Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1584 Tang Sanbuy, Sun Xingzhe, Punish The Eight Circles, Kill Endlessly

Ma Niubi stood proudly, his eyes staring at all directions, needless to say, the result has already proved everything, the Ma's triangle kills Niubi.

"Ma's Triangle Kill? Can his play-like operation really have such power?"

"Master Marlboro's strength and cultivation are definitely not weak, how could it be possible for a single move to be missed in seconds, does anyone see clearly?"

All the monks below were dumbfounded. If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, no one would believe what happened before them. Isn't it just sticking a stick and running over to kick people away? Why does Tianyinbo have such power? Tianyinbo is from Tianyin Temple Everyone knows how powerful the exercises are, and when did they become so powerful?

"This person has found a new way to transform the Tianyinbo technique, which has greatly increased its power, and the method of teleporting through the magic pestle is also unusual. Even Master Marlboro can't react. It is definitely not easy."

Some analysts said.

"Yes, there seems to be a trace of law power in it?"

The monk in the mourning hall of Lingyin Temple also nodded. Although he was nothing more than a little Daoer to him, the monk in the Luohan Temple was a little clever for being able to come up with such an unassuming trick.

"Hehe, I'm just an opportunistic person. I modified my Tianyin Temple's skills, and then created this attack method like playing tricks. What's there to show off? It's just embarrassing!"

Master Tianxuan looked gloomy and scoffed at this. In his opinion, such an effect was due to Tianyinbo, and the monks in Luohan Temple were just playing tricks!

"Even if it is opportunistic, it is far more powerful than the Tianyinbo of Tianxuan Temple. If Master Tianxuan is not convinced, you can let the disciples go up and try it out!"

Abbot Juehu was also taken aback when he saw the horse's awesome performance.

Good guy, I thought that my disciples lost all face, but I didn't expect it to be reversed. The Martens Triangle Killing is not a joke, and it can have some power.

Wanbao Temple is one of the top monasteries, and it can defeat a monk from the other party. Based on this alone, it will be possible to do business after returning.

"Hmph, the old monk's monastery is not so boring, come down quickly, don't be ashamed!"

This wave of operation is really hard to understand, like a three-legged cat's kung fu, you say it is useless at all, but it knocks Marlboro into the air, but you say it is useful, it's just a play trick!

This kind of situation is collectively called half-serving. I admit that there is something about your trick, but it is not so easy to kill us.

"Master Abbot, fortunately, the disciple did not disgrace his life and successfully suppressed the Quartet!"

Ma Niubi got off the futon triumphantly, and said confidently.

After today, all the monasteries present will remember his self-created magical skills.

"Amitabha, very good, very good, I will definitely ask you for a reward when I go back!"

The sadness on Master Juehu's face disappeared a lot. Although the first battle could not be regarded as a victory, at least he calmed down the field, which is not ashamed.

"The monks in Lingyin Temple seem to have drawn the Earth Group No. 1. Does the follow-up discussion correspond to the Tian Group No. 1?"

Li Xiaobai couldn't help asking.

"That's right, Earth Group No. 1 is Lingyin Temple, how do you know?"

A bad premonition enveloped Master Juehu's heart. Could it be that he was really targeted so hard?

"Yes, the master of the mourning hall came to tell me just now."

Pointing to a monk with moles on his face not far away, he said cheerfully.

"Master of Lingyin Temple..."

Juehu looked in the direction of Li Xiaobai's finger, and couldn't help trembling, good guy, he is really a monk in the mourning hall, he came here to explain the situation in person, it was clear that he was here for the monks of Luohan Temple!

"We've been missed, and now we can go back and hand over our results, so let's abstain from the Wu debate."

Master Juehu said, fighting against the monks of Lingyin Temple, isn't it clear that you are looking for death?

Martial arts debates are not literary debates, monks from every monastery have to participate, so-called six v six, abbot against abbot, monk disciple against monk disciple, the odds of winning are zero.

On top of the futon.

The monks went up one by one and began to show their unique skills.

Occasionally, monks would explain scriptures and Dharma, and the Buddha's light would shine everywhere. Auspicious clouds of five colors floated from the sky and fell on the monks present to help them comprehend Buddhist classics.

It's just that these are ineffective for Li Xiaobai. The system automatically isolates everything, not only the negative effects, but also the positive spiritual effects, so he cannot gain benefits.

I was bored watching monks explaining the origin of Buddhism in the temple, how powerful they were bragging.

"Dizu No. 1 is here, master of Lingyin Temple!"

There was an exclamation from the crowd, and a plainly dressed gray monk stepped forward and landed on the ring.

