For several days Li Xiaobai took root in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

According to his judgment, the level of spirit monsters corresponds to their own strength, and being 100% able to suppress mind-level spirit monsters by being caught empty-handed is enough to illustrate this point.

The system shields all mental attacks, which is equivalent to saying that the existence of this spirit cannot cause damage to him, at least the mind level cannot reach this level.

There are more and more spirits in the chamber pot, but he still feels uneasy. He has come into contact with more and more spirits, and he always feels that the first female drifter is a bit unusual.

The ghosts I met along the way were of strange shapes and shapes, but without exception, they were all fighting. I have never met a ghost like that female Piaozi quietly hanging upside down behind her body. Sister Piao is a bit special.

Moreover, after capturing the spirits and throwing them into the chamber pot, none of them resisted, and I don't know if it was because of the Thunder Tribulation Rosary or another reason.

"I caught a lot, take it back and have a look."

Li Xiaobai threw out a large handful of talismans, which flickered on the mountain, and returned to the mission hall after a few vertical jumps.

Just like a few days ago, the old monk was still standing at the door, talking to several monks mysteriously, without asking, he knew that he was definitely fooling people.

"Amitabha, my little friend came back so quickly, but did you gain something?"

When the old monk saw Li Xiaobai's figure, his eyes lit up, and he left a few clients and walked towards him.

"The master is not very reliable. He only told the little monk where to catch the spirits, but he didn't say what to use. He didn't even have a tool to catch them."

Li Xiaobai glanced at the other party, his face was full of red light, his eyes were full of energy, and it seemed that he had been cheating people a lot these days.

Wealth is abundant.

"Amitabha, this statement is wrong. Master Wuhu misunderstood the old monk. This arresting tool is a controlled item. Even the old monk can't get it out. Master Wuhu can only use merit to buy it."

"It's a newcomer and I haven't gained merit yet, so I didn't mention this matter."

The old monk said with a smile.

"If you get something, you can trade it with the old monk. The price that the old monk gives is 10% higher than the market."

"I'll go in first."

Li Xiaobai is not reckless with the old monk, he always feels that this guy is a scam.

Walking towards the mission hall, the interior is also golden, with gold bricks and jade tiles, extremely luxurious, and the people looking at it want to move the whole building away.

There are more than a dozen windows inside, and there is a special person responsible for receiving the spirits. He noticed that almost all the monks dumped the spirits from a gourd-shaped magic weapon, and then the monk in charge of collecting them poured the spirits into a larger gourd.

Each window is clearly marked with the merit points corresponding to different levels of spirits.

"Ten merits at the body level."

"One hundred merits at the mind level."

"One thousand merits at the soul level."

"Spiritual thoughts level ten thousand merits."

"The precious gourd has five thousand merits."

The treasure gourd is a hunting tool, and there are different types. Even the cheapest one needs 5,000 merits, and the high-level monsters need a higher level of gourd. The price is astronomical. Li Xiaobai suddenly felt that he could use this chamber pot It's also pretty good.

There are also various types of exercises, and the list of magic weapons is useless to him. At the bottom, it says that the admission ticket needs 100,000 merits. It should belong to an admission ticket for a certain ancient battlefield. campaign.

The price is a bit expensive, and you can only get one ticket if you catch ten Divine Sense Levels, so it's quicker to grab them.

Go to an unoccupied window, take out the chamber pot and place it on it.

staff member"???"

"The spirits and monsters are all inside, please ask the master to count the merits."

Li Xiaobai said politely.

The monks around all cast shocked looks one after another. They were able to catch spirits with magic weapons other than gourds. They were either rich or powerful seniors.

Using a chamber pot to hold monsters is an eye-opener.

"Don't be impatient."

The man was well-informed, the strange light in his eyes flashed away, he opened the chamber pot quickly, and the big gourd, which was as tall as a person behind him, burst out a strong suction force, and the monster was sucked into it as soon as it came out , without the slightest resistance.

"Amitabha, masters collect ghosts, but what is the use of the temple?"

Li Xiaobai looked at the drifters that were being sucked away one by one, and asked curiously.

"Heavenly secrets must not be revealed. My Buddha is merciful. I let the spirits and monsters do nothing to harm the common people, so I ordered my Buddhist disciples to arrest them."

The man said mechanically.

"Why not beheaded?"

"My Buddha is merciful. God has the virtue of good life. Every living being has the right to live. This master has committed a lot of crimes. I am afraid that the future Buddha will be entangled in karma along the way."

The staff member glanced at Li Xiaobai, sucked two spirits and prepared to return the chamber pot.

But before he could make a move, the third came out, and then the fourth, and the fifth, getting longer and longer like pulled noodles, pulling more and more, all of them fell into the huge In the mouth of the gourd.


"Master Wuhu, there are clearly only two mind-level crusade scrolls, why are there so many spirits?"

The people in the window were shocked. Generally speaking, catching spirits is extremely energy-consuming. After all, they are monsters condensed with the power of faith. Every move is an offensive against the soul. The energy consumed after a battle is beyond ordinary people's imagination.

No matter how strong a monk is, he can only catch five fingers of ghosts at a time, but the young monk in front of him has double-digit ghosts coming out of the chamber pot, and the speed has not slowed down at all, and there are still a steady stream of ghosts coming out .

"Contribute to Lingyin Temple and serve the people. The little monk has a low level of cultivation, but he also cares about the common people in the world and has exceeded the quota. Please count the merits carefully."

Li Xiaobai waved his hand and said cheerfully, looking indifferent.

"Who is that person, a chamber pot can hold so many spirits?"

"And they're all mind-level. The chamber pot doesn't seem like a high-grade magic weapon. Why can spirits stay in it so peacefully?"

"Show face, go back and find out which master's disciple this is!"

The monks around had different thoughts, and their eyes towards Li Xiaobai gradually became serious.

When did such a strong man appear in Lingyin Temple?

"Two hundred and thirteen..."

"How did you do it..."

After an unknown amount of time, the people in the window were dumbfounded, they had never encountered the spirit who gave this number at once.

"There are too many confused people in the world. The little monk just brings them back to the embrace of Lingyin Temple, accepts transformation, strives to come out as soon as possible, and start a new life."

Li Xiaobai said.

He frowned slightly, the number was wrong, he clearly counted two hundred and fourteen, how could one be missing.

After taking the chamber pot and glancing in, the back of his neck felt a chill, and a pair of familiar eyes were staring at him, full of resentment, it was the first female drifter.

"Ahem, master, I always feel that there is something inside, so I might as well take another look."

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