Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1592 Collective Tribulation Event


By deceiving the gods and confusing Lei Jie's vision, Lei Ting would not be able to detect him, so naturally he would not send down the Thunder that aimed at Wang Wang.

In this state of sleepy Zen, unable to take the initiative to attack, Li Xiaobai put his feet on the blue barrier, turned over and changed into a comfortable sleeping position to meet the thunder storm.

Feeling the icy cold from the feet, not to mention, it's really comfortable.

Within the azure blue barrier, the tip of Liao Wang's nose twitched involuntarily, and his brows were furrowed, as if sensing something.

Normal cultivators will not have body odor. With their cultivation base, they steam their clothes to remove impurities from their bodies, making their bodies as pure as jade, and even emit a faint fragrance.

But at that time, Li Xiaobai, who was a practitioner, had never practiced cultivation since the very beginning. He usually relied on taking baths to wash his body, but since he entered the Immortal God Realm, he had not taken a bath for a long time, and his feet were soaked in the same pair of boots all year round. , the taste is naturally quite delicious.

Aren't you going to sleep, then I'll wake you up.

Li Xiaobai dangled his feet, thinking about his next move.

Needless to say, whether it is using the Thunder Tribulation Rosary or resisting the Heaven Tribulation unscathed with the body, it must be seen by the Lord Buddha at this moment, and it is a sure thing to attract the attention of the other party.

I just don’t know if this attention will allow the Lord Buddha to meet me, and even be accepted as a true biography. Er Gouzi’s Daoguo is not in Lingyin Temple. If you want to find out clearly, the Lord Buddha is an unavoidable link.

"Cough cough cough cough!"

A coughing sound interrupted Li Xiaobai's train of thought. When he looked up, he saw the monk's chest rising and falling violently, and then his eyes suddenly opened, staring at Li Xiaobai with glaring eyes.

He integrates into nature with his body, completely accepts the surrounding environment, so that he can dream and integrate with the environment, so he can deceive the catastrophe, but he feels an indescribable weird taste, sour, like The stinky tofu that ordinary people eat is the kind that is fried in gutter oil.

He opened his eyes and saw a pair of stinky feet that almost exploded his lungs. The majestic master of a generation was actually broken by a pair of feet. No matter how good his cultivation is, he can't bear it!

"Amitabha, presumptuous, whose stinky feet!"

"The technique of breaking the little monk is to deliberately pull the little monk into the water!"

A gleam of anger flashed across Li Xiaobai's dull face as he scolded Li Xiaobai.

"Amitabha, don't blame the master. The little monk saw that the catastrophe was dangerous, and the master fell asleep at this juncture, and he was afraid of danger. Therefore, it was at this juncture that he made such a bad plan to wake up the master. Please run away quickly and safely. robbery!"

Li Xiaobai lay on the ground and said quietly, one sentence almost made the other party half dead.

Fear of danger?

Still look like you care about him?

Do you want to pretend like this, he was sleeping on the spot and performed well, but he was woken up by someone with his stinky feet, and he was about to be targeted by Lei Jie, and this guy in front of him actually thought of him appearance.

On purpose, this guy must have done it on purpose!

"How courageous, Master Wuhu of Arhat Temple!"

"Using the Thunder Tribulation Rosary to attract Heaven's Tribulation, and wanting to drag all the temples in the place into the water, what a ruthless method, I will talk about life with you after the little monk returns safely!"

Monk Liao Wang wanted to have an attack, but when he glanced at the terrifying thunder in the sky from the corner of his eye, his figure turned into a blue ghost and disappeared without a trace in an instant.

"Hey hey, Thunder Tribulation Rosary, it's so damn convenient."

Li Xiaobai laughed strangely, this thing works really well.

But it was also a double-edged sword. For a moment just now, when Wang Wang's catastrophe took shape, he felt that his physical body was about to burst.

If a strong man of this level wants to force him to cross the catastrophe in the opposite direction, then he must be the first to die.

Fortunately, the monks in this Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss are more careful about their lives, otherwise it would be really difficult to deal with.

Learn from experience, and next time you make a move with Thunder, you must first go to an uninhabited land to ensure your own safety.

Lingyin Temple, centered on the Buddhist Altar, is surrounded by thunderstorms for thousands of miles, lightning and thunder, and dark clouds billowing above the sky.

The thunder tribulation continued, and the people who crossed the tribulation fled in panic, triggering a series of chain reactions.

Especially those with advanced cultivation, the abbot and abbot level eminent monk Dade crossing the catastrophe, it will be a sea of ​​thunder, the coverage is extremely wide, many disciples and monks of Lingyin Temple were dragged together to cross the catastrophe before they could react, and then Continue to flee in a hurry and invisibly pull more people to cross the tribulation together.

One pass ten, ten pass one hundred, if someone is standing in the Buddha Sea outside, he will be horrified to find that the entire Lingyin Temple is shrouded in the hot thunder.

"Ma Niubi should be fine. He has the true biography of Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi, and has outstanding talents. It should not be a problem to deal with his thunder disaster."

"I'll just wait here with peace of mind. The thunder tribulation has come, and the outcome has been decided."

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss really has nothing to carry."

Li Xiaobai crossed his legs, lit a flower gracefully, and admired the thunder pool above the sky. Throughout the ages, he should be the number one person who can overcome calamities like this.

"This is the textbook way of overcoming the catastrophe. I will ask Lingyin Temple to publish a biography for me later, so that future generations can look up to me."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, and he could hear the monks cursing from time to time.

"Heavenly Fiend's Wuhu, it's impossible to kill Lingyin Temple!"

"If you don't get rid of this child, the laws of heaven cannot tolerate it!"

"Which master goes to the Buddha debate stage to have a look, how is that kid doing now!"

"Thunder calamity covers too much, and the disciples outside the Buddha Debating Stage are also implicated. Tell all disciples to leave the temple and flee to the sea of ​​Buddha!"

There was chaos in Lingyin Temple, and all the monks rushed out of the temple, regardless of whether they were being targeted by Tianjie or not, they should find a secluded place first.

Outside the monastery, above the golden sea of ​​Buddha, many groups of monsters and beasts were terrified when they saw this scene.

They have lived in peace for so many years, why did the monks of Lingyin Temple rush towards them like crazy?

And there are lightning flashes and thunders all over their bodies. Is this a new technique developed?

"Made, I really think my monster race is easy to bully, Lingyin Temple is trying to exterminate us!"

"Hey, what they have is Heaven's Tribulation, they have such vicious hearts, they actually crossed the Tribulation together, and they want to use the power of thunder to overthrow my monster clan!"

"Run, these bald donkeys are damaged, and the plan to attack Buddhism is temporarily stranded, the wind is tight, blah blah!"

"Hurry up and invite the Golden Winged Roc King!"

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