Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1556: The Correct Way To Eat Overlord’S Meal

"I didn't expect the master to be a Buddhist monk who participated in the Buddha debate. Disrespect and disrespect!"

"However, we still can't mess with the rules. If you don't want to order food on the first floor, you can leave on your own. Just before you leave, please settle the bill clearly."

Listening to the discussions of the surrounding crowd, the servant said in a neutral tone.

"Bill, please?"

"But the little monk didn't serve the food, he just sat here for a while."

Li Xiaobai was taken aback when he heard the words, and couldn't help asking.

"Master, look at the tea you drank on this table, and the plate of dim sum you ate just now. They are all made of high-quality ingredients. A total of 100 rare earth resources will be consumed. Please pay the bill clearly."

The servant pointed to the tea and snacks on the table.

Li Xiaobai's face darkened immediately, not because he couldn't afford the money, but the feeling of being cheated was hard to bear.

The tea here is not free, so what do you mean by visiting a pot on every table, and the plate of dim sum, which was clearly brought by another servant, how come you are paying for it?

It's obviously a deliberate scam to trick him into money!

"Amitabha, what the almsgiver said is wrong. Although the poor monk came late, he could tell that Master Wuhu didn't serve the food. This should be the fault of Zhaijie Pavilion, and the guests should not be allowed to pay the bill."

Monk Jigong also said, "Why don't you give the poor monk a face, let's pretend that what happened today didn't happen?"

This is a peacemaker, as he said, he likes to see injustice, so he got the title of Ji Gong.

"Amitabha, there's no need. The little monk happens to be a little hungry, so let's spend some money here."

Li Xiaobai grabbed Monk Jigong, but said with a smile.

This is the first time since I entered the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss that I was cheated of money. Since I dislike that we have no money, then we will use rare earth resources to scare you!


"Master wants to eat here?"

"The price is not cheap. Here is the recipe. Master, what do you want?"

The little servant was also taken aback when he heard the words, and quickly took out a cookbook and threw it over, and said playfully.

"But there is no Treading Xue Xunhong on the first floor."

"It's okay, don't read it, just fry one!"

Li Xiaobai threw the recipe back and said flatly.

"What did the master just say?"

The boy was a little confused and asked involuntarily.

"The little monk said that there is no need to read it, just stir fry a copy. If you know what a stir fry is, it's on the recipe. Come and have a copy of them all!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly, pointed to a plaque on the first floor and said, "It's written on it, everything in the recipe can be made, and you will pay ten for a fake, and you will be fooled!"

"Every dish must be prepared, and one must not be missing!"

Li Xiaobai said proudly, he really treats him like an idiot, he has a lot of money.

But based on his attitude towards this restaurant, he is really determined to eat the Overlord's meal today.

As long as he can't make the dishes on the menu, even if there is only one dish, he has a reason not to give money even if the shop is bullying customers.

"Okay, since it's the request of the monks of the Arhat Temple, our store should meet it. Please wait a moment, the master. I'll go and report to the adult in charge!"

The boy picked up the cookbook and ran away without a trace.

"Master Wuhu, what the poor monk wants is Treading Xue Xunhong's fine wine, and your other orders don't count!"

Monk Jigong tightened his chest and skirt like a baby, and said nervously.

"Don't worry, you must drink fine wine today, and keep your stomach full!"

The old God Li Xiaobai said, Xiao Mian, he can deal with this kind of shop with ease, the bigger the restaurant, the rarer the rare dishes.

Even many high-priced dishes are just written on it as a facade, only a very small number of truly wealthy people can afford it, and it is impossible to supply it at any time.

This little servant dog sees that people are inferior, so he will teach him how to behave!

The atmosphere on the first floor suddenly became a little dull and depressing. The monks who were already full of wine and food sat down again, wanting to see how the monks of the Arhat Temple would respond.

There are so many melons recently. Not long ago, Luohan Temple invaded the cave of Lingyin Temple and they haven't figured out the whole story. Now the little monk of Luohan Temple is fighting with Zhaijie Pavilion of Tianzihao.

What a thrill.

After a quarter of an hour.

Before the dishes came, a middle-aged man in plain clothes came over first.

The middle-aged man's eyes were shrewd, he walked like a tiger, and there was a sense of calmness and prestige between his brows. When he saw Li Xiaobai, he was not as snobbish as the servant just now, but greeted them politely.

