The shopkeeper was a little surprised. Could it be that Wuhu monk and Jigong monk were taken care of by the old monk Wuyun, and then the old monk Wuyun got a breakthrough. If this is the case, the situation will be different.

"Here, Monk Wuhu, Monk Jigong, are you okay..."

When facing the old monk Wuyun, the shopkeeper asked tremblingly, if he saw that the old monk Wuyun was promoted in normal times, the shopkeeper would of course be very happy.

However, Monk Jigong and Monk Wuhu are more important. In this case, if the old monk Wuyun came down like this, if the shopkeeper is not nervous, there may be a problem.

Now that the matter has come to an end, the shopkeeper is really afraid of the current Wuyun old monk. He never thought that such a thing would happen today.

Although after the old monk Wuyun came down, the current shopkeeper doesn't have to worry about whether something happened to the old monk Wuyun, but if something happened to Monk Jigong and Master Wuhu, it would be even more unacceptable to the shopkeeper.

Wuyun old monk heard the shopkeeper's words, and then looked at the appearance of these people nearby. Of course, he knew what the shopkeeper was worried about, and he also understood the emotions in the shopkeeper's heart.

"There is nothing wrong with the two of you, they helped me a lot this time!"

When Wuyun old monk said this, the shopkeeper's hanging heart was relieved, but the way the shopkeeper looked at Wuyun old monk also changed a lot.

This old monk Wuyun's current attitude is not to help the Zhaijie Pavilion. Hearing what the old monk Wuyun said, the relationship with Wuhu monk and Jigong monk seems to be better, which is a bit inappropriate.

Although the shopkeeper did not directly say that he was dissatisfied with Wuyun old monk, but after Wuyun old monk said this, he knew in his heart what the shopkeeper thought.

Everyone knows that even though the old monk Wuyun got the help of Wuhu monk and Jigong monk, which led to the improvement of the old monk's own strength, but Jigong monk and Wuhu monk are the real disaster for Zhaijie Pavilion .

Even if Wuyun old monk really helped the shopkeeper, the shopkeeper and others were very dissatisfied with the old monk.

"It's fine if that's the case, the dishes are being cooked here, so go up and watch the three of them!"

The shopkeeper said faintly that although he didn't express his thoughts directly, he was very dissatisfied with the old monk Wuyun.

Moreover, the shopkeeper's attitude towards Monk Wuhu and Monk Jigong was also very straightforward, and it was the shopkeeper's job to send these two away.

Whether the old monk Wuyun will leave or not, or whether he is helping Zhaijie Pavilion, Wuhu monk, or Jigong monk, the shopkeeper can't control it.

Now Zhaijie Pavilion and the shopkeeper are facing internal and external troubles anyway, it depends on how the old monk Wuyun chooses,


The old monk Wuyun was a little silent. He didn't think that he was just helping Monk Jigong. Monk Wuhu said something, and the shopkeeper was like that.

Although there are quite a lot of fasting pavilions this time, if we make good use of the arrival of Monk Jigong and Master Wuhu, then the old monk Wuyun, the shopkeeper, and the fasting pavilions will all gain a lot.

Monk Wuhu and Monk Jigong must be eating the overlord's meal this time, but these two people helped the old monk Wuyun to improve, and the changes of the old monk Wuyun can help Zhaijie Pavilion to have more income.

The shopkeeper and the old monk Wuyun are in the same mood now. They both know that Wuhu monk and Jigong monk have brought losses this time, and there will be more gains in the future, but how to guarantee the income during this period.

Besides, being cheated like this for no reason, who can really be at peace, now that the shopkeeper treats Old Monk Wuyun with such an attitude, Old Monk Wuyun has nothing more to say.

"Okay, on their side, I will handle it!"

The old monk Wuyun knew that no matter how much he and the shopkeeper talked, the two sides had different thoughts, and it was actually useless to talk too much.

Instead of thinking about so many things, it is better to express it with actions.

Wuhu monk plus Jigong monk, the conflict with Zhaijie Pavilion this time, the old monk Wuyun is unable to help eliminate it, and there is no need to eliminate it.

When the Wuhu monk has better results in the Debate Stage this time, the shopkeeper's thinking will naturally change a lot. In this way, it may be more effective than the current Wuyun old monk talking more.

"Zhang Wei, Hongyan, I'm going to contact those people. If there are other variables, then..."

The shopkeeper called Zhang Wei and Hong Yan over, and the two who said this nodded their heads.

Everyone knows what the shopkeeper means. If Monk Jigong and Monk Wuhu have any other requests, I'm afraid it will be really troublesome.

The shopkeeper must be prepared, and if the time comes, he can't wait too long.

As for the old monk Wuyun, the shopkeeper was even more annoyed. He had hoped that the old monk Wuyun would give him a certain amount of help for Zhaijie Pavilion, but now it seems that the combination of Wuhu monk and Jigong monk does not know what to give to Wuyun old monk. Good thing, Wuyun old monk became like this.

Now counting on Wuyun old monk is definitely not enough. At this time, you have to rely on other people to have more opportunities.


Confidante, Zhang Wei knew that he had no choice but to follow the shopkeeper's adventure, otherwise, he might really have no way out.

The best ending now is to serve up the dishes that can be cooked, and send away Wuhu monk and Jigong monk.

If the two left safely, everything would be fine, but if the two didn't leave, they would have to do something.

This point is very crucial. Regarding the thoughts and choices of the old monk Wuyun, Zhang Wei and Hongyan can't say much, but at this time, the two of them are willing to follow the shopkeeper.

No matter what promotion Wuhu monk has later, it doesn't matter. The most important thing is that Wuhu monk has caused these people a great loss. This is the reason why Wuhu monk must be dealt with.

"You guys are watching the formation from above, there is a slight change, you must take the initiative!"

The shopkeeper's plan is meticulous, and he is forced to do so now, so he has no choice but to try this way.

As for Monk Jigong, the shopkeeper was not worried, but it was the Wuhu monk who came out of Luohan Temple, which made the shopkeeper a little afraid.

I don't know what Wuhu monk is going to do, and it makes it difficult for the shopkeeper to determine how to deal with it.

That being the case, then the shopkeeper should remain unchanged to respond to all changes. At this point, the only thing to do is to start in advance.

"This is……"

Confidante, Zhang Wei felt that it was inappropriate to do so. He simply didn't believe in the old monk Wuyun, which was really too much.

But looking at the shopkeeper's face and the shopkeeper's worry, the two nodded. It is actually possible to do so.

How could it be possible to say that he was still thinking about what happened to Wuyun old monk when he couldn't even take care of the situation.

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