Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1606: Memories, Big Sister Beat Sister Piao Violently

"Sister Piao, do you want the little monk to avenge you for the little monk's dream?"

"Don't worry, the little monk, as the arrogance of Buddhism, will definitely stand on the commanding heights of morality and condemn the behavior of the Lord Buddha. I will bring my good friends to despise him fiercely."

Li Xiaobai looked at the upside-down female drifter beside the bed, and said with a stiff smile.

He wanted to wake up from the dream, but he couldn't. He could only quietly wait for the girl's next move.

My heart is also a little hairy, is this upside-down thing really the same person as that magnificent woman? The woman in the picture is invincible, tearing the sun, moon and stars with her hands, she is extremely powerful, even if she meets the Lord Buddha, she will only be suppressed and humiliated?

Nu Piaozi didn't speak, she stared at Li Xiaobai with bloody eyes, and in the next second, raised her fist and punched him, wanting to beat him up in the dream.

But with just one punch, the dream collapsed in the next second, and the girl turned into a wisp of green smoke and dissipated without a trace. Li Xiaobai sat up suddenly and woke up from the dream.

He took out the chamber pot and opened it to take a look inside. A pair of vicious eyes stared straight at him.

"Hehehe, you actually want to attack your grandfather in the mourning hall, you are still tender,"

"Reward you with a candy, sweet."

Li Xiaobai threw in a Thunder Tribulation Rosary Bead again, closed the lid, and calmed down, the system automatically blocked all mental attacks, that is to say, even if the girl drifted into a dream, she couldn't cause any damage to him, knowing that there was no threat That's easy.

Don't worry about it, just fell asleep, snoring like thunder after a few breaths, he fell into dream again.

It was still the same dream, the scene was the same as before, lying on a bed, with the familiar upside-down figure beside him staring straight at him.

"Yo, sister Piao is here to visit again."

Li Xiaobai got up and punched him, and the upside-down woman appeared hundreds of meters away, she didn't dare to touch him again, this young monk possessed a terrifying power that she couldn't understand.

Just now, there was another bronze mirror where the talented girl Piaozi was standing. She picked it up and glanced at it. It recorded an epic battle.

The ancient starry sky road collapsed, some people crossed the catastrophe, some people became immortals, and stepped onto the road to immortality.

That magnificent woman was also among them, and she made a bold move, beheading three peerless powers, the blood of the emperor was scattered, the universe was shaken, and then her hands tore apart the heavens, as if she had touched the most core source of the way of heaven, and she set foot on the immortal road.

But in the next second, another plain hand appeared, grabbed her ankle, and pulled it down abruptly from the distance from the skyline, and then a huge hammer appeared in the picture, hitting the girl hard. On the core of the Dao that day, it was hammered to pieces.

The owner of this hammer, Li Xiaobai, is very familiar with it. The red-clothed sledgehammer, senior sister Su Yunbing, smashed down with a hammer, a terrifying aura surged, and boundless magic power broke the body of the peerless woman, causing golden blood to splatter.

The scene was a one-sided beating, Su Yunbing shot frequently, throwing away all magical powers, crushing with the purest power, the girl's golden blood spurted out, and in the end her dantian was pierced by Su Yunbing with one hand, and it was pure white and flawless His light curtain was dug away, his aura retreated wildly, and he failed miserably.

This is another memory of Nv Piaozi. It is released to dispel Li Xiaobai's concerns, and also to explain why she was treated as a piece of fish on a chopping board by Buddhist monks and abused at will.

It's just that she didn't expect that Li Xiaobai was acquainted with the fierce woman who beat her back then.

"I didn't expect that it was the senior who came here, sorry for being rude, little monk."

Li Xiaobai clasped his fists and said, "I didn't expect to see people who have resentment against the Lord Buddha here. To be honest, I also hate the current Buddhist pattern. Change must be made. Only change can drive the gears of history forward." Advance!"

"Sister Piao and I gather here with the same goal and the same hope. This is God's arrangement. Sister, did you leave any secret treasure resources during your lifetime? You can give them all to the little monk. When the little monk succeeds in cultivation, he will definitely help you." You revenge!"

Li Xiaobai spoke righteously and vowed.

He completely understood the picture in the bronze mirror. This female Piaozi was extremely powerful during her lifetime. She reckoned that her cultivation level was the same as that of Er Gouzi, both in the realm of Dao Fruit. It should be the so-called Dao Fruit.

Losing the fruit of the Dao, the cultivation level plummeted, and finally reduced to a plaything of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and he could not die with peace in his eyes.

The female drifter did not speak, she stared at Li Xiaobai with bloody eyes, but there was a line of blood on the ground.

That is a coordinate, somewhere in Shiwanda Mountain.


"Sister Piao is really on the road. If you ask me, you know how to pay for the benefits first."

Li Xiaobai came to the spirit, having coordinates means having substantial benefits.

He also feels sorry for this magnificent female monk, but he has long been on guard against the way of Buddhism, and he is not too conceited about this. He is here to find Daoguo, and other things have nothing to do with him.

Just knowing part of the truth, I always feel something is wrong in my heart. The Lord Buddha is artificially creating spirits and capturing them day after day. The purpose is not simple. What is the purpose of this spirit?

"Sister Piao's martial arts were unrivaled in the world during her lifetime. I don't know what happened to the woman who beat you to death?"

"If there is a chance, I really want to make friends with such heroes!"

Li Xiaobai wrote down the coordinates, then looked at the upside-down girl and asked.

The upside-down girl was speechless, and turned around in the air to express the speechlessness in her heart.

The coordinates on the ground spread, and the blood stains regrouped and condensed into a new sentence, "The end of the sea."

This place was mentioned by Er Gouzi and Liu Jinshui, but neither of them wanted to say more, at least not at the level that he can touch now.

There is a long way to go to find the way of senior sister.

The air was quiet for a while, and the upside-down girl turned around to find that the young monk was lying on the bed and snoring again after saying a word of emotion.

In an instant, her body shattered and disappeared into a puff of smoke. The next second, Li Xiaobai sat up from the ground in shock, looked at the chamber pot beside her, and pouted.

"Why don't you even let me sleep well?"

"It's the first time I've seen someone so eager to give money to someone."

Li Xiaobai was carrying the chamber pot, threw out a stack of talismans, and disappeared without a trace in a golden light.

After half an hour.

He appeared on a cliff, which was a natural moat, and the opposite side of the cliff was also a cliff, and a bottomless part was dug out in the middle.

"Is the treasure here?"

Looking around, before he could react, streaks of golden light emerged from the surface, turning into human shapes and swarming towards them. These were spirits.

A bloody lightning strike hit his chest fiercely and sent him flying.

"Substantial physical attack, what level of monster is this, it can touch me!"

Li Xiaobai was shocked. Although he was not injured, it felt too scary. When he came here, he clearly asked that even spirits at the level of divine sense cannot physically attack monks.

But when he saw the strange appearance clearly, cold sweat rolled down his neck.

It was a woman in red, with her head down and her feet up, hanging in mid-air, her sunken eye sockets were full of blood, and she looked exactly like the female Piaozi in the chamber pot. At this moment, she was holding the chamber pot, The impact just now was to snatch this thing.

After contemplating it for a while, the woman in red stretched out her hand and slapped the lid open, and went straight in.

"Damn it, it's so fierce!"

"Even dare to snatch the chamber pot!"

"Sister Piao and Sister Sister!"

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