Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1582 You Are Amazing, You Are Noble

The audience was silent.

What did they hear?

The monk of the Arhat Temple actually pointed to the master and said that he had moles on his face?

Isn't that which pot is not opened and which pot is lifted?

This is a master of the younger generation among the monks of Lingyin Temple, this Wuhu actually doesn't give him any face, is it really necessary to be tough?

"you are very funny."

"I haven't seen such a monk for a long time."

"The poor monk's mourning hall, I came here today just to inform you, don't die in the first round, otherwise, my monks in Lingyin Temple will lose face!"

The mourning monk with the beard on his face said with cold eyes.

"Amitabha, monks should be merciful. If you are obsessed with winning or losing, how can you practice? Master, you have a good idea."

Li Xiaobai said leisurely with a smile on his face.

"It's really as eloquent as the rumors say, I hope your strength can match this eloquence."

The mourning hall narrowed its eyes slightly, and a burst of murderous intent swept across the audience, and everyone's hairs stood on end.

"Amitabha, the monks are all empty. The result is not important, what is important is the process. We should enjoy the moment. I am honored to be a master of Buddhism. I hope that I can also listen to the teachings of the master of the mourning hall on the Buddha debate stage."

Li Xiaobai remained unmoved, the system automatically cut off all coercion, this kind of bluffing trick was useless to him.

He doesn't care about any young masters at all. There is nothing that can't be solved with the Thunder Tribulation Rosary. Although he is only at the first level of the Void Spirit Realm, he is fearless in holding the Thunder Tribulation Rosary. People go through the thunder disaster together, relaxed and happy.

"Hmph, there will be a chance."

Murderous intent flickered in Lingtang's eyes, and he turned and walked away without turning his head.

The original intention of coming to this encounter was to suppress this ignorant kid, but unexpectedly, he was educated by the other party, and he still mentioned the mole on his face, which is tantamount to playing in a minefield.

He will let the other party pass the first round safely, and then personally kill the other party on the Buddha debate stage.

"Why are the recent masters so irritable? Aren't monks out of compassion?"

Li Xiaobai scratched his head, with a look of hating iron and steel, ignoring the astonished faces around him, and returned to his No. 1 cave.

"Is this Wuhu so rigid?"

"You don't even pay attention to the mourning hall? Is it because you have a hard lip or a real ability?"

"There is no doubt that he dug his own grave. He dared to offend the Master of the Lingyin Temple to death on the site of Lingyin Temple. He will not be easy on the Buddha debate stage. There will be an endless stream of challengers."

The monks in the hall couldn’t see the scene they imagined. Li Xiaobai’s attitude made them feel like they were living in a dream. Someone who dared to speak provocatively to the most powerful person in this holy land, was simply reckless.

In the No. 1 cave at this moment.

Six people from Luohan Temple gathered together.

As soon as Li Xiaobai came in, he saw five people meditating cross-legged on the bed, and there was a sense of restlessness in the air.

"Uh, Master Juehu, Master Jueji, I don't know what is the important matter of visiting here, but you are here for the Buddha Debate?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, you came from the abandoned land of Dongtu, and you are valued by the core holy place of Buddhism, so I brought you here to practice in Lingyin Temple."

"After the Bianfotai and his party, Lao Na and others will return to the monastery, while Master Wuhu will continue to practice here."

When Juehu saw Li Xiaobai's figure, several veins on his forehead obviously popped up, he wanted to have an attack but he held back.

A voice in my heart told me repeatedly that this is a genius of Buddhism, who has been transformed four times, has been valued by Lingyin Temple, has an unlimited future, and is someone who must not be offended.

"The little monk already knows about Master's matter. Master Juehu is willing to bring the little monk here. The little monk is very grateful and will definitely speak a few words of kindness in front of the abbot of Lingyin Temple."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said slowly.

"Cough cough, since that's the case, then the old monk has something to say. Master Wuhu has a true temperament, but the most important thing recently is to prepare for the Buddha debate. At this moment, after all, you are affiliated with my Arhat Temple, so it is not easy to cause trouble. Let's become a monk Don’t be arrogant, you must keep a low profile.”

The exorcist incentive said in a tactful way.

It's only been a few days, and the other party has already offended Lingyin Temple to death. If he has already entered Lingyin Temple, then this guy's life or death has nothing to do with him.

