Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1581 Master, You Have A Mole On Your Face

"Ahem, Amitabha, master, it's just that the subordinates are ignorant, please don't take offense if you offend the master!"

"In a while, I will ask that young man to come to the door to apologize, and I will definitely let Master Wuhu calm down!"

The shopkeeper's Wu Yuan's face turned green, and he resisted the urge to slap the person in front of him to death.

"The shopkeeper's words are wrong. The boy is not at fault. He just followed the regulations. The monk has always admired this kind of beater who is not afraid of power. Not only is he innocent, but he has made merit. He must be rewarded by a good student. yes!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"So, Master Wuhu is willing to clear up the past?"

The shopkeeper Wu Yuan's eyes brightened and asked.

"You and I have no enmity at all, why come to settle our suspicions? It's just following the rules. The sign on the first floor says fake one pays ten. The monk is not unreasonable. The lower two floors will be exempted. But it’s enough to pay ten times the price of the dishes on the third floor.”

Li Xiaobai said seriously.

"Ten times compensation!"

Wu Yuan felt a little dark in front of his eyes, and his head was dizzy.

The dishes on the third floor are so precious, and the lowest price on the menu must be tens of thousands of rare earth resources, not to mention the sky-high price of dragon meat, which is priceless.

If this is repaid ten times, Jubaozhai can be closed down immediately.

"That boy made a mistake. There are no so-called rules at all in my fasting building. Anyone who comes is a guest. How can we reject all the masters?"

"Master, please also accept the apology from Zhaijie Pavilion!"

Wu Yuan shook his hand, and brought out the tray again, it was full of good things, shining golden and resplendent.

"You, come here, and kowtow to Master Wuhu to make amends!"

There was a blood-red light in Wu Yuan's eyes, piercing into people's hearts, and a servant behind him scrambled out, knelt down in front of Li Xiaobai with his knees soft, tears streaming down his face.

"Master Wuhu, it's the villain's fault, the villain deserves to die, the villain's mouth is cheap, the villain has eyes and doesn't recognize the real king, and the master has been wronged, please let the villain treat the villain as a fart!"

The boy was trembling all over, when he came up just now, his legs were trembling and he couldn't walk, so he came in with someone to help him.

Offending such an eminent monk and causing the restaurant to suffer losses for no reason, his good days are coming to an end, maybe his life is also coming to an end.

"Asshole, all Tianzihao restaurants are closed today, who do you think it is for?"

"It's all a mess made by you bastard. Your eyes are higher than your head. You don't know that the master is right in front of you. How dare you beg for mercy!"

"Master Wuhu, this person's death is not a pity, but I know that even his death is not enough to appease the anger in the master's heart. From now on, he has nothing to do with Zhaijie Pavilion, and he can be dealt with by the two masters!"

Wu Yuan slapped the boy on the forehead, and said with a smile on his face.

He knew that since the other party didn't value wealth, he must be looking for a face, just venting his anger and saying that he was not sure.

"Shopkeeper Wu Yuan, you really misunderstood the little monk!"

"Amitabha, goodness, goodness, little benefactor, hurry up, there is gold under the man's knees, and this little monk is not a Buddha, how can you bow down so easily?"

Li Xiaobai patted the boy on the shoulder and said.

"Master, the little one knows his mistake and accepts the punishment!"

The boy's face was ashen, and the shopkeeper sold him off in order to keep the restaurant safe.

But speaking of it, he is a young man, what qualifications does the shopkeeper have to protect him?

It's just a walking corpse for people to vent their anger. In the next life, they will be reincarnated and have to learn the art of speaking.

"It's not you who's wrong, it's the world."

"Today's matter is due to a loophole in Zhaijie Pavilion. Ten times the compensation should be taken for granted. This matter has nothing to do with you."

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

"Shopkeeper Wu, it's easy to do things with money. This matter is indeed a problem with the fasting building. You can see that you can't get the dragon meat out, but it is clearly written on the recipe."

"Isn't this Hong Guoguo's deception?"

"It's bad for your restaurant's reputation to spread it out!"

Li Xiaobai said lightly, the meaning is obvious, if you don't give money today, you will ruin the reputation of Zhaijie Pavilion.

"The third floor of Tianzihao Restaurant is a place frequented by the supervisors of Lingyin Temple, and the prices of the dishes are not trivial."

"Ten times the compensation is really powerless, and my fasting pavilion did not deceive the master. The dishes on this recipe are indeed available, but some dishes require precious ingredients and are not available on weekdays. For example, dragon meat needs to be prepared one month in advance. Available only by monthly appointment."

Wu Yuan rubbed his hands and said bitterly.


"You dare to eat real dragon meat, so you are very brave?"

"How many dragons have Zhaijie Pavilion eaten so far?"

