Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1579: The Strangeness Of Monk Jigong

The attribute points on the system panel are still soaring, and the benefits are huge. This thing is useless at this stage, but depending on the nature of the system, it is hard to guarantee that it will not be used later.

Attribute points +45 billion...

Attribute points +47 billion...

Attribute points +48 billion...

Li Xiaobai looked at the feedback given by the system, and now there is no need to worry about whether the light ball is absorbed too slowly. As the system really starts to absorb, the light ball is estimated to give Li Xiaobai about 60 billion to 70 billion attribute points.

It doesn't look like much, because Li Xiaobai has gained a lot in Zhaijie Pavilion this time. Whether it is drinks, meals, or tea cakes, etc., they can be said to be top items, and there are naturally many things that can be improved.

In the past, if you want to get a wave of attribute points, you have to fight with people with real knives and guns, fight the most ruthless fights, and suffer the most vicious beatings. It is rare to be able to skyrocket your stats after eating and drinking like this today have to.

"The luck this time is good, and the successive harvests are tsk tsk..."

Li Xiaobai was in a happy mood, glancing at the soaring values ​​on the system interface, he gained a lot.

Coupled with mental arithmetic and unintentional, Zhaijie Pavilion directly gave him a lot of good things. This is the key to his success this time. As for what other gains he can gain in the next step, it depends on the reaction of Zhaijie Pavilion.

If the Zhaijie Pavilion at this time is willing to safely bring up the fried book on the third floor, then Li Xiaobai will naturally not say much, eat it and leave.

But if there are other careful thoughts in this fasting pavilion, then Li Xiaobai has to make some 'changes' in it!

According to Li Xiaobai's opinion, and the preparations of the people in Zhaijie Pavilion below, everyone can see that Zhaijie Pavilion has already given up.

"Just look at this group of fellows in Zhaijie Pavilion, if they dare to think otherwise, if they are going to do it, hehe, I'm really lucky!"

When Li Xiaobai thought of this, he naturally understood that when things got serious, he would gain more.

As for whether the people in Zhaijie Pavilion can think clearly and endure this breath, that's not his concern.

If Zhai Jie dared to play tricks, it would be able to contribute more benefits.

If this fasting pavilion really wanted to deal with him, it would be the fat sheep that offered to come to his door, and it would be a good idea to slaughter him again.

But the truth is that these people are not stupid. It is the best situation to end this round peacefully and let Li Xiaobai walk out of the restaurant.

"If there is danger, just throw the rosary beads directly, it is more relaxed and happy!"

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, this time he directly emptied all the property of Zhaijie Pavilion, it is really possible to jump the wall in a hurry, and the heart of defense is indispensable.

"How bold people are, how productive the land is."

"Good feeling, such simple and unpretentious remarks have never been uttered by many eminent monks."

Monk Jigong nodded frequently, but he didn't understand a word, but what Li Xiaobai said was what he said.

"This monk Jigong seems to be a model of eating and drinking, the king of old Lai, but he is more like a hidden boss in the game world!"

"You have to establish a good relationship with all the monks who may be hidden bosses, and it will be difficult to use them in the future."

Li Xiaobai thought so, and this meal is a king's meal, and he doesn't need to spend money at all. Without spending a penny, he can get the favor of such an unfathomable existence of a suspected master, and he will make a steady profit!

"Hehe, Master Jigong praised you absurdly. It's just a casual expression of feelings."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said leisurely.

"Hey, it's easy to talk, easy to talk, wine and meat have passed through the intestines, the Lord Buddha sits in his heart, good brothers show loyalty!"

Monk Jigong laughed and said, Li Xiaobai, this is a long-term free meal ticket, so you have to grab it firmly, spend a lot of money, and you will not worry about eating and drinking in the future.

As long as Monk Jigong chooses to continue to unite with Li Xiaobai and follow the current model, it will be a good thing for Li Xiaobai.

As for what will happen next, Li Xiaobai is not sure now, but Li Xiaobai understands that even if Monk Jigong does not have greater cooperation with Li Xiaobai, Monk Jigong will lose money.

Li Xiaobai knows this, and Monk Jigong knows this even more. Therefore, Monk Jigong's attitude towards Li Xiaobai has changed from eating together at the beginning to learning a lot from Li Xiaobai.

"Monk Jigong, it can be said that there are many layers of fog, and there are many secrets..."

"It is said that he was directly expelled because he violated the rules and regulations, but in fact there are definitely many inside stories. In this state, it is impossible to be directly expelled under normal circumstances!"

Li Xiaobai looked at Monk Jigong. There is no doubt that Buddhist monks have undergone strict beliefs.

Now that he has accepted the power of faith in Buddhism, it is impossible to do anything against the wishes of Buddhist eminent monks.

The only possibility is that this monk Jigong has not been converted at all, or that the other party has his own understanding and ideas about Buddhism, and his thinking cannot be assimilated, so he is regarded as a different kind.

It is not easy to meet a person like Monk Jigong, especially according to Li Xiaobai's plan, it is not so easy to find a helper like Monk Jigong.

Regardless of the monk's true cultivation level, identity background, or unknown past, as long as he is a good friend, he can walk together for the rest of his life.

Although this monk is crazy and an old man, he does things well, and he doesn't run away after taking money. He is a person who can do great things.

"This monk Jigong is not really a fool, he can distinguish between good and bad, so he must have some ulterior motives!"

Li Xiaobai looked at Monk Jigong and thought in his heart, this monk is as wise as a fool, traveling around the world in a crazy state, and this monk understands the principle of mutual benefit and win-win cooperation between the two parties better than anyone else.

In a word, Li Xiaobai gave too much, so much that Monk Jigong was not curious about Li Xiaobai's secret, and Monk Jigong was still willing to cooperate with Li Xiaobai.

"Either there are other tasks, or the Buddha's mind has changed drastically and needs to be practiced. This is the basis for us to cooperate in a short time!"

"The great change in the Buddha's heart is similar to that of the old monk Wuyun. It is very likely that the Buddha's heart has changed!"

"When it comes to Wuyun old monk, monk Jigong's strength, if you want to practice again, it is not so easy to find a path that suits you!"

To be accepted by Buddhism, one must have been saved before, and then realized the change of the Buddha's heart with one's own great awareness, cleared one's mind and seen one's nature, and escaped from the control of the power of faith.

Leaning against a big tree to enjoy the shade, and hugging this thigh tightly, it may be an extra helper in the future.

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