Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1586 There Is No Light In His Eyes

"Amitabha, my old master has always convinced people with virtue, and today I only eat your arm, which is already considered a respect for Kutuo Temple."

Zhu Bajie's fat head trembled all over, and he said in a low voice.

The environment returned to normal. If it wasn't for the little Xuanxue monk who lost an arm, everyone would have thought that everything that happened just now was an illusion.

"Eight Realms!"

"Pick up your ears!"

Tang Sanzan looked at Zhu Bajie, and said with a gloomy face.

"Yes, master!"

Zhu Bajie's ears drooped, and he stretched out a pig's paw to make a casual move. One ear broke out from the ground and stuck it back again.

"Who else!"

"No more fights, no more fights!"

"My Kutuo Temple has already lost three battles, and it is meaningless to continue fighting. Buddhist monks are most taboo to be brave and fierce, and will never judge a hero by success or failure!"

Master Xuanku of Kutuo Temple adjusted his breathing and recovered a lot, looking at Tang Sanzan and others with awe-filled eyes.

It seems that Tang Sanzan is the master, and the other three are apprentices, but it seems that the strength of this apprentice is stronger than him, the abbot of Kutuo Temple?

To be the master of these three monsters, what kind of cultivation level is Tang Sanzan?

All of them are instant kills with one move, and they can't tell the depth at all. Are all the monks from the eastern lands so strong in cultivation?

"I don't plan to, my ass is rotten!"

Killing Wuwu was a little depressed, he had put down his shoulder pole, and was waiting to flex his muscles, so he resentfully picked up the pole next to his feet.

"Amitabha, Abbot Xuanku is right. Although Wu Bian said that fists and kicks are facing each other, he has accumulated experience in actual combat and learned from each other's strengths. The result is not important. The important thing is the scenery along the way. It is really not easy to be able to understand Taoism!"

Subduing Dragon Arhat nodded, appreciating what Master Xuan Ku said.

This is clearly showing favoritism and protecting weaknesses. Although the final result is that the four-member Dongtu team won, it gives people a feeling that they won the game and lost their lives.

In a word, it is worthless to criticize Tang Sanzan and others for their killing spirit and bravery. On the contrary, the monk of Kutuo Temple who was killed by one move has a good understanding.

"Yes, yes, the masters of Kutuo Temple usually comprehend the subtlety of Buddhism and don't care about their bodies. It's really admirable!"

"Amitabha, I really want to go to Kutuo Temple to discuss scriptures and classics with all the masters. I'm afraid it will benefit me a lot!"

"Good, great good!"

The rest of the monks also kept flattering Dao in their mouths, as if they really admired him from the bottom of their hearts.

The monks of Kutuo Temple also climbed up with a pole, and said with a smile, they cheered up, as if they were the winners, and the Dongtu four were left aside in the cold, and no one cared.

"Next group!"

Subduing Dragon Arhat said expressionlessly.

The sky group and the ground group are not arranged by strength, but by drawing number plates to fight against luck. Groups of monks get on huge futons.

Then they confront each other and fight each other.

Flying sand and rocks, the scene is grand, the Buddha's light overflows, and the power of faith sweeps across, making the monks involuntarily stare at everything in front of them with wide eyes.

These are the tricks of masters, rare to see on weekdays, very precious experience.

Li Xiaobai looked dazedly, the system automatically blocked the power of faith, and also blocked all coercion, in his opinion, the colorful lights on the stage made people dazzled, dizzy, and even a little sleepy.

He yawned, but suddenly heard a familiar name next to his ear.

"Buddhism, forget about it, I'm here to observe the masters!"

I don't know when a monk in blue floated over and landed on a corner of the futon, his face was calm, and he watched everything in the field quietly.

The monks fell silent in an instant. The two monks who were fighting fiercely just now stopped at the same time, staring blankly at the monk in the corner.

"The monk in blue, personally passed down by the Lord Buddha!"

"It's Zen Master Sleepy, Master Forgetful!"

"It's really unbelievable that the disciples of the Lord Buddha will appear on this Buddha debate stage!"

"Amitabha, so the old man, the Lord Buddha, hasn't been paying attention to the Buddha Debating Stage? Just now, all our performances have been captured by his old man's eyes?"

The faces of the monks were ecstatic, and there was even a hint of madness in the depths of their eyes. They believed in Buddhism all the year round and accepted the baptism of the power of faith. Rather than saying that Buddhism is their belief, it is better to say that the Lord Buddha is the belief in their hearts.

Concentrating on practicing and enlightening is just to get a step closer to the Lord Buddha. Unexpectedly, their efforts are not in vain, and the Lord Buddha is really paying attention to them!

Knowing this, the bitterness and bitterness along the way are all worth it!


Seeing this, Ma Niubi's eyes lit up, and he became a little excited when he looked at Li Xiaobai.

"That's right, it's indeed him, he forgot, but his expression is wrong, there is no light in his eyes!"

Li Xiaobai held down Ma Niubi who was in a state of excitement, and said coldly.

Although the former monk Liaowang also had a dull expression, but at this moment his eyes are loose, which is more hollow than dull.

This is not the oblivion he is familiar with, it is more like a walking dead.

Obviously, the other party has been transformed by the power of faith, without a system to be around, and listening to the teachings under the seat of the Lord Buddha, of course, it is obvious that he has been transformed.

"Amitabha, why did Master Wang Wang have the time to come here?"

"But what instruction does my Buddha have?"

Jianglong Arhat looked at Wang Wang with unkind eyes, obviously hostile.

Subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger, as the Buddha's right-hand man, was full of hostility towards the newly promoted Buddha.

"Amitabha, there is no instruction, but the little monk has always been lax and feels that his sins are serious, so come here today to experience the teachings of the masters, so as to wake up from self-examination!"

Monk Liao Wang said lightly.

"Masters continue, don't worry about the little monk."

"Or, the little monk came to ask the masters for advice, and asked the masters to teach the little monk how to be a man!"

Monk Liao Wang said softly, one sentence shocked the audience, and there was no sound.

Saying the harshest words in the most flat tone is definitely not kind.

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes under the stage. According to the analysis of the previous news, it has been two hundred years since Liao Wang came to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It stands to reason that ordinary monks can't achieve too high achievements after two hundred years of practice.

However, if he forgets to be accepted as a personal transmission by the Lord Buddha, he is obviously a person with unfathomable aptitude, so he cannot always be theorized about it.

It is very likely that he has reached the level of abbot presiding.

"My Buddha, this is a monk who wants to beat and beat the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. Master Liaowang is here to let us recognize ourselves. It seems that the old monk and others have indeed been paid attention to by the Lord Buddha. It's a pity that he is the old man. disappointed!"

The eminent monk of Lingyin Temple slowly uttered these words with a look of repentance on his face.

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