Li Xiaobai raised his eyebrows and asked.

"I've only eaten one since the opening of the building..."

Wu Yuan said with some lack of confidence, he still remembered the day when the restaurant opened, because it ruined the business of his peers, he was raided an average of 1.3 times a day, and six servants died in a year.

It was the supervisor of Lingyin Temple who couldn't stand it any longer, and personally brought a whole dragon's spine, and held a big banquet in the Zhaijie Pavilion, intimidating all directions, and finally ended all the grievances and grievances.

After that day, the prison court often visited Zhaijie Pavilion, and there was no incident in Zhaijie Pavilion.

Because I ate dragon meat once, I included it in the three-tiered menu. I wanted to pretend to be a pretense, but I would have thought that someone would pick it up because of this.

Dragon meat, that is a precious item that can only be obtained by hunting the real dragons. How could he, a little shopkeeper, get it.

"The ingredients that haven't been available for so many years are included in the recipe. Isn't this cheating?"

"The monks emphasize that the four things are empty. This is at the foot of the Lord Buddha. In Lingyin Temple, it is fundamental not to tell lies. The shopkeeper's behavior like this is to let the monks of Lingyin Temple gain fame?"

Li Xiaobai rolled his eyes and said coldly.

Regardless of the three seven twenty-eight, a big hat is put on the person directly.

Wu Yuan was dumbfounded for a moment, isn't he talking about the restaurant's deception of consumers? Why did the other party's three or two words directly rise to the level of wanting to make Lingyin Temple famous?

This is killing him, I dare not take the blame!

"No and no, Lingyin Temple's kindness to Zhaijie Pavilion is unforgettable, and I will never do such a treasonous thing!"

"The order is passed on, who made the recipe, pull it out and punish it, face the wall and think about it for three days to be expelled from the restaurant. In addition, all the consumption in the fasting pavilion today will be paid by Wu, and no cent will be charged!"

"Master Wuhu, Mr. Wu heard that you are also here to participate in the Debating Buddha Stage. You must be alone and lonely in Lingyin Temple. If you don't mind, when the master appeared on the stage, Mr. Wu led the shopkeepers of Tianzihao Restaurant How about waving the flag and shouting for you to help you?"

Wu Yuan was keenly aware of what Li Xiaobai needed in the past, not short of money, and also knew that Zhaijie Pavilion could not pay ten times the compensation, but he still refused to leave. It must be that the terms he offered did not satisfy the other party's wishes.

"That's right. It's rare that shopkeeper Wu has the heart, so that's it. It's just that the little monk still has something to ask."

Li Xiaobai said indifferently, the shopkeeper is the best, and those who can become the shopkeeper are not ordinary people, and they will come to things.

"I still invite the master, but it's okay!"

Wu Yuan was overjoyed, he guessed right.

"This little monk has just arrived and is very interested in the Thunder Tribulation Rosary. Please trouble the shopkeeper to help me collect one or two, and the required expenses will be recorded in the account of the Luohan Temple!"

"In addition, the young monk is not that unreasonable. Although the third-tier menu is lacking, there is no problem with the first two-tier. The required expenses are also recorded in the Luohan Temple's account!"

Li Xiaobai nodded, and said slowly, it is impossible to pay the money, and it is impossible to pay in this life, isn't this just affiliated with a cheap monastery, and it is only natural to let him pay the bill.

After the Buddha Debating Stage, he became a monk of Lingyin Temple, and he didn't need to go back home, without the slightest psychological burden.

"Amitabha, thank you Master Wuhu, but today's meal should be recorded in Wu's account, and it can be regarded as a good relationship with Master Wuhu. As the saying goes, if you don't fight, you don't know each other."

With a smile on Wu Yuan's face, he said, thank God if he didn't trouble his restaurant, how dare he ask the other party to pay.

"It's absolutely impossible. How can you not take a penny for cannibal food? If it spreads out, I don't know if you think the little monk is domineering by nature, so come here to eat the overlord's meal from the shopkeeper!"

"On the head of Luohan Temple, the little monk is not the kind of person who likes to take advantage of others!"

Li Xiaobai said with a serious face.

The shopkeeper Wu Yuan's face was terribly dark, he couldn't believe his ears, what did the other party say just now, listen, is this special brew still speaking human language?

Let you take advantage of all the cheap, okay?

At this moment, he said that he is not the type to take advantage of others, what about his face?

But right now, they can only agree, the most important thing is to send this plague god away.

"Amitabha, don't worry, the two masters, the Thunder Tribulation Rosary will be sent to you tomorrow. If you have any needs in Lingyin Temple, Zhaijie Pavilion will do its best to meet them. Whether you want to go shopping around, Wu can send someone to accompany you."

