One after another thunder dragon descended from the sky, just like the end of the world.

I'm afraid no one can tell what the cultivation level of the abbot and abbot of a monastery is. The only thing that can be known is that it represents the strongest combat power of a city and a monastery.

At this moment, there are dozens of people with such combat power, and they all gathered together to survive the catastrophe. Not to mention the sea of ​​Buddhas around them, even small temples in remote areas can see this terrifying scene.

It's like God's punishment.

"The matter is troublesome. Who is the one who crossed the catastrophe over there? The extinct old monk of the Arhat Temple, isn't he in the fairyland? The **** of the fairyland has such power?"

"No, look at Master Xuanku of Kutuo Temple. His strength was only in the middle and lower reaches in previous years. Why is the power of Heavenly Tribulation so powerful?"

"And the one from Tianyin Temple..."

"Made, damn it, every one of them hides their clumsiness and pretends to be weak. If it weren't for this thunder disaster, I really can't see that one of them is more fierce than the other!"

While dealing with the thunder, the eminent monks looked far away and observed the situation of other people. In the thunder calamity, their strength was undoubtedly exposed. A person can pretend to be strong or weak, but the sky calamity cannot pretend, and will directly feed back the strength of the person who crosses the tribulation.

The more the monks watched, the more frightened they became.

The sea of ​​thunder spread, struggling to hold on.

Time passed by every minute and every second, and the atmosphere was always anxious.

But the style of painting on the stage of debating Buddha is completely different.

The two figures sat together, with Hua Zi in their mouths, smoking one after the other, and puffing out the clouds for a while.

"Master, it's really difficult for this group of people to cross the tribulation, and I don't know if they are dead or not."

Ma Niu said.

"A few people must die, and it doesn't matter if they die, it will weaken the combat effectiveness of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. They have robbed your Uncle Ergouzi of the Dao Fruit, and there will definitely be a tough battle in the future."

"Lord Buddha is paying attention to this place. If something happened here, there should be a chance to contact him."

Li Xiaobai said lightly, that he and Ma Niubi are only in the realm of the imaginary, and the time of thunder tribulation is relatively short, unlike those old monsters who are often baptized by thunder for a few days and nights.

He is already an official insider of Lingyin Temple, and he is not at all worried that he will be turned away because of this matter. In the eyes of others, he needs to complete the Tianjiao mission four times in a row. The greater the noise, the more it shows that his potential is extraordinary, and the eminent monks of Lingyin Temple will pay more attention to it.

"Master is invincible, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can only flee hastily in front of Master!"

The horse is so awesome that there is a wave of praise every day.

The thunder calamity above the void has eased a lot, and the monks at the disciple level have successfully overcome the calamity and began to return one after another.

Only the eminent monks at the abbot level are still struggling to support them.

The monk in the mourning hall rushed back with all the monks in a murderous spirit. This wave really went to the grandma's house. They survived the tribulation for no reason, and there was no breakthrough yet, so they were hacked in vain.

"Wuhu, get out of here, poor monk!"

"Despise the Dharma, despise the Buddha Debating Platform, despise my Buddha, and dare to do such a murder here, trying to kill the monks of my monastery with thunder, what is your intention!"

"The poor monk knows that none of the monks who came from the abandoned land of the East is a good bird. You came here on purpose to sabotage and weaken the combat power of my Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, right or wrong!"

The lungs of the mourning hall were about to explode. Fortunately, the monks in Lingyin Temple were only seriously injured, and there were no casualties. Otherwise, he would have no face to explain to the Buddha.

"Amitabha, why is the master of the mourning hall angry, and the monks are compassionate, so how can the little monk behave like this?"

"Thunder killing is just the little monk's attack method. Besides, the little monk was also troubled by the thunder calamity. Didn't this also pass through safely?"

"It can be seen from this that the little monk's attack has exposed the weaknesses of the monks in Lingyin Temple. In the future, more targeted practice will be needed. But having said that, I thought that there are many masters in Lingyin Temple, and they should be able to resist the little monks. Second, I didn't expect the fact that there is no one who can fight, I have to say, I am very disappointed in you!"

Li Xiaobai took a small sip of Huazi, and said after swallowing the clouds for a while.

"You bastard, if you weren't cheating, how could we be like this!"

"Who the hell told you to keep the Thunder Tribulation Rosary? What kind of skill is it to rely on the power of the Thunder Tribulation? If you have the guts, come out and fight alone!"

The monk in the mourning hall was furious, and the monks behind him were also full of murderous intent. At this moment, they no longer concealed themselves, and all of them turned into bloodthirsty beasts, throwing away the shackles of ethics and morality, just wanting to tear the person in front of them into pieces. !

"Single out?"

"So you're good at fighting?"

"It's useful to play a fart. You have to talk about your strength when you come out to play. Do you have strength?"

"Little Monk loves to attack people who he thinks are superior in his life. If you want to play, I don't mind playing with you!"

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out another Thunder Tribulation Rosary, and said with a smile.

"Despicable, using the Thunder Tribulation Rosary, openly put the Buddhist monks in danger. You have committed so many crimes that you are doomed, but you are so stubborn. When Master Abbot returns, he will kill you as soon as possible!"

Seeing another Thunder Tribulation Rosary, Lingtang and the others involuntarily backed away, their faces changing several times.

They already have a psychological shadow on this thing. The Thunder Tribulation Rosary has been circulating in the market, but no one cares about it. In their view, only a lunatic would refine this kind of thing, and only a lunatic would use this thing .

"I have a lot of Lei Jie, I'll give you one,"

Li Xiaobai casually threw a Thunder Tribulation Rosary at the monk in the mourning hall.

"What the hell am I..."

The monk in the mourning hall hurriedly caught the rosary bead, fearing that it would blow up again. He had just survived a wave of thunder and calamity. If it happened again today, he would really have to explain it here.

The young monks were in a great commotion again, this thing had become their nightmare, they couldn't figure out why this Wuhu monk was not afraid of the thunder disaster at all, and he was carrying a strange treasure?

"Today's victory has already been decided. The little monk challenged more than 30 monasteries present with his strength alone and he did not lose the wind. He was intact. On the other hand, the masters were embarrassed and frustrated. Let's judge!"

"When the little monk enters Lingyin Temple to obtain the scriptures, I hope the masters will get closer."

Li Xiaobai put his palms together and said cheerfully.


"On the Buddha debate stage, life and death are equal, no trouble is allowed!"

The monks in the mourning hall wanted to say something more, when a ray of light fell in the distance, and the old monk in the mourning altar, with torn clothes and blood all over his body, stepped out of the air, stopping their movements.

"Little master Wuhu, you are indeed a good means. This old monk will report this matter to the abbot. His decision on whether you will stay or not is his own decision. But from today onwards, I hope that we will never see this kind of collective robbery incident happen again. !"

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