"Amitabha, my Majesty Zhang Wei is in charge of the first floor of the fasting pavilion. It is my fasting pavilion full of brilliance to have two great masters here!"

"Just now the boy came to report that the two masters wanted to serve all the dishes on the menu. I thought he had misunderstood the meaning, so I came here to ask."

"If there is any misunderstanding, let's solve it in time!"

Zhang Wei clasped his fists together to save face.

Li Xiaobai was very clear about the other party's intentions, if it had been just now, he would have gone down the steps, but now that the boy had provoked the matter, he can't be blamed for refusing to face it.

Immediately he said, "Don't need to be like this, the young servant will not misunderstand, the young monk just wanted to invite the master to drink a pot of Taxue Xunhong, thanks to the guidance of the young servant, he understood the rules of the fasting pavilion. "

"The food on the first floor must be served in the same amount. After the little monk tastes it, he will go to the second floor to eat."

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and said.

"So that's it, Master, you're overthinking. Rules are dead, but people are alive. There are only two of you. How can you eat so many meals? Wouldn't it be a waste to order them all?"

"Every grain is hard work, wasting food is a big taboo in Buddhism, and there will be karmic obstacles and karma."

Zhang Wei smiled and spoke softly.

But the more this is the case, the more it proves that he has a guilty conscience. Among the recipes on the first floor, there are some dishes that cannot be made now, or there are no ready-made ingredients!

"It's okay, I don't waste money, I will pack it up and take it away when I can't finish it, and share it with the masters in the Tongtian Pillar, so I don't need to bother the benefactor."

"The boy said just now that everything must be done according to the rules, and the rules cannot be revoked. If everyone is like a monk, then this fasting pavilion will not be able to continue."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said with a curved mouth.

"In such a big restaurant, there shouldn't be a situation where the dishes are not complete. I believe that cheating customers to pay ten for one fake will not happen in this famous restaurant!"

"Ahem, it's natural, but it will take some time to complete a whole cookbook, and the cost is not a small amount. Can the master..."

Zhang Wei's complexion gradually turned ugly, and he rubbed his hands and said in embarrassment.

"Count it yourself, is it enough? Don't talk about frying a cookbook, I can even buy this restaurant!"

Li Xiaobai shook his hand and threw out a space ring, which was full of rare earth crystals.

He has been tricked and abducted all the way to the present, and he doesn't look at ordinary rare earth resources at all. The worst rare earth resources he can get his hands on are rare earth crystals, and most of them are top-quality rare earth crystals.

Zhang Wei, who was in charge, took the ring, glanced at it slightly, and his whole body trembled involuntarily.

There are too many, all of them are rare earth resources, and all of them are top-quality rare earth crystals!

This is a sky-high price, tens of millions of dollars, he was dizzy looking at it, the other party was not joking, this kind of financial resources can really buy the entire restaurant.

Moreover, this person threw out the interspatial ring so casually, without any hesitation or nervousness, which shows that this little money is not considered a shattering wealth to him, how rich is this?

I just heard from the people around me that this person is a monk from Luohan Temple?

Luohan Temple, when did it become so rich?

"Amitabha, it is the villain who has eyes but does not know the true face of the master, and makes his subordinates neglect the master!"

"Please don't be offended, Master!"

Zhang Wei's cold sweat broke out, looking at this posture, he really wanted to fry a book, there was no room for negotiation.

"Amitabha, this little monk just wants to follow the rules, so I ask Master Zhang not to embarrass that little servant."

"It's all in accordance with the regulations. The monk pays the money, and the benefactor serves the dishes. If the dishes on the first floor are complete, the ring just now is yours. If it is not complete, the monk will have to demand ten times the compensation!"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

With a slap, the space ring was directly slapped on the table.

In Zhang Wei's heart, he wished that he could widow that boy, so he could provoke the guests in a good manner, and let him suffer losses for nothing.

Losing money is a small matter, but provoking people who shouldn't be provoked is a big matter.

Such resources are not available to ordinary monks, and there is probably a huge monster behind the other party.

"The two masters are safe and don't be impatient, Zhang will go to the back kitchen to urge him!"

Zhang Wei wiped the cold sweat off his forehead, turned and left.

After a few breaths, the diners all looked dignified when they saw that the door of Zhaijie Pavilion was closed tightly, and a plaque was hung on the door saying that it was out of business.

