Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1583 Reappearance Of Martens Triangle Kill

The golden Buddha light dissipated.

The light in front of Li Xiaobai and the others dissipated, and a magnificent hall appeared in front of them.

This is a temple within a temple. The entire island floating on the Buddha Sea is called Lingyin Temple, but the real core area of ​​this temple only exists in this small temple.

This is the real interior of Lingyin Temple. Behind it is a huge courtyard. There is a huge tiger head in the center of the courtyard. A pair of scarlet and evil eyes scan everyone in the field.

Li Xiaobai looked at this tiger head, and always felt that the other party would come back to life at any moment.

In front of me is a huge futon, which looks the same as the ordinary meditation futon, but it is hundreds of times bigger, and the Buddha's light shines everywhere, exuding a soothing and soft light.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Fuhu in Lingyin Temple, I have met all of you."

"The poor monk subdued the dragon in Lingyin Temple, I have met all of you!"

Two monks, one fat and one thin, appeared on the futon without warning, clasped their hands together, and showed no false expressions on their faces. ,

The cassocks on these two people are completely different from those of the monks around them, except that they are wearing a red half-length Gaza, with one shoulder and one arm exposed. One of them has a tiger descending the mountain tattooed on his shoulder, and the other has a dragon tattooed on his shoulder.

"The two arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger actually came here in person. Is there a rule change this year?"

Seeing the figure of these two monks, the faces of the monks were full of surprise.

The two arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger are the leaders among the eighteen arhats in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. They are respected by them and their cultivation is unfathomable. The abbot of Lingyin Temple does not show up at all on weekdays, and these two people take care of all the affairs in Lingyin Temple.

In previous years, at the Buddha Debating Stage, only when the disciples almost lost their lives could they see these two figures for treatment, but they did not expect to meet them as soon as they came here today.

"Amitabha, I have seen the two arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger. I didn't expect that this year's Buddha Debating Stage would be lucky enough to see the demeanor of the real bodies of the two arhats. It is really a stroke of luck!"

The monks of Tianyin Temple bowed and saluted, and were the first to flatter.

"Tianyin Temple, when did you become so flattering?"

"Buddhism is pure, when is it necessary to speak like this?"

Among the team of Lingyin Temple, the monk of Lingtang snorted coldly, dismissing the flattering smiles on the faces of Master Tianxuan and others.

"I won't gossip, just like the rules in previous years, draw rankings to explain Buddhist classics, and then compete in pairs based on the rankings, but before that, you need to introduce a team of monks from the East."

"This is also the purpose of me and Master Fuhu coming here."

Jianglong Arhat said that the ordinary Buddha Debating Stage is not enough to disturb the two of them, and he came here today to introduce a few monks from the Eastern Land.

Even though he is a foreign monk, he still has to give him the face he deserves. Although Dongtu is an abandoned land, there are still great Buddhas, so don't lose courtesy.

"Amitabha, Master Tang, this way please!"

Subduing Dragon Arhat made a gesture of invitation, and four figures came out from the crowd, which were extremely eye-catching. Among the four monks, only the one headed by a monk in red cassock was handsome, and the other three were not human-like.

A monkey head with a hairy face and a thunderous mouth, a fat monk with a pig's head and big ears, and a bearded monk who is carrying a burden and his body is full of demonic flames. The four of them are all dirty from head to toe. They don't even take a shower.

"Amitabha, the poor monk Tang Sanbu, came from the abandoned land of the Eastern Land, and came to this pure land of bliss to compete with the heroes of the world!"

"Amitabha, I am Sun Xingzhe. I heard that there are many masters here, so I came here to make a fuss and find two young men to play with."

"Hmph, my name is Zhu Bajie. Is there anything to eat here? I heard that it takes days to fight at the Buddha debate. If I don't have food, I, Old Zhu, can't stand it!"

"Little monk kills endlessly. I heard that killing people here is not against the law. I want to take a few heads back to commemorate them!"

The four of them introduced themselves, uttering the most ruthless words in the calmest tone, and the names alone made people shudder.

Tang Sanbu, Sun Xingzhe, Zhu Bajie, Sha Wuwu, listen, is this the name a monk should have?

Are you sure you didn't escape from the bandit's lair?

Li Xiaobai looked at these people, why did he feel that these four people looked like blackened versions of Buddhist monks?

