Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1599 I Will Force You To Go Up To The Third Floor

The mourning hall said with a hint of sarcasm in its eyes.

The stone pagoda is a sacred place for Buddhist monks. There are many such stone pagodas, and each place is occupied by strong people. The power of faith is strong, but it also needs to be done according to one's ability.

Even if a monk who has been transformed enters the room, if he goes up to too high a floor and cannot adapt to the impact brought by the strong power of faith, his spirit will collapse instantly, and he will either turn into a walking dead or become stupid.

Li Xiaobai, a monk from outside, doesn't understand, if he enters for the first time, if he is not accompanied by a veteran, he will be easily tricked.

At this moment, there are many monks in the stone pagoda who are in a dilemma near the ground, struggling to support, unable to move an inch.

"Amitabha, it's so wonderful. It's rare for the master of the mourning hall to be so broad-minded. I thank you in advance."

Li Xiaobai nodded. The power of faith is useless to him, and the system automatically isolates him. He has no fear in the ancestral hall, so he is afraid of such small troubles?

Surrounded by everyone, he walked towards the stone tower.

"Speaking of which, the masters usually rely on this thing to practice?"

Li Xiaobai asked curiously, this is the camp where the monks stationed themselves, not the entrance of the mission hall, there should be other authoritative institutions hidden in the mountains and forests.

"Of course not. The Shiwan Dashan has a vast territory, and there are many spirits and monsters in it. I must have never seen it in the abandoned land of the Eastern Land. Capture the spirits and bring them back to the temple in exchange for merit. This is the way for poor monks to practice."

"However, Master Wuhu is new here, so don't think about it. Only those of us who have been influenced by the power of faith all the year round have the ability to capture ghosts. They are not things you can touch. It's good to be a flower in a greenhouse with peace of mind. "

The mourning hall said contemptuously, mentioning a new species, spirits.

Catch spirits in exchange for merit.

Where is the ghost, what is the use of merit?

The Lingtai of the Supervisory Academy never mentioned this matter, and Er Gouzi and Liu Jinshui didn't mention a word either. Li Xiaobai felt very fucked, and the matter became more and more complicated.

When I go back, I really want to give them a big blowjob.

"Study the scriptures, do good deeds every day, and you will have merit. What has it to do with catching ghosts?"

Li Xiaobai looked disapproving, and said slowly.

"It's really a monk from outside, who doesn't understand anything, just a bumpkin!"

"Yeah, where can you see ghosts in the barren land of Dongtu, and they don't seem to have quotas and channels?"

"Hey, at such a young age, you don't even know the usefulness of merit, how pitiful!"

Hearing Li Xiaobai's high-sounding remarks, the surrounding monks made no secret of their disdain, and mocked him eccentrically.

"With all due respect, no one understands merit better than me."

"My little monk once received advice from an expert. Below the realm of immortality, there is no good merit to speak of!"

Li Xiaobai cast a sidelong glance at everyone and said coldly.

"It's a bunch of nonsense. Not to mention the short-sightedness of the country bumpkin, he dares to make false claims about merit. Even though you have Buddhas in the Eastern Land, the qualifications to enter the ancient battlefield can only be possessed by the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The merits are not enough, and you can't even touch the edge of the battlefield!"

A monk was furious, feeling that he was being provoked, and angrily reprimanded.

"Amitabha, so that's the case. Thank you, Master, for clarifying the confusion."

Li Xiaobai nodded and said with a smile.


The monk's face was blushing and his neck was thick, and it was only then that he realized that he was being bullied by someone.

"It's useless to talk about it. These are far away from Master Wuhu. It might be a chance to experience it in this stone tower first."

The mourning hall interrupted, pointed to the stone pagoda, and said in a neutral tone.

"It should be so, I will go, little monk."

Li Xiaobai bought into the stone tower and disappeared into the darkness.

Outside, the monks looked at each other and looked up at the light outside the stone tower.

The tower has a total of seven floors, and each floor will be lit up, so that the outside world can clearly know which floor the strongest has climbed.

"This kid is dead!"

"Without any preparation for the first time, I bet he will roll back after three breaths."

"You're overestimating him. As far as I know, this person's cultivation is only in the ethereal realm. Just one breath from an ant is enough for him to understand the horror of the power of faith."

There was a sneer on the corners of the monks' mouths, thinking that when they entered the stone tower for the first time, they thought they had discovered a great opportunity, but they suddenly found that the horror of the power of faith in it was simply not something they could bear.

Climbing out of the world in just a few breaths, even now, most people can only stay in the third level of practice, and they have benefited a lot.

The world of three breaths is fleeting, but Li Xiaobai has never been seen escaping in embarrassment.

"Could it be that he has become insane?"

"Let's follow in and take a look."

Lingtang and others frowned and entered the stone tower.

The first thing that catches the eye is a bunch of monks lying crookedly on the ground, showing pain on their faces, but they dare not relax their vigilance, chanting scriptures in their mouths, so as to prevent too much acceptance of the power of faith from becoming useless .

"Amitabha, this is Master Chen Hai!"

"Senior Brother Chen, Brother Chen Huan, what's wrong with you? Is there something wrong in the pagoda?"

The young monk named Linghua looked over, rushed forward to check, and found that these people were just lying on the ground, and there was no serious problem.

"Junior Brother Linghua!"

"Hurry up, just now a monk named Wuhu took advantage of the danger and snatched the treasures from us, hurry up and get it back for the brothers!"

The monk in the pagoda raised his head to the sky and roared angrily.

A few breaths ago, a monk who claimed to be from Wuhu found that they could not move freely under the power of faith, so he took away all the treasures from them like a storm.

"Where did you go?"

Lingtang asked.

"Go to the upper floor!"

"Damn it, isn't he only in the Void Spirit Realm? Why can he move freely in this first floor?"


At the same time, on the other side.

The second floor of the stone tower.

Li Xiaobai felt as if he had entered the land of no one, and the system automatically cut off the power of faith. For him, it was no different from the outside world except that this place smelled a little better.

At this moment, he was looking at the space ring in his hand, and in front of him were many monks with expressions of grief and indignation.

"Bastard, who are you, how dare you openly commit murder in Lingyin Temple!"

"Where did the monk come from? Why do you want to snatch the treasures from the poor monk? You know that this place is a Buddhist pagoda, which is blessed by the Lord Buddha. If you act like this, you will not be afraid of being punished by heaven!"

The monks are more angry than each other, and their strength and cultivation base are not weak. In the outside world, they are also a group of elders, but here they are actually overshadowed by a young monk who has not even grown hair.

If it weren't for the need to concentrate on resisting the invasion of the power of faith, they would have slapped each other to death long ago.

"Bold, what is your identity, what is my status, why do I have to explain to others what I have done in Wuhu all my life?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes widened, "One more word of persuasion, believe it or not, I'll pull you up to the third floor!"

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