Wu Yuan said.

"Satisfied with wine and food, let's go home."

"I came here today just to entertain Master Jigong. I didn't expect so many things to be involved. It's unexpected."

"I won't bother the shopkeeper anymore, I'll come to visit another day, and the monk will leave first."

Li Xiaobai got up, clasped his hands together, and made a gesture of compassion, then stood up and left without delay.

"Amitabha, there are still two pots of Taxue Xunhong left. Don't waste them. Poor monks bring them and record them on Master Wuhu's head."

Monk Jigong saw Li Xiaobai leaving in a hurry, he picked up two jugs of wine in a hurry, showed his big yellow teeth and smiled at Wu Yuan, and then left in a hurry.


"The shopkeeper's..."

Hongyan and the others were stunned, and the face-changing was too fast, faster than turning the pages of a book.

"I've never seen such a brazen person. Today, I confessed my guilt in the Zhai Pavilion, and reported the loss. The door will be closed for a month. I don't want to see the monk again in the near future."

Wu Yuan said weakly.



With eyes staring at each other, the diners stretched their necks like curious babies, wanting to know Li Xiaobai's movements.

"Come down, come down!"

"Good guy, it can be regarded as coming down!"

"His grandma's, today can be regarded as seeing, the grand occasion is unprecedented!"

"This Wuhu master is famous, and the Arhat Temple is also famous. I have to go to the Buddha Debate Hall to have a look later. This monk is so arrogant and arrogant!"

The monks and monks were talking all over the place, and the restaurant was too busy to take care of themselves. No one paid any attention to these spectators.

"Hello comrades!"

"Comrades have worked hard!"

Li Xiaobai watched the moment that everyone was looking forward to, and waved his hands.

"All the consumption at the venue today will be paid by the little monk Wuhu. You can leave on your own. If you have already settled the bill, remember to go to the shopkeeper to get the money back."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, walked out of the fasting pavilion, and walked away with Monk Jigong.

"Master Wuhu pays the bill?"

"No need to spend today?"

"Made already knew how to order more dishes!"

"What about the shopkeeper, come out and refund the money!"

These words directly made the restaurant lively. How expensive is Zhaijie Pavilion? Many monks have to hesitate for a few days to eat a meal in Tianzihao restaurant. Today, they can be exempted from the bill, which can save a lot of money. Not a small rare earth resource.

It's a bastard if you don't take advantage of it.

outside world.

Li Xiaobai walked in the direction of Tongtianzhu, all the Tianzi restaurants along the way were closed, and there was no one in sight.

"Is there a place for Master Jigong?"

"Where there is wine, there is home!"

Jigong cheerfully held two pots of Taxue Xunhong, and said happily.

This wine is full of fragrance, just smelling it is refreshing.

"The little monk will take a step ahead. The Buddha Debating Stage is coming soon. What instructions does Master Jigong have?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Well, good fight!"

"and then?"

Monk Jigong thought for a while and said, "Don't get sleepy, it's not good to fall asleep on the stage."

Li Xiaobai "..."

Well, after taking advantage, the crazy monk started to pretend to be stupid again, and it was impossible to come up with some words.

All the way without words.

When Li Xiaobai returned to the Tongtian Pillar, the pedestrians on the street turned a blind eye to him, but the monks in the hall on the first floor of the Tongtian Pillar were different. The moment Li Xiaobai stepped foot, they were all stared at him.

Surprise, resentment, anger, curiosity, scrutiny...

For these monks who were preparing for the war, the news flew faster than the virus, and they received the news about what happened in the front of the fasting pavilion.

It's hard to imagine that this year's Arhat Temple is so stubborn, even Tianzihao restaurant dares to do things, so isn't it afraid of being known by the supervisor for wearing small shoes?

"Are you Master Wuhu of Arhat Temple?"

"The monk who lives in Room 1 on the first floor?"

The monk meditating cross-legged in the corner slowly opened his eyes, and said in a neutral tone.

This person has a very prominent appearance, with a big mole on his nose, sitting in the corner as stable as Mount Tai. As soon as he opened his mouth, the hall instantly fell silent.

"Amitabha, the little monk Luohan Temple Wuhu, I have seen this master."

Li Xiaobai clasped his palms together and recited the Buddha's name.

"It's interesting. Seeing that I can be so calm, I deserve to be a monk who dared to stay in Room 1. I waited here today just to get stronger. I hope that I will have a chance to fight against Buddha in the first round. To be brushed down is to be laughed at."

The monk didn't speak, but his voice spread throughout the entire floor.

"Master's breath is calm and his posture is correct. At first glance, he is not an ordinary monk, but his face is a little different. There is a mole on your face."

Li Xiaobai pointed at the other party, and said words that left the audience dumbfounded.

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