Moreover, there are actually monks in the abandoned land of the Eastern Land. I have never heard of this matter. I have never heard of it in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Even Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi have never disclosed the slightest news. It is really a bit surprising. Unpredictable.

But it seems that they are here for the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. As the saying goes, the enemy of an enemy is a friend.

"Amitabha, monks are merciful, how can they kill the heavens? Could it be that the monks in the east only practice the art of life and death, and don't practice Buddhism, so they don't know the principles of Buddhism?"

A monk from a monastery frowned and said that there are many murders in the Buddhist sect, but they are all concealed. It is the first time I have seen such an open provocation in front of the stage. It is tantamount to provoking the authority of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

"Hmph, the abandoned land of the Eastern Land is nothing but barbarians. The monks who grow up are extremely barbaric. Even monks are uncivilized creatures!"

"A barbarian is a barbarian. I don't understand my human race's practice, and I kill and kill the breath all day long. How is it different from the monsters in the jungle?"

The rest of the monasteries responded one after another, criticizing the four monks verbally and in writing. This arrogance is too arrogant, and they are going to ride on their heads. Is this okay?

"It doesn't matter if you say more, whoever refuses to accept it, come up and give me a stick from my old grandson!"

Sun Xingzhe waved his hand, and a golden cudgel exuding a deep cold air appeared in his hand, pointing at everyone from afar.

"Be safe and don't be impatient. The monks from the Eastern Lands are just here to let you see and let the world know that apart from my authentic Buddhism in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, there are other branches of Buddhism in the world."

Subduing Dragon Arhat coughed softly, and the soft Buddha light enveloped the four Dongtu people, sending them off the stage, and the rampant hostility in the arena disappeared at this moment.

A beam of light shot up from the futon, divided into dozens of parts and fell to the hands of each abbot and abbot of the temple.

That is a number plate, which determines the order of playing and also determines the opponent in this martial arts debate.

"Master Juehu, what's our number?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the golden ball of light in Juehu's hand and asked curiously.

At this moment, Juehu's expression was indescribable, as ugly as if he had eaten a fly.

"Luck can't be like this, can it?"

"Arhat Temple is going to annihilate the entire army this time?"

Jueji leaned over and took a look, his complexion changed suddenly, and his eyes became gloomy.

"Arhat Temple, Tianzu, No. 1!"

This number does not mean victory, it means killing them. Tianzu No. 1 means being the first to come to power. In the past, this number was given to the monks of Lingyin Temple.

It was actually delivered to them today. There is no doubt that someone is operating in the dark. I am afraid that Li Xiaobai's "great achievements" in the past few days have been missed.

Give them small shoes.

"The first literary debate, if the debate is not good, it will be ridiculous in the future, and you will not be able to hold your head up in front of other temples."

Juehu said with a bitter face, at this moment he wanted to slap himself twice, why did he have to covet the interests of Li Xiaobai, but now it's a good thing, before he got the reward, he will be the laughing stock of others first.

"How is Wenbian debated? Do you explain Buddhist scriptures?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"There are many ways to debate the text. It can explain the Buddhist scriptures, show the long history of the temple, and also show some powerful Buddhist supernatural powers. Most of them are self-created. All in all, it is to show the power of your own temple at all levels. That’s it, each monastery sends one person.”

"This old monk has the highest level of cultivation and the longest time of practicing Buddhism, so I will go up and make a fool of myself!"

Master Juehu gritted his teeth and said viciously.

Only he, the abbot of Luohan Temple, could barely make a move, and everyone else seemed to be laughable and generous.

"Amitabha, yes and no, how can you kill a chicken with a sledgehammer, the abbot has something to do, and his disciples will do his best, and they will sweep the formation by the side. You are so awesome to show off your skills!"

Ma Niubi patted his chest, and said arrogantly.


"What are you going to show?"

"How long have you been in the Arhat Temple, have you read scriptures on weekdays?"

"If people make fun of me, Vajra Arhat will probably destroy my Arhat Temple after I go back!"

Monk Juehu stared at him. It's not a joke at a time like this. If something goes wrong, it's a dead word for him to go back.

"Abbot, don't worry, our Arhat Temple has self-created exercises, it's enough to deal with this debate!"

Ma Niubi didn't wait for Juehu to reply, and got on the futon in a flash.

