Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1598 The Starting Line Of A Genius Is Different

Monk Lingtuo left with a tired heart.

He felt that his mentality had collapsed, and he intended to come here to attack the newcomers, to scare them off, but he didn't expect that he himself was intimidated by others.

Genius, it doesn't matter, there are people above, how much face does it take to let the Lingtai Supervisory Institute prepare a house in this deep mountain and old forest in advance?

It feels like this wave of Brother Lingtang may have hit the iron plate.

"There are rumors that the other side of the 100,000 mountains is the Western Land of Ultimate Bliss, where the Lord Buddha stayed. It's just that this place is so vast that we can't go there with our cultivation."

"Accomplish a few big things and startle him, and he will take the initiative to find us in the future."

Li Xiaobai looked at the small wooden sign and said in thought.

There are some precautions written on the token. The sect system is adopted in this mountain. The system is complete, and there are halls for receiving and dispatching tasks. On the surface, it is a temple, but in fact it is a small sect.

"The Lord Buddha has built the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss into a personal force, and the disciples are all loyal and fanatical fans. The power is huge and the cohesion is strong. No wonder it can stand for so many years."

Ma Niubi sighed, when he was in Zhongyuan Realm, although Buddhism also used the power of faith to recruit believers, it was more like fighting on its own, and the faith in his heart was just an illusory Buddha who ascended to the upper realm, invisible Can't touch it.

But the current situation is different. My faith is by my side and can appear in front of my eyes at any time. The Buddha is no longer an illusory existence, but a real individual. In this case, the power of faith can be said to be brought into play extreme.

"It takes a lot of thought to disintegrate from the inside. Huazi's technique combined with Shangxueshenzi can weaken it to a certain extent, but it's not very effective."

"To win the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, we need to think long-term and adapt to local conditions. The ancients said that the specific situation needs specific analysis."

Li Xiaobai bounced back and forth in the house, rummaged up and down and shook his head in disappointment.

"There is no valuable stuff, this place is worthless, we will split up and go to pick up the quest, and we will mix up some resources in this place that is not shit."

After half an hour.

Li Xiaobai found a complex of buildings, which he said were buildings, but in fact they were all kinds of simple houses built with lumps of stone.

At first glance, it looks like cutting corners and materials, even simpler than his simple version of Tang Neng Yipin.

It can be clearly felt that the power of faith in this place is obviously higher than that in other regions, because Buddhist monks often practice here.

The houses are scattered all around, and the golden Buddha's light is all over the sky. In the center is a huge stone pagoda with a solemn treasure. It is precisely because of this towering stone pagoda that Li Xiaobai found this place.

"Amitabha, who is here!"

"The place of spiritual cultivation in Lingyin Temple should not be disturbed, and the idlers should disperse immediately!"

As soon as Li Xiaobai stepped into this place, a long Buddha's name came.

From a stone house next to him, a figure walked out, clasped his hands together, with an indifferent expression, staring straight at Li Xiaobai, full of hostility.

This is a young monk with a young face, with a mole between his eyebrows,

"Amitabha, the poor monk Wuhu, today got permission from Master Lingtai of the Supervisory Academy to come here to practice in the 100,000 mountains. I haven't asked this brother's Dharma name yet."

Li Xiaobai returned a salute and said.


"Is that the monk who survived the tribulation on the Buddha Debating Platform?"

"I've heard the mourning hall mention you. This place is not a place for you to come. As a newcomer, you should go to the dug cave first. Everything must be done according to the rules."

The young monk looked provocatively and said contemptuously.

Thunder exploded in Lingyin Temple, and how many powerful people were implicated and forced to cross the catastrophe. It is difficult for such a big scene not to be known.

"The monastery arranged a hilltop villa for the young monk. The treatment is different from that of the masters. After all, as a Buddhist genius, he does not need to stand on the same starting line as the masters."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

"Bold, what is your identity? You are a mere monk from a deserted land in the east, and you were introduced by a small temple like Luohan Temple. What qualifications do you have to say the word genius!"

"Junior Brother Linghua, don't get angry with this kind of person. There will always be this kind of guy who doesn't know his own status, and tries to use his tongue to gain a place in this Lingyin Temple."

"You have to understand that here, you can only speak with your fists, and everything else is just clouds!"

Hearing the noisy movement here, the monks in other stone houses came out one after another, looking at Li Xiaobai with unkind eyes.

There were a few familiar faces in the crowd. Monk Lingtuo, who had just blocked the way, dodged his eyes, and some did not dare to look at Li Xiaobai. Monk Lingtang also appeared in the crowd, and this is the base of his feelings.

"Amitabha, the poor monk is supposed to be a great master. Isn't this Master Wuhu?"

"I heard that the monastery built a manor for you. If you don't have fun in time, what are you doing here? Could it be that you want to compete with the poor monk?"

The mourning hall looked at people with nostrils, a face full of mockery.

Just now that Lingtuo didn't bring him back, he almost had a fit, but he didn't expect this guy to come to his door, it's really God helping him.

"Amitabha, it turned out to be the master of the mourning hall. I don't know why the master is so hostile. The little monk has never regarded the master of the mourning hall as an opponent. Before that, the power of thunder only affected the master, and did not intend to target him."

Li Xiaobai narrowed his eyes and said.


"What kind of status do you dare to talk to me like this? Did you just say that the poor monk can't even handle your aftermath? This is Lingyin Temple, not your Arhat Temple. No one is protecting you!"

The mourning hall's expression changed suddenly, and he roared in a stern voice.

"That's not what I said, it's what you, Master, said yourself."

"From today onwards, the little monk is a member of Lingyin Temple. Although the goal of the little monk is the stars and the sea, this Lingyin Temple is just a stepping stone, but in the future, it seems that the little monk is also a member of the same sect. I won’t embarrass you masters too much.”

"Is this stone pagoda a place of practice?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes glanced directly over the mourning hall and landed on the stone tower.

This building is extraordinary, and many monks gather here, it must be because of its existence.

"I'm so courageous, I'm not afraid to tell you that this stone tower is indeed a place of practice. The power of faith on each floor is different. It is an excellent place for practice, but the higher the floor, the stronger the power of faith. Rich, do you know what will happen if the mind can't bear the blessing of faith?"

"In this place, the residences are arranged according to their strength. The strongest is the closest to the pagoda. Originally, the level of Master Wuhu still needs to be tested. But since you are here today, the poor monk will give you face and let you enter once." Stone Pagoda, let all the masters see where the starting line of genius is!"

Lingtang grinned, tilted his head and said.

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