"Master Wuhu, there are two hundred and thirteen of them in total, not too many, not too many."

The staff in the window wiped the cold sweat from their foreheads and said with a smile.

"Really gone?"

Li Xiaobai scratched his bald head, and exchanged a glance with the female floater in the chamber pot, his back felt chilly, he was sure that the guy from the beginning was inside, but these monks in front of him seemed to be invisible?

"Amitabha, there are 100 points of merit for each mind-level spirit monster, and there are a total of 213 points, which is 21,300 points of merit."

The person inside the window pinched out a strange seal formula, and there was an extra line of boys on the identity token hanging around Li Xiaobai's waist, with 21,300 merit points.

"It's that simple?"

"From this point of view, the entrance ticket to the so-called ancient battlefield is nothing to brag about. It's only worth a hundred thousand merits. Catch more spirits and get ten or eight tickets later."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself, completely unaware of the shocked eyes of the person in front of him and the murderous eyes of the monks around him.

Ma De, do you think that everyone is like you? How many monks have been busy for a whole month and only captured two or three spirits. Even so, it can be regarded as a very good result.

As soon as you come up, you can directly catch more than two hundred monsters, and you can perfectly suppress them without going berserk. It seems that the prison is not capable of this, right?

"I've never heard of a monk capturing hundreds of spirits in one go. I'm afraid there is someone behind this master to assist him!"

"Yeah, it's good to be airborne. Once you come up, you will get 20,000 merits for nothing. I'm afraid I won't be able to save them all my life."

There was constant mocking and sarcasm all around, and Li Xiaobai's results seemed to them to be a bad player, and he was definitely cheating.

If there are experts leading the team behind them, and dozens of monks assisting them, it is not impossible to catch hundreds of spirits in one go. Someone has done this before, but in the end the abbot of Lingyin Temple found out and personally came forward to capture the monsters. The disciple was demoted to other marginal monasteries.

It must be so, otherwise how could this young-looking monk have such abilities?

"Amitabha, the masters are right. There are people above the little monk. There is no way. A genius like me is born far ahead. It is easy to catch a ghost."

Li Xiaobai looked around and said with a smile, "If you are not convinced, come and bite me?"

The monks "..."

Li Xiaobai, the secret treasure of martial arts, doesn't like it. This time, he has a good idea of ​​​​catching spirits and monsters, so he will try to get a few more tickets later, and bring Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi together. Maybe you can find clues about the brothers and sisters in the ancient battlefield.

It's just that Miss Piao in the chamber pot made him feel uneasy all the time.

It was as if a pair of eyes were staring straight at him, like a light on his back.

"Sister Piao, please eat candy."

Li Xiaobai thought for a while, opened the chamber pot and threw in a Thunder Tribulation Rosary Bead again, which belonged to the Four Parts Peering God Realm. As soon as he threw it in, the feeling of being secretly watched disappeared instantly.

Sure enough, it was because of this girl drifter that the insiders who specialize in dealing with ghosts couldn't see it, so why could he see it?

This female spirit is very special and has a big secret in her body.

Carrying the chamber pot, he walked towards the depths of Shiwan Dashan. He had a preliminary understanding of the situation of this huge mountain. There were only spirits in Shiwan Dashan, and there were no traces of monsters. Even if there were, they would have been killed by spirits long ago.

Other monks need to be careful when they come here, for fear of stepping into the abyss, but for him, the system isolates all spiritual power by himself, and even the spiritual monsters that need to be hunted and killed by the abbot cascade can't hurt him at all.

Immunity to mental attacks is cool.

Raising the long sword in his hand and slashing downwards, it was 100% launched by the empty hand and the white blade. In an instant, a large number of spirits rushed in groups, and their knees softened and knelt on the ground.

Li Xiaobai threw out the chamber pots and put them in one by one. As long as he found the right direction and angle, he could attract all the spirits that were similar to or even inferior to his own strength, and he didn't even need the Thunder Tribulation Rosary, all of them were put in. The spirit is very honest, no matter how ferocious it is in the outside world, it will turn into a well-behaved little sheep after entering the chamber pot, and he can't find any other explanation except for the female drifter.


He found an open place to lie down on his own, lit torches all over his body, trying to attract spirits in his sleep, and when he woke up, he would gather them all together.

Take off your shirt, lie on the ground, and increase your defense by four times.

Scan the system panel to see the progress over time.

Host Li Xiaobai.


Defense Ethereal Realm Level 3

If you go up one level online, you will be able to reach the realm of the four gods. In the outside world, this is the realm of a group of elders, but in the power of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, it can't compare with the real arrogance.

The thing of visualization has been heard as early as on the Buddha debate stage. This is the basic skill that all monks who have stepped into the realm of observing the gods of the four parts must master. I didn't expect that he, who has a system, needs to master it.

The so-called visualization is to conceive the most familiar and powerful thing in your mind, which can be a magic weapon or a living being. There is a special place in Lingyin Temple for people to visualize.

"I am a talent who knows the world, and what I want to visualize must be the thing that dominates the world. I will talk about it when the time comes."

Li Xiaobai, smash your mouth, close your eyes, who will be happy, he does not need to practice, his night work and rest are the same as ordinary people, there is no use of practice to replace sleep, and there is no need, life is alive, you should eat, you should sleep .

It's just that as soon as he closed his eyes, he felt something was wrong, and fell into a strange dream in a trance.

In the dream, he was sleeping on the bed, and a beautiful red figure was hanging upside down beside him, stepping on embroidered shoes, two lines of blood and tears flowed from a pair of deep-set eye sockets, staring straight at him for chopping, he was caught by him That girl drifter.

"Fuck, what the hell!"

"What about the system protection that was agreed? Why can this thing give me a dream?"

"Sister Piao, what are your orders for looking for my younger brother so late?"

Li Xiaobai felt his body stiffen for a while, this was the first time he encountered such a situation, and for a moment he didn't know whether the other party's falling asleep was considered a mental attack.

What the hell is chasing after a dream?

The female drifter didn't move, a bronze mirror automatically floated out of her arms and was sent into Li Xiaobai's hands.

After a quick glance, a magnificent woman appeared in the picture in the mirror, her palm was like a sharp blade, her fist smashed the galaxy, and she tore apart a god demon covered in black aura.

Then the picture changed, the woman went on a pilgrimage to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and after meeting the Lord Buddha, she was immobilized by a supernatural power, took off her clothes and hung her body upside down on a wooden dummy, for all the monks in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to enjoy and enjoy. In the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, evil thoughts soared to the sky, and spirits and monsters ran amok. The woman became a demon, and her resentment was overwhelming. After dozens of years, the Lord Buddha cut off her body and wiped away all traces of her life. Only a spirit formed by resentment appeared in the Hundred Thousand Mountains.

I don't know if this scene is true or not, but Li Xiaobai's scalp tingles from watching it. He is a smart man and knows what it means.

As long as the ghost is alive, it means that someone needs this thing. The Lord Buddha deliberately met this magnificent woman with Buddhist monks frankly and insulted him in every possible way. The only explanation is to use this woman to draw out the evil thoughts in the hearts of the monks and produce them Finally, it condensed into a spirit monster, and at the same time, the woman's own resentment was enough to condense a powerful spirit monster.

Although I still don't know the specific purpose of this ghost, but this short scene in the bronze mirror is too sensational!

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