"Arhat Temple is awesome, please join the battle!"

Ma Niubi stood proudly with his hands behind his back, his eyes full of disdain.

"Arhat Temple? Why is it Arhat Temple?"

"Aren't Tianzu No. 1 in previous years all monks from Lingyin Temple?"

"Does it need to be said? Of course it is the credit of Master Wuhu. The first one to play is either a god or a laughingstock. Except for Lingyin Temple, who can have this ability?"

"It's true, just wait and see the joke."

The monks around laughed, waiting to see the jokes of the Luohan Temple.

Deliberately being targeted by Lingyin Temple and still want to have good fruit? It was just a dream, since the abbot of Luohan Temple did not appear in person, but instead sent a disciple to the stage, it is not difficult to see that this master has given up treatment.

"This year's Luohan Temple monks are different from the past. It is rare for disciples to be so energetic."

"Since this is the case, the poor monk will not talk about the scene, let's get straight to the point, Arhat Temple is awesome, please start your performance!"

Luohan Jianglong glanced at Ma Niubi, and a strange color flashed in his eyes. From his vision, it is not difficult to see that this little monk is very talented and has no fear. It means to have a fight.

"Amitabha, all masters, please also appreciate my Arhat Temple's self-created technique, Ma's triangle killing!"

"Look, first of all, we took out a demon pestle and inserted it in this place. Then, while Tianyinbo was gliding, we flashed over and kicked the opponent to the necessary route, and collided with Tianyinbo to form a Martensian triangle killing !"

Ma Niubi was covered in golden light, and his operations were as fierce as a tiger, and everyone in the audience was watching the two hundred and five.

Markov triangle kill?


Insert a stick, and then release a sky sound wave, kicking people over? Is this playing house?

What kind of self-created technique is this?

"Master, can this be considered a self-created exercise?"

"That's right, Tianyinbo is clearly my Tianyin Temple practice, when did it become the original creation of Luohan Temple?"

"Master Ma's momentum is extraordinary, but it's a pity that he can't operate it."

"Young man, don't be eager for quick success. If you bring out such a shameless thing, isn't it an insult to the altar?"

"Go down!"

The jokes on the faces of the monks below disappeared. Compared with the jokes, they now feel insulted. They would not be so annoyed by simply explaining a common scripture on the stage. I understand pediatric tricks, isn't this purely insulting them and not taking them seriously?

"It's a bunch of nonsense, this awesome kung fu was claimed to be the strongest at that time, anyone who refuses to accept it will know it!"

Hearing the furious scolding from the audience, Ma Niubi also flew into a rage, Ma's triangle killing, this is his famous work, who dares to speak rudely, these old monks really have no knowledge at all, pure waste.

"You bastard, are you the abbot masters who can insult you?"

"Young monk is not talented, Marlboro, a monk from Wanbao Temple, is here to meet you, the Martens Triangle Killer!"

"I'm standing right here. If you can knock me off the ring today, I will immediately turn around and leave, and I will never stay in front of this Buddha debate stage for a moment!"

A monk with lumps all over his body appeared on the ring, and said coldly.

"Master Marlboro, the ceiling among the young disciples of Wanbao Temple, the leader among the leaders!"

"Let the pretend of this awesome guy kick him on the iron plate today, and he won't be able to get off with a few bones!"

The monks below took pleasure in their misfortune and started talking in a low voice.


"Let's keep an eye on this awesome self-created technique!"

"Martens' triangle kill, then on the way of Tianyinbo sliding..."

Ma Niubi really shook his hand and directly inserted the Heeling Demon Pestle in front of Marlboro, and then released a sky sound wave, the golden ripples spread, and while explaining, his figure suddenly disappeared in place.

At the same time, Marlboro's pupils contracted, and he felt a great sense of crisis. He instinctively wanted to avoid his body, and knocked away the magic pestle beside him. The stinky-footed girl smashed down her head and face.

The muscular body flew out in an instant, colliding with the oncoming golden ripples.


He coughed up blood, his body flew upside down like a kite with a broken string, and fell into the crowd, life and death unknown.

The audience was silent, and they couldn't believe their eyes. What did they see?

Master Marlboro, was instantly killed by one move!

"Great masters, this awesome self-created technique, the Martens Triangle Kill, is it awesome or not!"

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