
The land of Buddha's radiance, which was originally full of strong faith, suddenly thundered loudly, thunder and lightning flashed in the sky, and terrifying breaths surged.

The invisible breath of silence spread, and at this moment, the expressions of all the monks present changed.

They are very familiar with this kind of breath. As long as they are people who practice all the year round, they can be said to be looking forward to and fearing this kind of breath. This is a catastrophe that can make them go one step further, and it can also make them fall into the abyss claws.

"Thunder Tribulation!"

"It's Thunder Tribulation!"

"Why can he have this kind of thunder disaster? Is it because Wuhu failed to break through before the battle?"

"No, just now he clearly crushed a bead, the Thunder Tribulation Rosary, he crushed the Thunder Tribulation Rosary, he wanted to drag all of us through the Tribulation and be buried with him!"

Under the Buddha debate stage, the faces of all the monks were pale, and many monks wanted to escape, but it was too late.

The first thunderbolt has struck.


The clothes on Li Xiaobai's upper body burst open, and he resisted a thunderstorm unscathed.

"Zhuzi, how dare you plot against us!"

"Back quickly!"

"Here will be shrouded in thunder calamity, Tianwei will not be provoked, once judged to be helping from the side, we will also overcome the calamity and get implicated!"

The monks of Lingyin Temple reacted the fastest and evacuated to the rear immediately, followed by the rest of the monks.

Just kidding, this is Thunder Tribulation. Although Li Xiaobai's Thunder Tribulation is not very powerful, but only at the Void Spirit Realm, it doesn't mean that everyone's Thunder Tribulation is of this intensity.

Heaven's Punishment will re-plan the thunder according to the strength of the people who cross the catastrophe. That is to say, each of them has to survive the thunder catastrophe beyond their own limits, and the most important thing is that they have not reached the point where they need to break through. Even if the robbery is successful, there will be no benefit, it will only increase the injury.

"It's too late, the thunder tribulation has arrived, let's go through the tribulation separately, and the power will be doubled when we get together!"

The old Lingtai monk of Lingyin Temple reacted instantly and said with an angry roar.

It's not that I'm worried about monks from other monasteries, but that there are not a few strong men of the same level in the field. If they all gather together to overcome the tribulation, their power will increase exponentially. Besides, there are still juniors present. , if one accidentally suffered a lightning calamity from him, he would immediately be wiped out.

"Scatter, scatter!"

"This Wuhu has such a vicious heart, such a vicious calculation, and he wants to drag us to the end together!"

"Isn't he afraid of death and Taoism?"

"There is no time to linger, each choose a direction, and go through the tribulation with peace of mind!"

The monks from various monasteries yelled at Li Xiaobai, this move is too bad, going through the calamity in this place is tantamount to dragging them to their end together, no matter how strong the cultivation base is, they have to give up when encountering the thunder calamity.

A genius who is rare in a millennium cannot guarantee that every thunder disaster will survive safely.


"Aren't all of them very good just now, why are they all running around like grandchildren?"

"Come on, who will fight the monk for 300 rounds!"

Li Xiaobai strode forward and grabbed the sensitive monk, laughing loudly.

With the magical power of exploding clothes and the physical effect of the insulator, a few lightning strikes will not be taken seriously at all.

"Ami, you fucking Buddha!"

"Let go! Let go of the poor monk!"

"Deliberately attracting catastrophe on the Buddha Debating Stage, do you know what kind of crime this is? If the temple loses something because of you, you will be a sinner in the entire Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss!"

"It will be an existence beyond redemption!"

"The Lord Buddha will punish you. You are doomed. Let go before your sins increase!"

Monk Lingmin was terrified. He watched a thunderbolt strike Li Xiaobai alive, but Li Xiaobai was unscathed.

The thunder calamity aimed at him above the sky is already brewing, if he doesn't leave, he will overlap with the opponent's thunder calamity, and even if he wants to leave, he won't be able to leave!

"Hehehe, this is the attacking method of the little monk, the power of thunder, and it is the time of the Buddha Debating Stage competition, and fleeing before the battle has the demeanor of failing to hide in the temple."

"Today, the little monk looks around the world, and there is no one who can fight. Those who look at the sky like ants look up at the sky, and behave like a man with their tails tucked back!"

Li Xiaobai looked around and let out a long roar.

Glancing at the thunder above, he found a random place to lie down, with an insulator, plus four times the defense power next to him, the thunder calamity in the ethereal realm is nothing more than drizzle.

"The ancients did not deceive me. It turns out that there is really a saying of lying down and winning."

Attribute points + 50 billion...

Attribute points +60 billion...

Attribute points +70 billion...

The value on the system panel is rising steadily.

Li Xiaobai crossed his legs and let the thunder bombard him indiscriminately, without moving.

"Monster, this must be a monster. All the monks who came out of the abandoned land in the East are like this, and they all don't play cards according to common sense!"

"He resisted the lightning tribulation without any injuries. What kind of cultivation is required? What kind of body is this?"

Monk Lingmin's pupils contracted, and his face was full of disbelief. At this moment, he finally knew why the other party dared to do this. This girl has no fear of thunder disaster at all!

Carrying a strange treasure, or is there some unknown way to overcome the catastrophe?

But this is not what he should be worried about right now. He flickered and ran wildly like a rabbit. He needed a secluded place to survive the tribulation.

"Amitabha, the monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss seem to be nothing special. I thought I could see one or two iron men."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, all of them had their tails up to the sky just now, and Lei Jie all showed their true colors and pretended to be grandsons.

Turning his head to look back, the two arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger disappeared at some point, and the monk Liao Wang fell into a state of doze, blue ripples surged all over his body, and there was no thunder robbery to attack him.

This drowsiness meditation actually has the effect of avoiding thunder disaster?

"Master Forgotten, good method, really worthy of the true biography of Lord Buddha!"

Li Xiaobai didn't believe in evil, so he squatted down next to him, and chatted with each other.

"Master, how did you get accepted by Lord Buddha?"

"What do you think of the current situation in the world of immortals and gods?"

"The minds of monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss have changed. Do you have the heart to reform this phenomenon?"

Li Xiaobai was lying beside Wang Wang, thunderbolts struck one after another, all of them perfectly avoided Wang Wang, and landed on him.

In Lei Jie's eyes, the trace of forgetting seemed to have disappeared.

Sleepy Zen is indeed a miracle.

Stretch out your hand to touch the azure blue barrier, it's a bit soft at first touch, but it's as difficult as going deep into it.

To understand the Lord Buddha and the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, forgetting is a good breakthrough. If you can release it from the state of being saved, it will be a great help.

"Since physical means are not enough, then try special damage."

"Come and try this!"

Li Xiaobai stared at Lei Jie and sat up, took off his boots, put his feet that hadn't been washed for more than half a year on the barrier, and waited patiently holding his nose.

I don't believe you didn't react at all!

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