Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1603 My Mourning Hall, I Vow To Catch All The Ghosts In The World

Li Xiaobai figured out the true meaning on the scroll and walked towards the forest.

He has roughly figured out the rules in the Hundred Thousand Mountains, catching spirits in exchange for merit, relying on merit to obtain resources in the monastery, and even the qualification to enter some kind of ancient battlefield.

He had never seen a ghost before, but he entered and exited the ancient battlefield more than once. He guessed that this so-called ancient battlefield was probably a level higher than the one he had entered before, or even higher.

There are a total of two scrolls, all of which have only one sentence, giving a general direction, and he has to capture the rest by himself.

"There is a wave in the waves, the king asked me to patrol the mountain..."

Li Xiaobai headed towards the northwest, and the scroll recorded that there were mind-level spirits in this direction, but he felt something was wrong just walking.

Capturing spirits is to live, it's not as simple as killing and destroying them. Since it's capturing, it's natural to use the container, what about the container?

The old monk didn't say anything just now, and he didn't go to the mission hall to claim it. He was a little dumbfounded. How can he catch the negative emotions caused by the power of faith?

"Let's go over and find out about the situation first."

Li Xiaobai flipped his wrist, took out a long sword, and wandered around in the jungle.

I don't know how long it took, he suddenly felt his heart beat suddenly, and an indescribable tingling sensation came, the golden chariot under his feet manifested, and his figure appeared ten steps away in a blink of an eye. A deep pit was smashed out with a sound, and a red embroidered shoe lay quietly inside.

"I was attacked by surprise, is it a ghost?"

"That embroidered shoe is the spirit's attack method? It's clearly smashing a deep hole, but there is no life left. What a weird method!"

Li Xiaobai held a sword in his right hand, and took out a thick stack of talismans in his left hand. Whenever he saw something bad, he would turn around and run away.


A series of silver bell-like laughter lingered in his ears, making his scalp tingle and his heart a little terrified. This spirit is like a female ghost, and it will come out to scare people in broad daylight.

"Bold, where is the evildoer here? Seeing your grandpa in the mourning hall, he will be arrested as soon as possible!"

Li Xiaobai's face turned serious, and he scolded angrily, throwing out the name of the mourning hall without hesitation.

People are floating in the rivers and lakes, and they use trumpets to save their lives. Naturally, it is most appropriate to let the mourning hall take the blame at this time.

The female ghost just laughed, and then disappeared as if the world evaporated, and the embroidered shoe in the deep pit just now disappeared without a trace.

He looked left and right, and slashed twice with his long sword casually, but he didn't notice the slightest trace of the opponent.

Just when he was puzzled, he lowered his head inadvertently, and suddenly a coldness rushed straight to his forehead, and the hairs on his body were counted down, as if every pore was about to explode.

In order to facilitate the battle, he had just inadvertently come to an open area. Now under the sunlight, he clearly saw a shadow behind his own shadow.

It was the shadow of a woman, with her head down and her feet up, standing upside down and hanging in mid-air, sticking behind him all the time, so no matter how hard he searched, he couldn't find the slightest trace.

The golden talisman in his hand turned into a flash of fire, instantly activated, and the next second Li Xiaobai moved out several tens of feet. When he lowered his head and looked again, the shadow stuck behind him like a maggot attached to the bone, and he felt a little nervous. This scene was too weird He didn't turn his head to look and he could clearly imagine the scene at this moment. A female ghost wearing red embroidered shoes was hanging upside down behind him. No matter where he went, the other party would follow him. But I don't know if this ghost has such a Why don't you launch an attack?

"Amitabha, I didn't expect to meet a Piao of this level when I debuted, but sister Piao, you underestimate me. My mourning hall has been a Buddhist arrogance since I was a child. There are eight hundred Piaozi who died in my hands. Today, since Miss Piao likes the little monk's back, then the little monk will let you have a good time!"

With a pull of both hands, Li Xiaobai took off his shirt like a cloud and flowing water, revealing his hard-covered and firm body, and then lay down straight.

With the magic skill of bursting clothes and the support of Tieshan, four times the defense power is close to him, he wants to see how this drifter can withstand him.


Lying on the ground, he didn't notice any abnormalities, and the silver bell-like laughter rang in his ears again.

This is also the first time Li Xiaobai has encountered this situation, and he doesn't know if Sister Piao was forced away by him, or still under his pressure.

"In this case, you might as well speculate boldly. The female drifter is either in front of me or behind me. Just try it out."

"Look at my mourning hall and open your gate of heaven with a sword!"

"100% being caught empty-handed!"

Li Xiaobai was furious in his heart, and swung the long sword in his hand. The next second, the wind howled, and blood-red aura condensed, accompanied by dots of golden light, forming a woman's appearance, hanging upside down in front of his forehead, just a few feet away. From a distance, his eyelids twitched when he saw that broken and decayed face.

"Sister Piao, don't blame me. My mourning hall is also for your own good. I will take you back to undergo labor reform. After you win, you will be a new person!"

Li Xiaobai said dryly, quickly rummaged to find the magic weapon of the container type, no matter what happened, grabbed the girl's neck and stuffed it in, and was 100% suppressed by the skill, the female spirit couldn't move, any He stuffed it in so casually.

After closing the lid, it was discovered that the magic weapon was actually a chamber pot, and he couldn't help being speechless at the moment.

The person who made this thing is really a fucking talent, and he is the first in the world to make a chamber pot into a magic weapon.

The chamber pot was restless and swaying all the time. There were strands of blood-colored mist filling the lid, and the female ghost inside was struggling.

"What if I run out?"

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, after all, it was not a professional equipment for catching ghosts, so safety measures had to be taken, and he took out a Thunder Tribulation Rosary Bead from his bosom, and put it in carefully.

In the next second, the chamber pot was quiet and motionless.

"That's right. Emotional monsters are so easy to catch. It is said that monsters are formed by the power of faith. The attack method should also be related to the power of faith. It's a pity that I didn't see the method of sister Piao."

Li Xiaobai nodded in satisfaction, picked up the chamber pot, and the golden chariot under his feet turned into a flash of light and rushed towards another direction.

He has some ideas that need to be confirmed. If the guess is correct, there is no need to worry about spirits and monsters, as many as they want.

A few minutes later, on a small hill, he saw a second spirit.

This monster is much simpler and rougher. It is a man wearing an apron and holding a butcher's knife. It looks like a butcher. It should come from a monk's killing intent. It strode towards Li Xiaobai without saying a word. Backhand is a knife.

The sword glow was illusory, passing through Li Xiaobai's body directly, failing to take away any substance.

Li Xiaobai's eyes lit up, his guess was correct, it was an attack by the power of faith, it was automatically blocked by the system, and he was unscathed.

Open the chamber pot without saying a word, put it directly on the head of the butcher ghost, forcefully stuff it into it, and then put in a Thunder Calamity Rosary Bead again.

"My name is Lingtang, and I swear that I will catch all the spirits and monsters in the world!"

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