But at this moment, the other party is still a monk of the Arhat Temple, acting recklessly like this, you are a genius, of course you are fine, but the Arhat Temple will be miserable, after the fall, he, the little abbot of the Arhat Temple, can't bear it, let alone anything else, go back It would be strange if the King Kong Arhat didn't kill him!

Just now he had the intention to go out to buy some belongings, but before he even walked out of the hall, he heard the monks discussing and commenting on the Arhat Temple, which scared him back in a hurry.

"It turns out that this is the case. This little monk knew about Master Abbot's coming, but he didn't expect to cause such a mess. It was my negligence."

"However, I believe that monks are compassionate, and they are not the ones who care about everything. The four things are empty and they will not hold grudges. Moreover, the monks do everything according to reason, and they will never do such unreasonable things. Don't worry, master abbot!"

Li Xiaobai laughed out loud and said cheerfully.

"You are amazing, you are noble..."

Juehu's face was frighteningly black, so gloomy that it was about to drip water, this foreign monk was too naive, completely unaware of the intrigues in this place illuminated by Buddha's light.

But these have nothing to do with him, as long as he can get through these few days safely and go home.

He coughed twice and said, "Ahem, anyway, the Buddha Debating Stage is coming soon, so don't go out for a few days, just wait in peace."

"Amitabha, I understand."

Li Xiaobai nodded, he also knew that it's not advisable to go too far, otherwise he would really annoy the other party.

"That's very good. Besides, I just got the news that this year's Buddha Debate Stage is a little different from previous years. In addition to the local monks in the place where the Buddha's light shines, there will be a group of foreign monks sitting and discussing the Tao. It is said that they are of the same origin as the Wuhu master."

Juehu threw out a message and said.

"Same origin?"

"The Abandoned Land of the Eastern Earth?"

Li Xiaobai's expression changed, this is just his casually fabricated identity, is there really such a place?

After leaving the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, are there other monks?

"Maybe we are old friends, we can talk to each other then, but I would like to remind you that Master Wuhu is already an appointed monk in Lingyin Temple, so it is not appropriate to get too close to foreign monks, so as not to cause more trouble."

Juehu nodded and said.

"Just to tell you to be more honest, don't wander around, and be careful not to be thrown into the sea to feed the fish!"

Jueji stared at Li Xiaobai coldly and said coldly, he was not good at words, and directly said what Juehu wanted to say but dared not say.

"Ah, the monk understands."

Juehu got up and left with a group of disciples.

"Master, we are famous!"

Ma Niubi seemed very excited. After Juehu left, he jumped up immediately, his face was full of excitement, and the word "do something" was almost written on his face.

"Low-key, low-key, don't ostentatiously, what happened to what you were asked to do?"

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and asked.

"It's done, the disciple is in charge of the affairs, the master can rest assured."

Ma Niubi flipped his wrist, took out a space ring, and said cheerfully.

"Not bad."

Li Xiaobai took the ring, glanced at it, and nodded in satisfaction.

More than 10 million top-grade rare earths were brought into the account, and a lot of Thunder Tribulation Rosary Beads were also brought in.

"Master, this disciple has been wandering around the Lingyin Temple, and has never found any trace of Master Ergou's Dao fruit."

"By the way, what does this fruit look like, why is there no news at all."

Ma Niu forcefully asked.

"I have seen a scale and a half claw in the literature of the Arhat Temple. It is said that the Lord Buddha suddenly brought back an auspicious beast two hundred years ago. It looks like a snow-white Qilin. It must have been transformed by the Dao fruit of your uncle Ergouzi."

"The time coincided with his loss of cultivation. Presumably, no one knew that this auspicious beast was Er Gouzi's Dao Fruit. It was just a guardian beast!"

Li Xiaobai said slowly.

It is useless to inquire about Daoguo, but it is useful to inquire about Qilin beasts.

"But Master Ergouzi doesn't look like that. Although he is extremely brave, he doesn't seem to be compatible with the Qilin beast..."

Ma Niubi scratched his head, hesitated to speak, always felt that telling the truth would damage the image of his uncle.

But the appearance of that broken dog is really hard to remind people of the mighty and tall Qilin beast.

In his mind, Ergouzi, like Liu Jinshui, has always been synonymous with obscenity.

"Don't look at you like Uncle Ergou, it is the blood of Qilin beast, but now it has not been cultivated, and it has returned to that dignified appearance."

Li Xiaobai said that he had never seen the appearance of Ergouzi transforming into Qilin, but there is no doubt that the other party has the blood of Qilin's beast.

