The crazy monk ran away in a hurry.

Li Xiaobai took out a talisman and sank into it, able to accurately perceive the location of the mad monk.

"The lyrics that this crazy monk just sang just now don't seem like gossip. I feel that he is a man of insight. The old Lai who hangs around in Lingyin Temple should have seen many big scenes. The mess is so miserable, which means that there is no one there. Turn around. You can ask him something."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, in this place, everything needs to be cautious, and one must not show one's feet.

Find a place to stay first, and wait for the crazy monk to finish his work.

He is not afraid of the loss of resources. The auction house is trustworthy. Even if it is motivated by money, it will wait until it leaves Lingyin Temple. It is impossible to make rash moves in this temple. It is tantamount to openly provoking Buddhism. Majestic, committing suicide.

As for the crazy old man running away, he is even less worried. With the talisman as a traction, he will be able to detect the other party as soon as he escapes, and he will find the other party and deal with it without paying him.

A passer-by was stopped on the street and asked, "Amitabha, little monk Wuhu, dare to ask the almsgiver if he knows where Taxue Xunhong is?"

"Treading the Snow to Seek Hong?"

"There are Tianzihao taverns, I can't tell that you, a monk Wenwen, are quiet and honest, and you are still doing this kind of fancy work!"

"It's really a decline in the world, and people's hearts are not old. Don't monks even drink and eat meat?"

The man glanced at Li Xiaobai up and down, shook his head and sighed, then left with his hands.

Li Xiaobai scratched his head, feeling a little embarrassed, just now he forgot his identity, it was indeed something wrong.

But isn't it normal for Buddhist monks to eat meat and drink alcohol? Why do they need to cover up? I didn't see anyone cover up when I was in the Arhat Temple. Playing with women is always talking about it!

Li Xiaobai walked in the direction guided by the man just now.

Lingyin Temple is too big, and the temples, shops, and inn houses that can be seen everywhere almost all look the same, and can only be distinguished from the plaques.

Tianzihao is a fasting inn, which specializes in providing meals for monks and kind-hearted people. It is said to be fasting meals, but it is actually a tavern.

There are all kinds of ingredients in it. Tianzihao is not a certain store, but a store title that has been awarded. All the seats in Tianzihao are old-fashioned shops with first-class ingredients and first-class workmanship.

That Taxue Xunhong is a flavor that only Tianzihao old shops are qualified to make.

"Su Zhai Pavilion!"

"That's it!"

Li Xiaobai chose an attic at random. This building is resplendent and magnificent without carved railings and jade.

"Master, please, how many?"

There was a servant in front of the door to welcome the guests, and said with a smile on his face.

"You two, just find a quiet place."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Dele, master, please come inside!"

The servant nodded, bowed to salute, and said loudly towards the inside, "Two masters, a secluded place!"

The two walked through the restaurant, one behind the other. The restaurant had three floors, and the servant took him around on the first floor, trying to find a quiet place.

But this floor is overcrowded, and it is really hard to find a place where there is no one around.

"Amitabha, benefactor, I see that there seems to be idle sitting upstairs, why don't you go up and have a look?"

Li Xiaobai said politely.

"Master, it seems that this is the first time to visit Tianzihao Restaurant?"

"The master of the rules here doesn't know something. This is a Buddhist fasting place. The food is not divided into three or six grades, but there is still a difference. The higher you go, the more exquisite the dishes are, and the more financial resources you need. .”

"So no matter who comes, you need to start tasting from the first floor, eat more than half of the delicacies on the first floor, and then you are eligible to enter the second floor. By analogy, the master wants to have a good time with friends, and the mood is very understandable , but I'm really sorry."

The boy said, the words are very euphemistic, but the meaning is very obvious. For the first time, who knows how much money you have in your pocket? ?

After all, it is the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, a place where Buddhist monks gather, and it is not easy to directly ask about financial resources, so I came up with such a way to test it.

Li Xiaobai is speechless, isn't it just for a meal, why are there so many rules and regulations?

Isn't it just more expensive, he has plenty of money!

"Amitabha, I am grateful to the benefactor for guidance. May I ask which floor is this dish?"

Li Xiaobai continued to ask.

"Oh, master, you really have eyesight. This Taxue Xunhong is the signature of the Tianzi brand. It is a treasure in the wine. Just a sip can improve the cultivation level by a small amount. It can be called the best!"

