Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1585: Dongtu Group Of Four Take Action

Tang Sanzan's eyes shot out two scarlet colors, piercing through emptiness.

A majestic Heavenly Dragon shocked the audience, and the golden dragon-shaped handprint swept across, imprinting fiercely on Master Xuanku's chest.


Xuan Ku coughed up blood in his hands, his body was limp and he flew upside down, smashing a hole in the ground.

It is really shocking that Xuan Ku, who is also a master of the first level in charge of the abbot of the temple, was instantly killed by one move.

And the most surprising thing is that the skill used by the other party turned out to be Dawei Tianlong, which was banned by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Although it is powerful, it is only a flash in the pan.

Whoever uses it is a sinner in the land of Buddha's light!

"Did the old monk hear it wrong, it turned out to be Dawei Tianlong?"

"Master, you heard me right. It is indeed the mighty Heavenly Dragon. That monk from the east actually knows this kind of forbidden technique. Not only does he practice it in private, but he even shows it here openly. !"

"Although he is a monk from the deserted land of the Eastern Land, but the guests do as they please. When they come here, they have to abide by the rules. How dare they use this door-restriction method? I'm afraid they don't even know how to write the word "death!"

The monks looked at Tang Sanzhu's body full of demonic energy, and their hearts couldn't help trembling. They asked themselves that if they were in the position of Master Xuanku, they probably wouldn't be able to take over this powerful Tianlong!

"Master, there is actually this practice in this place, could it be that Master Uncle and Uncle brought it here?"

Ma Niubi asked in a low voice.

Dawei Tianlong, this is a very famous Buddhist technique in the Zhongyuan world, I didn't expect to see it in this fairy world.

"It's very possible, but this technique has been improved, the whole body is as black as ink, and it's completely an out-and-out killing technique. This monk in the abandoned land of the Eastern Land has a deep murderous intention."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said lightly.

This is completely different from the Dawei Tianlong performed by Er Gouzi, only the appearance is similar, and the core is already another kind of skill.

On top of the futon.

Tang Sanzan stands proudly, with a skeleton Zen stick inserted into the ground, double harvested on his back, lonely as a master.

"I didn't expect that the martial arts in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can be brought into full play in the hands of this monk!"

"Kutuo Temple, there is no general talent!"

Tang Sanzan looked indifferent, his gray eyes despised the sky.

"Master Tang, where did you practice this kind of exercise? The Lord Buddha ordered hundreds of years ago to forbid Buddhist disciples to practice the technique of the mighty dragon!"

Subduing Dragon Arhat's face was also slightly gloomy, and there was a slight ripple on Gu Jing Wubo's face.

"Eastern monks, everyone knows it. The Buddha Lord is the Buddha Lord of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, not the Buddha Lord of the people in the world. The poor monks can naturally practice it."

Tang Sanzan nodded and said indifferently, facing the Dragon Subduing Arhat without the slightest expression of fear.

"This matter, the poor monk will report it, and it will be decided after the fall!"

"It's just that you are not allowed to use this technique. If you commit the crime again, you will be arrested immediately!"

Jianglong Arhat had nothing to say, so he finally nodded and said.

"Then it's my grandson's turn for the second round!"

"You go together, my old grandson picks all the sticks!"

Sun Xingzhe couldn't bear the anger that surged in his heart, screamed and got on the futon, the golden cudgel in his hand rose against the wind, standing upright.

It's also a monstrous demonic flame, and the purple-black ferocious aura around him can be seen with the naked eye.

"Amitabha, the monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss are loyal and honest, and I will not do such things. Since there are only four monks in the Eastern Land, we will naturally send four masters to fight!"

"Little Monk Xuan Qi, I have met Master Sun, please give me some advice!"

A young monk in plain clothes slowly walked up to the futon, sat down cross-legged, with a polite smile on his face, but a cold gleam in his eyes.

"Amitabha, give my grandson a stick!"

Sun Xingzhe didn't talk too much, golden lightning swept across, and he appeared in front of the little monk in an instant, and the stick in his hand was like a stick.


Thunderclaps exploded in the void, piercing people's hearts, and the air was crackled and crackled by the compression of the stick, distorting visibly with the naked eye.

"Wait, Ami... That Buddha, the little monk is not ready yet, and he hasn't started yet!"

Seeing the lightning strike, the little monk Xuanqi felt the pressure rushing towards his face, he couldn't help but said in a panic, he just sat down cross-legged, he hasn't started practicing kung fu yet, why did he hit him?

"Hey, hey, let's go!"

Sun Xingzhe sneered, the golden cudgel swept across, and the sound of bones breaking and tendon snapping was clearly audible, just like Xuan Ku's fate, this mysterious little monk vomited blood, flew upside down, fell down the stage, and his life and death are unknown.

Layers of golden hair burst out from its body surface, just like a golden monkey head with a human face.

Carrying a long stick on his shoulders, he is like a god of war descending to earth.

Another instant kill with one move. Although Kutuo Temple's strength is only below average, it will never be weak enough to be killed with a single move.

Xuan Qi is also a genius at the second level of the Void Spiritual Realm, so Sun Xingzhe is at least the third level of the Void Spiritual Realm, or even the fourth level of the God-peeping realm?

Isn't the eastern soil a barren soil, how did such a genius come into being?

"Bastard, you don't talk about Wude!"

The monks in the audience swearing at him, and suddenly making a sneak attack is simply despicable and shameless. Didn't you hear people say that you are not ready?

"Your monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss are really hypocritical. The white-browed old man just now made a sudden attack. Why don't you blame him, but blame my monkey brother!"

"I thought Buddhist monks would have some insights, but I didn't expect that they are such weak people. Before fighting in battle, they need to shout to start before they charge? The actual combat experience has made Zhu Gong?"

Zhu Bajie and Sha Wuwu pouted and sneered behind them, making many monks blush and feel guilty.

Indeed, they forgot about Master Xuanku's sneak attack.

"It's useless to talk too much, I see Zhenzhang under my hand, that pig, you laughed the most just now, come up and fight!"

"The poor monk Xuanxue, today we must rectify the name of Kutuo Temple!"

The monks in Kutuo Temple were shocked and angry. The foreign monks were so powerful and humiliated them in every possible way. How could this be tolerated? They are all disciples of the arrogance in the monastery. No one is as good as the other.

"Eat one of your arms, and you will develop a memory in the future, don't call me a pig!"

Zhu Bajie's eyes became gloomy and cold, and his fat body paused for a moment. In an instant, the surface of the ground twisted and melted like a wave, stirring up thousands of waves, which rolled down towards the futon.

It didn't even move its footsteps, and the earth swallowed up the monk. After a while of wriggling, the ground spit out the metaphysics, and then returned to calm.

When I looked again, he was missing an arm.

There was no blood spilled, and an arm seemed to disappear out of thin air in such a smooth manner.

The scene is extremely weird...

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