Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1597 There Is Someone Above Me, Do You Understand?

Li Xiaobai and Ma Niubi followed the guidance of the small wooden sign and swept towards a certain direction of the temple.

The temple is magnificent, but there are hardly any people to be seen, and the position of the small wooden sign extends all the way to the forest.

"Thinking that all the monks in Lingyin Temple practice within the 100,000 mountains, the temple is quite clean."

"It's easy to practice in the practice place. From this point of view, the monks in Lingyin Temple are not lazy people. Even if there is no one to supervise them, they are still working hard."

Li Xiaobai chatted with Ma Niubi in a low voice, and entered the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

This mountain is too high and too far to see the end at all. No one knows what is on the other side of the mountain.

"Amitabha, the two masters must be Master Wuhu and Master Ma?"

As soon as Shi Shi entered, a monk emerged from the ground in front of him. This should be some kind of escapism.

This is a bald man with lumpy muscles, and he is looking at Li Xiaobai and Li Xiaobai suspiciously.

"Amitabha, what is your duty to ask the master, but here to welcome the little monk?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the other party's eyes, and he was sure he didn't recognize him, and he had never seen him on the Buddha debate stage.

"It's nothing serious, I just heard that Brother Lingtang was planted in the hands of Master Wuhu, so today I'm here to see who the hell it is!"

"Poor monk Lingtuo, I have met two masters, and I am very polite."

Lingtuo greeted him with a smile, clasped his hands together and bowed in salute, appearing very humble.

"It turned out to be Master Lingtuo. It's absurd. If the master didn't mention it, I wouldn't even be able to remember who the master is in the mourning hall. The younger monk and the master of the mourning hall have never fought before, so there is no way to talk about what the master said just now."

Li Xiaobai said lightly.

"Then why did Brother Lingtang lose to you?"

"Perhaps he regards me as an opponent, but in the eyes of the monk, there has never been an opponent."

Lingtuo "..."

The freshness and refinement of this pretense made him speechless for a moment.

"Master Wuhu is going to the cave?"

"That's right, the guidance token given by Master Lingtai just now."

"The master does not know that the temple has not prepared a cave for the monks to live in. It needs to be dug by yourself. Instead of following the token, it is better to let the poor monk lead the way and take the two masters to the densely populated place of the monks. It’s good to have someone to take care of.”

Monk Lingtuo said with a smile, finally showing his feet while talking.

This guy wants to bring people to their own territory, so that in the future, Li Xiaobai and Ma Niubi will be slaughtered by others.

"It's not necessary. I thought that the monks in Lingyin Temple practiced all day long, so they lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests. I didn't expect it to be extremely leisurely. The young monk thought too much."

"Presumably the masters are keeping a pure heart in order to get close to the mountains, rivers, insects, fish, birds and beasts?"

When Li Xiaobai opened his mouth, he also said cheerfully.

As soon as these words came out, Lingtuo's expression changed. Although he was muscular and thick, he had a very shrewd mind. Isn't this saying that he wasted his practice and came to pick trouble when he was idle?

As expected of the master who can make the brothers of the mourning hall feel embarrassed, it is a character.

"Amitabha, I am ashamed of the poor monk. The seniors study hard all day long, but the poor monk drags them back."

"I got the news today that the two masters are going to live in Lingyin Temple. The poor monk and his brothers are very happy, so they came here to welcome them. Since the master has other plans, why not ask the poor monk to escort them for a while? , don’t disturb the two of you.”

Monk Lingtuo quickly sorted out his expression management, and said kindly.


Li Xiaobai didn't talk too much nonsense, and walked towards the direction indicated by the small wooden sign.

Ma Niubi didn't even look at the other party, and just passed by.

Monk Lingtuo's eyes were cold, his face was as deep as water, and he followed behind without saying a word. It was the first time in his life that he suffered from a sense of cowardice, and he was asked to follow behind in an orderly tone.

He has a mission, so since he can't take Li Xiaobai and Ma Niuti with him when he comes here, he should follow him all the way to see where these two people live.

"Amitabha, the two masters are newcomers, so I'm afraid they don't know enough about the Hundred Thousand Mountains."

"The geology of the mountains here is extraordinary. According to legend, it was originally a magic weapon used by the Buddha, the alms bowl, which was specially used to suppress evil spirits in the world. Later, it fell into the ordinary world and turned into this rolling mountain range. The magic weapon has already exhausted its divine power, but it still takes a lot of effort to dig a hole in it."

"The cultivation of the two masters of Poor Monk Guan still has a lot of room for improvement. If there is a need later, Poor Monk is willing to help."

Monk Lingtuo said from behind, this guy is possessed by a talkative physique, not only talking a lot but also being a thief, mocking Li Xiaobai and Ma Niubi's weak cultivation base.


Li Xiaobai didn't bother to talk to him, the small wooden sign stopped, and it was a small hill.

On it, there are small bridges, flowing water, pavilions, towers and pavilions, surrounded by smoke, just like a fairyland on earth.

Not to mention the Dongfu, the houses are all fully built, it is simply a paradise.

"The scenery here is good. There are mountains and water, flowers and trees. The villa on the top of the hill is not gone."

"Master Lingtai is quite reliable in this respect, he didn't give us any shoes."

Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, looked at Monk Lingtuo behind him randomly and asked, "Well, what did you just say?"


Lingtuo stared dumbfounded from behind, what kind of operation is this, what kind of treatment is this?

I have never heard of Lingyin Temple directly building good houses for monks. Using cultivation bases to perform exercises, it took days and nights to dig out a cave of their own. Isn’t this a compulsory course for every monk in Lingyin Temple? ?

One is to hone the mind and will, and the other is to let each other see the gap. The deeper the mountain range is, the more difficult it is to dig and mine. Therefore, the deeper and more accurately the cave is dug, the stronger the strength and cultivation.

This was what the Lingtai of the Supervisory Academy said in person at the beginning, why is it different for these two newcomers?

"How did you do it?"

"Did the Lingtai Supervisory Academy say anything when you came here?"

Lingtuo asked blankly, he suddenly felt that he had lost, and he had lost completely. Compared with this villa on the top of the mountain, the cave dug by their brothers and sisters was simply a primitive life.

"not at all."

"Amitabha, it seems that Master Lingtuo has never seen a real genius. He doesn't know that there is a kind of genius in this world who can break the common sense."

"Rules only serve mediocre people, not geniuses, let alone someone above me."

Li Xiaobai raised his finger to the sky, and said with a smile.

"You...could it be..."

Lingtuo's expression changed suddenly, as if he had thought of something.

"Low key."

"Master Lingtuo's reason for coming is very clear to me. I just hope that the master can stand in line and not make a choice that makes me regret for the rest of my life. In the future, there will be troubles in the mourning hall and report to me in time. Do you understand?"

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