there gave people an unshakable huge pressure like facing a mountain.

Master Juehu was waiting with a smile on his side.

"Little Ma, little master Wuhu, hurry up and salute. The one in front of you is one of the eighteen arhats in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the golden body arhat!"

"This time the array is opened, it is a real master who will sweep the array and maintain the stable structure of the space!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai and Ma Niubi coming late, the old monk Juehu hurriedly reprimanded him in a low voice.

The status of the golden arhat is detached, and the big man who guards a city will only come out and walk around today because of his face.

"Amitabha, little monk Wuhu, fortunate enough to see the prudent Arhat, I'm sorry and disrespectful!"

"Failing to listen to the Dharma under the seat of Lord Arhat is a loss for future generations."

Li Xiaobai and Ma Niubi said to each other very politely.

"There will be a chance."

The golden body Arhat stopped talking after throwing down such a sentence, his face was shrouded in a layer of confusion, and he couldn't see clearly, but the horned dragon muscles on his body swelled up, and each muscle contained the power of a volcanic eruption. sense of power.

A hot breath can be felt from far away.

"Little Master Wuhu, two days ago Chugui was injured a little bit, presumably because he was too exhausted on the road to practice, and he became sick from overwork, so you will take his place, why don't you join me at the Arhat Temple and go to the Buddha Debating Stage?"

"After the debate on Buddhism is over, the old monk will send you to the Lingyin Temple. You can also take this opportunity to get in touch with various Buddhist talents from all walks of life and make good friends."

Master Juehu looked at Li Xiaobai and said with a smile, Ma Niubi really hit the spot, he has been abolished Chugui, and let him take the place directly, if Chugui knew about this, he would probably faint in the toilet bingo.

"Amitabha, everything is at the disposal of Master Juehu."

Li Xiaobai clasped his palms together as if he was sympathetic to the sky, so he naturally accepted such kindness.

"It's so good, it's not too late, let's go."

Master Juehu nodded, threw out a bunch of various resources, and a dizzyingly complicated formation slowly rose on the surface.

The monks entered. There were six monks from Luohan Temple on this trip. There was Master Juehu at the top, and another old and thin monk whose dharma name disappeared. Among the disciples of the younger generation, besides Ma Niuti and Li Xiaobai, there were Two geniuses followed, but judging by their auras, these two were somewhat weaker than Chu Gui, and it would be difficult for them to perform brilliantly on the Buddha debate stage.

"When you get to the place, don't lose the face of Luohan City, otherwise you will not be a monk from Luohan Temple in the next Buddha Debating Stage."

The golden body Arhat uttered a sentence, and the words were clanging, hitting Master Juehu's heart like a hammer. This was the tremendous pressure that only he could face directly, and his face turned pale.

Others don't know, but he knows that Arhats also have their own pressure. The Eighteen Arhats seem to be in harmony with each other, and it is not a day or two to compete with each other.

Let Arhat lose face, he, the abbot of Arhat Temple, should apologise with death.

"Don't worry, my lord. This time, my Arhat Temple will return triumphantly and bring back a remarkable record!"

Master Juehu hastily expressed his loyalty and wanted to say something more, but the golden arhat was not interested in listening at all, so he slapped in the air casually, and the entire formation was instantly activated.

A familiar feeling flooded his heart, Li Xiaobai felt that there was a sudden chaos in front of him, filled with golden light, and the sense of time and space was lost. This is the beginning of teleportation.

The formations between the cities are all connected to each other, and they have already been set up without any complicated steps. It only takes a short time for half a stick of incense, and the eyes of the group are restored to light again.

It's just that the scene in front of me is somewhat different from what I expected. It's not the familiar golden temple with golden soil. What I see in front of me is an endless golden ocean.

Small islands float in the sky above the sea, looming.

"Little Master Wuhu is a newcomer. I think this is the first time I have seen such a scene?"

"This golden ocean is called the Buddha Sea. The Buddha Sea is not sea water. It is rumored that the Lord Buddha left tears for the world's creatures in his early years. They accumulated here, forming such a golden ocean full of strong faith."

Master Juehu took the initiative to make an introduction.

The golden formation under the feet is just on the shore of the Buddha Sea.

"If so much water is all tears, the eyeballs of the old man, Lord Buddha, must be as big as millstones, right?"

Ma Niubi blurted out, and he sneered at the words of tears.

"You bastard, don't be disrespectful to Lord Buddha. How can you trample on Buddhist beliefs! Next time, I will punish you into a small black room!"

Master Juehu's face changed when he heard the words, and he sternly reprimanded.

"Where is Lingyin Temple, why is there no trace of the temple?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The magic of Lingyin Temple lies in a hidden word at the beginning. It is located on the sea level at the moment, it is there, but you can't see it!"

The old monk Juehu pointed forward and said that the monastery was floating on the sea, but the monks who had just arrived did not understand the mystery and could not see it.

Several people prepare to cross the sea.

But it is at this time.

There is also a teleportation formation not far away, which is also surrounded by golden Buddha light, full of divine brilliance, and human figures are gradually manifesting.

"The monks from Tianyin Temple have also arrived. It is really a fate to meet you from thousands of miles away."

Monk Juehu glanced in that direction with a gloomy expression on his face.

"Tianyin Temple?"

Li Xiaobai also saw those monks, each with a purple turban tied around their heads.

"Tianyinbo came from their temple."

Ma Niubi reminded that many of the magical powers of Buddhism are common, and the monks of Luohan Temple can also practice the exercises of other temples.

"Amitabha, it is really a coincidence that the book is not complete. It is really a lucky thing for the poor monk to meet the eminent monks and great virtues of the Arhat Temple here!"

The light from the formation dissipated, and the same six monks walked out, two old monks and four young monks.

"Amitabha, I didn't expect that I would be lucky enough to meet Master Tianxuan here today. The journey is difficult and dangerous. Let me wish Tianyin Temple the first prize this time!"

The old monk Juehu obviously didn't want to see the other party, he cupped his hands casually, and said in a neutral manner.

"Hey, where does this come from? The monks in the world are one family, the Lord Buddha is the father, and all the monks are heirs. The family members verify what they have learned from each other. Why should there be a winner? Come on, on the contrary, it is inferior, and spread it to make people laugh!"

Master Tianxuan stood with his hands folded, and said casually, a word that almost did not faint the old monk.

The extinct monk at the side said sadly, "The monks don't show off their tongues, but the poor monk is curious. Since the last time, whether the monks in your temple have improved. Let's debate on the altar."

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