"Amitabha, the supervisor of the old Na Lingyin Temple, Lingtai, today is to make a fool of the masters."

The old monk in gray put his palms together and recited a Buddha's name.

"Lingyin Temple is small, and there aren't many books on exercises that can be handed out. Although the subtleties of Buddhism are vast, but the old man's aptitude is dull, and he has never understood a single one in his whole life. Shall I show you a visualization technique for the masters today?"

The Lingtai monk said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, many monks consciously operated their exercises and built a barrier in front of them, as if they were guarding against something.

"The art of visualization, this is a practice that can only be carried out in the realm of the four gods. Visualize a thing into the dantian of your body, and attract the supply of heaven and earth spiritual energy to turn it into your own Dao fruit. Only in this way can you hope to break through to the strongest realm."

Juehu said softly, and the same soft force emanated, protecting the monks of Luohan Temple in his body.

"Generally speaking, the things you visualize are the strongest things you have ever seen, or magic weapons, or creatures. You must truly understand their structure before you can visualize them. You have not yet reached the realm of cultivation. It’s good to get to know this layer in advance.”

Juehu said.

This is a technique that belongs to the beginning of practice in the realm of the four gods. It is similar to the foundation. It should be the foundation, but at this moment it has become the performance of the Lingtai master, which is enough to show its confidence.

How confident is it to show what everyone has and what everyone knows, and to be stronger than everyone else.

"Amitabha, Lord Buddha, please forgive me!"

The Lingtai screamed angrily, and the golden Buddha light behind him was radiant, and a phantom of the Buddha towering above the sky and the earth appeared, and it went straight into the sky, and there was no limit between the sky and the earth.

The phantom of the Buddha's light gradually solidified, revealing a kind face.

The golden light was shining brightly, and there was an unparalleled sense of oppression in the gentle wind and drizzle.

The Buddha is lying down, leaning on a huge bed, watching all living beings, the bed is slightly blurred, and has not yet solidified.

"Lord Buddha!"

"Little monk, pay homage to Lord Buddha!"

The Buddha's aura rushed towards the face, and the power of faith, which rose to countless levels, was so strong that it made people tremble. All the monks present, except for the two arhats subduing the dragon and the tiger, all knelt down and bowed.

Li Xiaobai was also slapped on one knee by Master Juehu.

Everyone was extremely devout at this moment, and the thing contemplated by the Spirit Platform of the Supervisory Academy of Lingyin Temple was actually the Lord Buddha himself.

In the minds of Buddhist disciples, Lord Buddha is indeed the strongest living being that is well-deserved.

"Amitabha, all masters please rise up, there is no need for such etiquette."

With a smile on his face, Master Lingtai said lightly, and with a wave of his hand, the gentle force gently brushed over and lifted every monk present.

It is completely the posture of a superior person. When the Buddha Lord is not around, it seems that he is the real Buddha Lord. Although his words and deeds are gentle, they carry a sense of undeniable rejection.

"I don't know if the poor monk's visualization can still enter the eyes?"

Master Lingtai asked.

"Into the eye, in the eye, it must be in the eye!"

"Master Lingtai really deserves to be a supervisor. His words and deeds are quite like a Buddha Lord. The Buddha Lord will be very pleased to know that he can have such a believer!"

"Yes, yes, Master Lingtai's Taoism is so high that we can hardly hold a candle to him, and the profound realm of thought is unmatched by anyone!"

The faces of the monks were full of smiles, and they all boasted that what people are visualizing is the Lord Buddha, who dares to say that the Lord Buddha is not, isn't that courting death?

Even if there is a problem, it must be said that there is no problem, otherwise it is disrespectful to the Lord Buddha, and looking at the entire Buddhist sect, only this Lingtai master dares to directly visualize the Lord Buddha, which is something that neither the two arhats who subdued the dragon and subdued the tiger have ever done. past things.

"In that case, the poor monk will go down. It is embarrassing and please masters not to laugh at him."

Master Lingtai smiled cheerfully.

Put away Lord Buddha, and walked down like a leisurely stroll.

After the Lord Buddha appeared, no monastery could touch the heartstrings of many monks. No matter what kind of Buddhist teachings, compared with the Lord Buddha himself, they are nothing but floating clouds.

The literary debate is so sloppy, the monks just come up for a formality, all of them are the foil of Lingyin Temple, the next martial arts is the real highlight, not to mention that there must be some shining performance, but it is the performance of all the monks. The only way monasteries compete each year for ranking order.

Achieving a good ranking in the martial arts debate will increase the status of your own monastery, and the benefits distributed by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will also be better, so the monks of each family are working hard to get a wave of rankings.