"Although this dish is a signature dish, in line with the principle of serving the public, it is not intentionally difficult. You can taste it on the second floor."

The little servant said with a smile, his eyes scanned Li Xiaobai up and down, as if he was evaluating him. It was the first time he entered Tianzihao, and the monk who had a clear purpose to taste Treading Xunhong as soon as he came up was obviously not an ordinary person.

It should be a rich master, but the rules cannot be broken, the richer the master, the more he has to stay and make more money, and he can also get some commissions from it!

"Amitabha, the little monk came here today to give a pot of Taxue Xunhong to a friend. I wonder if the almsgiver can make it convenient?"

Li Xiaobai also said cheerfully, pretending not to understand the subtext.

"This is natural. Master's sincerity towards friends can be learned from all over the world. How dare the little one dare to bother you? Master, please be calm and don't be impatient. For the time being, sit on this floor for a while, and the little one will go to ask for instructions." , and wait for Master’s friend dojo, then bring the two of you upstairs!”

The boy nodded and bowed, looking very respectful.

Li Xiaobai can only answer if he can't find fault with his words and deeds.

"Alright, the little monk will rest here for a while, thank you benefactor!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, pulled a stool and sat down, and the boy went to work elsewhere.

He didn't mean to ask for instructions at all, he was obviously just trying to stabilize him, and wanted to wait for the Mad Monk Dojo, and then look at and assess his financial resources.

"It's not easy to open a store in the Buddhist world, it's all routine."

Li Xiaobai sighed in his heart. There was freshly brewed tea in the cup on the table. This tea was available on every table. It was just ordinary tea. He took a sip and quietly felt the movement of the crazy old man.

"Amitabha, does Master need some refreshments?"

Another boy came up to talk and asked with a smile.

"My little monk is here waiting for someone, I don't need it for now."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand, not paying attention to the other party.

"I see the master sitting here here, and specially sent a plate of dim sum to express his heart, and ask the master not to refuse."

The boy took out a tray from behind as if by magic, and placed it neatly in front of Li Xiaobai.

This shop is quite good at being a man. Seeing customers waiting, there is also such considerate service as delivering pastries.

Now nodded.

"Thank you benefactor!"

"Master, take it easy, if you need it, you can call me again!"

The boy smiled unabated, bowed and left.

Li Xiaobai picked up a piece of pastry and took a bite. It was silky smooth in the mouth, dense and soft, and elastic. I couldn't tell what the ingredients were, but it felt great!

It is worthy of being a Tianzi restaurant, even the small gifts that come with it are so delicious!

About half an hour later.

Li Xiaobai sensed that the talisman had stagnated and started to move again, presumably the crazy monk finished the transaction and started to go back to find himself.

He didn't explain his location, and he was thinking about whether to go back to find the crazy monk. The talisman in his hand was getting hotter and hotter, and the fluctuation was getting stronger and stronger. This was a sign that the two talismans were approaching.

In the next second, a monk in ragged clothes appeared outside the door of the fasting pavilion of Tianzihao, looking inward with his head poking his head.


"Master Wuhu, the poor monk has had a hard time looking for you!"

"The poor monk has taken care of all the things you explained. He is indeed a master who can live in Tongtianzhu. He promises a lot, and he has been waiting for the poor monk in this Tianzi shop for a long time!"

Seeing Li Xiaobai drinking tea in the corner, his eyes lit up, ignoring the astonished eyes of the people around him, he rushed to Li Xiaobai at a trot, pulled up a chair and sat down.

"Is everything done?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Sure, I'm a regular visitor to the Treasure Pavilion where the poor monk went. When I heard the name of the poor monk, I specially opened a special passage, and the deal was settled in less than an hour!"

Monk Crazy had a very excited face, as if he was expecting something.

"What about that thing?"

Li Xiaobai's face was very calm.

"This is not going to work, I promised the poor monk that Taxue Xunhong will deliver it, otherwise the poor monk would not dare to deliver the goods!"

The crazy monk covered his chest and said vigilantly.

"Haven't you consulted the Master's Dharma name yet?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed slightly, and he handled things very quickly, and he was able to find this place directly without any information, which showed that the opponent's strength should not be underestimated.