This is really a big deal, the Wuhu monk who just appraised the funds just threw out a space ring, I am afraid that the items inside are worth a lot, enough to afford the food money.

"There's a good show to watch!"

"For how many years, Tianzihao has never had such a thing!"

"Yeah, it can be regarded as a thorny head. This year, the monks of Luohan Temple don't even give face to Lingyin Temple, let alone a famous restaurant!"

"But the poor monk saw it clearly just now, it was the boy who found fault first!"

"It's all here. It doesn't matter who finds fault. The boy represents the restaurant side. Although he is a bit stupid, the two sides are already at war at this moment. Unless all the dishes in the fasting pavilion are complete, I'm afraid it will be a mess today." Something big happened!"

The diners looked at everything that happened in front of them with relish, eating all they could eat!

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, so rich?"

"It's not easy. The resources you asked the poor monk to buy and sell were sold for this amount. When you got them, the poor monk's legs and feet were weak!"

"I searched for it non-stop, for fear that someone would cut me off on the way!"

Monk Jigong was also dumbfounded watching this scene, it was the first time he saw such a heroic monk, waving his hands and throwing thousands of dollars, without blinking his eyes.

"Master Jigong, don't worry, the little monk will never break his promise. If you say Treading Xue Xunhong to take care of your fullness, you will definitely take care of your fullness!"

Li Xiaobai said with a slight smile, he already felt that there was something extraordinary about this monk Jigong, he was not a complete old man like what the monk in the Tongtian Pillar said.

Being able to find him out of thin air, and negotiating with the Treasure Pavilion to buy and sell sky-high prices in a short period of time, without being confused by money and running away, with clear and scary eyes, is definitely not something ordinary monks can do.

This person is either pretending to be a fool, or he is a real master, with a pure heart!

It may be an opportunity to make friends with him over a meal of wine. Didn't the old beggar cheat him in the same way back then?

And he didn't intend to pay for today's meal, the overlord's meal is guaranteed!

"Master Wuhu, this is only the first time we have met, and you have taken such good care of me, I am so grateful!"

Monk Jigong's eyes turned red in an instant, and he looked like a little daughter-in-law about to cry. Li Xiaobai quickly shrank his neck when he saw it, and almost forgot that he was a crazy monk. He laughed and cried when he was talking.

"Look, the Wangfo Tower opposite is also closed!"

"And over there, the Immortal Buddha Terrace is also closed!"

"The Qunxian Drunk, Pinwuju, Suzhai Pavilion... are all closed and out of business!"

There was another exclamation in the ear.

The restaurants on the opposite side are closing their doors one after another, and many diners who walked out of it were full of confusion.

But the diners in the fasting pavilion are very clear, this is because the restaurant is short of stock, the ingredients are not enough, some dishes cannot be made, and they are transferring goods to other restaurants!

In other words, all Tianzihao restaurants are now closed because of this Wuhu master, just to provide material assistance to Zhaijie Pavilion.

The eyes of the monks looking at Li Xiaobai gradually became awed, which is tantamount to challenging the reputation of the Tianzihao restaurant in Lingyin Temple with one person's financial resources.

"Master Jigong, you see, what the little monk said is correct. Although this Zhaijie Pavilion is a famous restaurant, it still can't cook all the dishes."

"After today, no servant in Lingyin Temple will look down on you anymore."

Li Xiaobai leisurely brewed a pot of tea and said cheerfully.

"Then what if everyone makes it?"

"The resources of all Tianzihao restaurants combined cannot be underestimated."

Monk Jigong asked cautiously, he felt a little embarrassed, and felt a little guilty for wasting so many resources for him alone.

"It's okay, all the important things about the dishes on the first floor are done, let's go to the second floor to continue!"

"There are three floors in total, what's the rush, go up layer by layer, there will always be times when he can't do it!"

Li Xiaobai is not worried at all. There are so many restaurants and there are many ingredients, but most of them are common dishes. If there is no ingredient in one family, there is a high probability that other restaurants will not have it.

He glanced at the recipe just now, for example, there is a dish called Xueyue Flood Dragon, which is made from real dragon meat.

Whose family has nothing to do every day, raising dragons, eating and playing?

"Hey, the bigger the trouble, the better. The name of a genius, coupled with this gimmick, will definitely attract the attention of the high-level officials of Lingyin Temple soon."

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