Let’s just take it as Qilin, a Qilin beast with no face and no skin, and the word “wretched” written all over its face.

"If this is the case, the disciple will go to investigate again."

Ma Niubi nodded and left quickly.

Li Xiaobai counted his belongings and called out the attribute point panel.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Defensive power can be advanced at the first level of Void Spiritual Realm.


There are hundreds of Thunder Calamity Rosary Beads in the Ethereal Realm, more than a hundred in the Four Parts Peeping God Realm, and a dozen in the Divine Realm. As for the Immortal God Realm, there is only one, which was obtained with the help of Ji Gong.

From this point of view, the temporary cultivation needs are enough. As long as he is willing, he can now break through the realm of cultivation one after another, reaching the realm of the four gods.

It's just that the system can't always be so smooth, and other problems will definitely be set up. After passing through the first few realms of the Immortal God Realm, if you want to break through, it's not just as simple as overcoming the thunder tribulation.

"Looking back, crossing the catastrophe here is purely looking for death. The big boss upstairs doesn't know how common it is. If you can't avoid a catastrophe, you will die. The risk factor is too high."


I have nothing for a few days.

After a few days passed safely, the outside world mentioned less about Master Wuhu of Luohan Temple.

After several days of disappearance, the people who eat melons can't find the parties, and their enthusiasm has also declined.

"Master Wuhu, ready to go, it's time to go to the Lingyin Temple to debate Buddha."

A monk serving outside knocked on the door and said.

When Li Xiaobai walked out of the cave, the hall on the first floor was overcrowded, all monks from various monasteries.

Luohan Temple and others have been waiting for a long time, and they came out early to prepare.

"Grandmaster Wuhu can hold his breath. I think this year's Buddhist monks are much stronger than last year. I'm afraid it will be another battle!"

Juehu frowned and said.

"Now the pressure is on the Luohan Temple. Thanks to Master Wuhu, we have become public enemies."

Jueji mocked, he is not a Juehu, he has no good temper.

The focus of the audience was indeed them. The monks in every monastery would look at them more or less. It really echoed the old saying that when a common enemy appeared, they would become extremely united.

The current Arhat Temple is that enemy.

"Master Abbot, don't worry, I'm here this year, and I will definitely beat them back to the field!"

Ma Niubi said nonchalantly, the noise in the field was reduced by half in an instant, and the dull pressure came to his face.

"Amitabha, goodness is goodness, the pure land of Buddhism, how can you allow you to make a lot of noise, how decent it is!"

The old blood of the family was almost spurting out, and Li Xiaobai was finally calmed down, and now his family's awesome horse started doing things again, everyone is so worried, is this going to drive Luohan Temple to a dead end?

"The Arhat Temple is very powerful this year, but I don't know if it has the corresponding strength!"

The monk of Tianyin Temple sneered.

"The eminent monks of Luohan Temple are very imposing, and the poor monks are also looking forward to competing with you masters."

"Yes, yes, I heard that Luohan Temple is expected to win the first place, and I want to ask for advice!"

"Amitabha, I heard from Zhaijiege monks that Master Wuhu of Luohan Temple must be among the top three this time, and I feel very itchy!"

The monks made no secret of their hostility, and their eyes were full of jokes and ridicule. To them, this Arhat Temple was just a joke. In such a monastery, they would be ranked in the middle level. How dare they live in Room 1? .

"Amitabha, it's getting late. The little monk will start the formation. The master of Lingyin Temple has been waiting for a long time."

The monk in charge of the reception pinched the Yin Jue and began to evolve the runes in the void, trying to activate the formation.

A golden light rose from the hall on the first floor. This formation was so huge that it covered the entire first floor of the Tongtian Pillar. Li Xiaobai looked at it and secretly clicked his tongue. This formation was several times larger than the teleportation formation in Luohan City. Resources must also be an extremely scary number.

It's really extravagant and wasteful, isn't it just to go to the Buddha debate stage? It's just a waste of resources to let this group of people go there. Giving it to him might even summon a special temporary worker one more time!

"Be more energetic, don't talk nonsense in front of the monks of Lingyin Temple."

Juehu stared at Li Xiaobai and Ma Niubi and said, saving these two guys is not worrying.

"Master, don't worry, I have always convinced people with virtue."

Li Xiaobai said cheerfully, falling into a golden Buddha light in front of his eyes, the surrounding scene was blurred, and the teleportation began...

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