"Debating the Buddha was originally a group of monks sitting together, citing each other's scriptures, each expressing the true understanding of Buddhism. I heard that when the Buddha was young, he taught 3,000 people with his words. In the slightest, it relies on immeasurable merit and understanding of Buddhism, which is also the original intention of Bianfotai."

"It has developed to this day, but it has completely gone through the motions and become a tool for various monasteries to fight for welfare. It is ridiculous to laugh at my eastern monks for their murderous nature. It is simply contradictory."

Behind the crowd, Tang Sanzan opened his mouth and said lightly, it seemed that he was speaking to the other three people, but the voice was clearly transmitted to the ears of every monk present.

"Hey, hey, my grandson has never been used to these two faces. If we meet on the stage, I will definitely lose one of his arms to relieve my hatred!"

Sun Xingzhe licked two scarlet streaks in his eyes, and said, licking the corner of his mouth.

"There's nothing wrong with it. A monk should follow his heart. If he wants to kill and kill people, he wants to eat people and eat people. Lao Zhu doesn't even bother to be with people who hide their clothes like this but are actually dirty!"

Zhu Bajie also said in a low voice.

"Don't worry, I can go up in a while. I haven't eaten monks yet. I don't know if eating monks is good for cultivation!"

Kill endlessly said quietly.

This Dongtu group of four is really the ancestors who provoke troubles, and with a few words, all the Buddhist monks present will be offended all over the place.

"Monks from Dongtu, so you are very good at fighting?"

Some monks couldn't help it, and their whole body was full of fighting spirit.

"Old Sun doesn't beat people, Old Sun only kills!"

Sun Xingzhe scratched his cheeks and said with a smile.

"Martial debate is in reverse order. Temples with the same number in the sky group and the earth group confront each other. The rules remain the same. Whether it is literature or martial arts, it is only a part of testing the practice of the temple. The emphasis is on communication rather than killing."

"It is very important to experience the truth learned from it."

Jianglong Arhat was expressionless, as if he didn't hear the disputes among the monks in the audience, he explained the rules to himself, and then appeared in the front of the crowd with a flash.


"Sky Group No. 18, Earth Group No. 18!"

This group is reversed, that is to say, Li Xiaobai's Tianzu No. 1 was the last to play, which is the finale.

There was no sign of relaxation on the face of the Juehu monk. It was not a happy thing to be tortured and murdered at the finale performance. Although he didn't see Lingyin Temple showing obvious malice towards them, he knew that once he was targeted by someone, he would not be happy. There is no way to return some spare parts left behind.

"Hey, hey, good luck, the one who made the loudest noise just now is actually No. 18 of Tianzu,"

"Come, come, fight your grandpa for 300 rounds!"

Sun Xingzhe was holding a golden cudgel, and his expression instantly became excited. The Dongtu four-member group was No. 18 of the ground group, and they were the first to appear on the stage. For a militant like him, it was simply a blessing.

With a flick of his figure, the golden ripples flickered and disappeared instantly, but in the next second a big hand reached out and pushed it back.

"The abbot presides over the first level, and the poor monk comes first."

Tang Sanzan said softly, grabbed Sun Xingzhe's hand and swung it back, flying him out, stepped out, and appeared on the futon in the blink of an eye.

Holding a pitch-black Zen staff with a skull inlaid on it, it is unpredictable. Although the face is quite delicate and handsome, it still doesn't look like a monk at all.

"Who is the poor monk's opponent, come forward to talk to him?"

Tang Sanzan scanned the monks and said.

"Amitabha, the abbot of the old monk Kutuo Temple, Xuan Ku, today I have the honor to fight against the eminent monks from the Eastern lands. It is indeed a great fortune for three lives!"

An old monk stepped out, with white eyebrows curled up and sweeping the floor, looking ridiculously long, he looked at Tang Sanzan with a smile and said.

For this foreign monk, he never paid attention to it from the beginning to the end.

The authentic Buddhism is the strongest.

"The old monk is the master, and Master Tang is the guest. The guest is whatever the master wants. How about if there is an old monk who makes the first move?"

Master Xuanku said with a smile, the words are beautiful but it doesn't taste good no matter what, is it really okay to be so blatantly despicable?


Tang Sanzan nodded.

That is, the moment he nodded in agreement, a big seal above his head suddenly fell down. The old monk Xuan Ku had planned for a long time, waiting for the moment when the other party was born to respond to his distraction, and then launched a sneak attack.

"Tian Tian Yin!"

But in the next second, the smile on his face froze, and the moment the big golden seal fell, it suddenly split into pieces. Tang Sanzan rushed over with a skeleton Zen stick in his hand.

"How dare such a small skill make an axe, the mighty Tianlong!"

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