Ordinary Buddhist monks cannot do this.

"Amitabha, the title of the poor monk has been deprived, but the poor monk has always been kind and generous. Everyone calls the poor monk Jigong monk, and the master can also call him that."

The crazy monk said.

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said seriously, "It turned out to be Master Jigong, may I ask how Master Jigong knew that the little monk was in the fasting pavilion of Tianzihao?"

"There is no one in a radius of hundreds of miles that the poor monk can't find. The poor monk can tell whether it's a person or a ghost by smelling his nose!"

Monk Jigong said triumphantly.

This nose is almost as big as a dog's nose.

"Master Jigong came to Tianzihao for the first time?"

Li Xiaobai asked with a smile.

"That's right, I was lucky enough to drink Taxue Xunhong once, the taste, tsk tsk tsk..."

Jigong's eyes flashed with memory, and he said with a look of obsession.

"This day's name is divided into three floors in total, and the Treading Xuexunhong that Master Jigong wants is on the second floor."

Li Xiaobai said unhurriedly, and waved to the former boy.

Seeing that everyone had arrived, the young man also ran over and said apologetically.

"I'm sorry Master Wuhu. I was scolded just now. The person in charge said that no matter who comes, the rules are the rules. If you don't want to follow the rules, you don't have to force it."

The boy said with an aggrieved face.

"Why don't you go elsewhere, Tianzihao restaurant has Taxue Xunhong."

The boy's eyeballs rolled around, and the moment his eyes touched Monk Jigong, he was full of disdain.

The clothes are ragged and tattered, and he also has a demented look. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that he is a stinky beggar.

As the saying goes, if you are close to Zhu, you will be red, and if you are close to ink, you will be black. What kind of friends do you have, and you can play with this crappy monk. I guess this Wuhu monk is not much better.

It may be that there is some spare money, but there is no oil and water to fish for. Most of them just go up and order a pot of food and then leave.

They don't need such a guest.


"What rules?"

"The poor monk only needs a jug of good wine. If he dislikes the poor monk's mess, the poor monk can pack it and take it out to drink."

Monk Jigong didn't understand what happened, so he asked with his eyes wide open.

"Amitabha, master, it's not about money, it's really about the two of you following the rules!"

"If everyone can make an allowance, our restaurant will not be able to continue."

The boy said with a distressed face, and his words were very tactful, but anyone could see the disdain in his eyes.

"Tianzihao's rule is that you must order half of the ingredients on the first floor to be eligible to enter the second floor. This is because I think the monk has no money."

Li Xiaobai sighed from the side.


"Business is not done this way. This little master doesn't know something. The poor monk has plenty of money, so he can still afford it!"

Jigong became impatient when he heard it, why didn't he let him go up, and despised him for being poor? There are tens of millions of rare earth resources in his pocket at the moment, let alone a jug of wine, it is not a big deal to buy the entire fasting pavilion.

"Master, monks don't lie, who do you call a dog!"

"If you keep messing around like this, I won't be polite, you two, please leave quickly and don't disturb other guests' meals!"

The boy's face also sank, and he said coldly.

"Hey, isn't this Master Wuhu from the Arhat Temple? Why do you come to eat the overlord's meal in this fasting pavilion?"

"I still treat this place as my own one-acre three-point land. You have to pay to eat here. If you don't have resources, don't waste your time here. It will save you embarrassment!"

There was a sharp and piercing laughter from behind. It was a monk from Tianyin Temple who laughed without hesitation after seeing Li Xiaobai and Monk Jigong.

Master Tianxuan led the team, and all the monks of Tianyin Temple strode directly to the second floor, leaving a provocative look.

"A monk from the Arhat Temple!"

"It's actually Luohan Temple. I've heard that in this year's Bianfotai team, Luohan Temple has seized the exclusive cave belonging to Lingyin Temple. It seems that they came prepared!"

"I've also heard that, directly taking away all the No. 6 cave house numbers along the Tongtianzhu Road, this is full of confidence!"

"I didn't expect to meet here. By the way, isn't that shabby monk the old Lai who is always wandering around? Why did the monk from the Arhat Temple get involved with him?"

The sarcasm of the monks of Tianyin Temple fell into the ears of the surrounding monks, which was a piece of heavy news, and the originally quiet fasting pavilion became lively in an instant.

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