Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1612 In Fact, Life Is Quite Boring

Li Xiaobai strolled in the courtyard, but Yuan Ge was a little impatient. The other party walked too deep, and was about to touch the territory he had never touched.

"I heard that Master Wuhu earned 210,000 merits in just a few days. I don't know how he did it. How do you feel about catching spirits?"

Dove asked.

"I'm familiar with it. It took my master a few breaths to capture the first spirit monster back then. Today, it can be caught in the blink of an eye. This thing depends on accumulated experience, so there is no rush."

Li Xiaobai said leisurely.

"Master Yuan Ge is a disciple of Lao Ling, so he must know this mountain gate very well."

"My little monk sees that other sects have protective beasts. Can this pure land of bliss be guarded by terrifying creatures?"

"Naturally there are gods and beasts in the Buddhist sect. The reason why Master Wuhu hasn't seen them yet may be due to his lack of cultivation. He will have a chance to see them when he enters the realm of the four gods."

There was a trace of disdain in Yuan Ge's eyes, and he was mocking Li Xiaobai's low cultivation level inside and out.

"I don't know what kind of beast it is, a Buddhist beast, it must be full of auspiciousness."

Li Xiaobai asked with longing in his eyes.

"Buddhist beasts are born noble and pure, let alone brought back by the Lord Buddha himself. Even if they are placed in the entire fairy world, they can shock one side. In the eyes of outsiders, they are terrifying creatures that only exist in legends, the ancient Qilin beasts! "

"It's a pity that Master Wuhu's cultivation base is low. If you meet the conditions to enter the Fortune Heavenly Lake, you will have the chance to experience it."

Yuan Ge shook his head and sighed, scorning Li Xiaobai's cultivation level.

"The realm of cultivation is only a matter of one thought. If you want to break through the shackles, you only need one thought to reach it. Xiaoyuan, you have to know that sometimes the foundation is unstable if you rise too fast. Learn more about the lives of the grassroots people below. , after we go up, we will be able to do some practical things in a down-to-earth manner.”

Li Xiaobai patted Yuan Ge on the shoulder, and said in an old-fashioned way that he finally heard the news he wanted. There is a Qilin beast in the Good Fortune Tianchi. Besides Er Gouzi's Dao Fruit, which other Qilin beast is there in the world? , I just don't know if he can take it away.

Yuan Ge was suddenly speechless, this Wuhu was really thick-skinned to the extreme, and he actually started to preach to him, this is the first time he has heard people say that it is not a good thing to become stronger after so many years of practice, this kind of fallacy is probably only Wuhu can say It's time to export.

"Master Wuhu, this time I came out and my master gave me a task at the soul level. I have to ask the master to take care of this matter."

Yuan Ge cupped his hands and said, Soul-level spirit monsters and Mind-level spirit monsters are not at the same level. Even if he wants to capture it, he needs to prepare for a period of time. To find out the opponent's weakness and break it, the whole process will take at least a day or two.

This was already the fastest speed among the younger generation, and he seriously doubted the veracity of the so-called blink-catching monster.

"Follow me, Master Ben will take you to catch a big one."

The golden chariot manifested under Li Xiaobai's feet, and he galloped towards the depths of the mountain. He was lurking in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss like an ordinary disciple all day long. The other side of the mountain is the place where the Lord Buddha is meditating, so he will cross the 100,000 mountains to find the Lord Buddha and take the opportunity to see the details of the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas.

Anyway, according to the clear rules and precepts of Lingyin Temple, there is no one that prohibits Buddhist monks from going to the other side of Shiwan Dashan. On the contrary, the temple encourages monks to explore more deeply and capture more powerful spirits, and no one will believe that any monk can cross to the other side. On the one hand, among other things, the ghosts along the way can crush people.

But these are zero pressure for Li Xiaobai. The invasion of the power of faith is useless to him. The system automatically isolates everything. , can walk sideways.

"Do you know that among spirits and monsters, there is an existence that launches an offensive with a physical body?"

Li Xiaobai asked.

"The formation of spirits comes from the mixed negative emotions of Buddhist monks and the power of faith. They will only attack the spirit and soul, and it is impossible to even touch monks."

Yuan Ge said firmly.

"Then what if there is?"

"That's not a ghost."

Li Xiaobai felt a chill blowing on the back of his neck again, it wasn't a spirit or something, the girl was so frightening that he hadn't closed his eyes for two days.

The speed of the golden chariot is getting faster and faster. Li Xiaobai doesn't care about the surrounding environment at all, and keeps sprinting towards the depths. Many spirits along the way are startled, and they follow behind in groups to chase. It's frightening.

"Amitabha, Master Wuhu, there are more and more spirits and monsters gathering in the rear. I'm afraid it will be difficult to end if this continues. The monk thinks that there is no need to go forward, it is deep enough."

"If you come out to hang out, why worry about the ending? As early as the moment you entered the practice world, the little monk ignored life and death. There is no rehearsal in our life, and there is a live broadcast every day. Master Yuange should open up the pattern and enjoy the present moment."

Li Xiaobai didn't care about the ghosts chasing behind, anyway, he couldn't catch up with the speed of the chariot, if he caught up, he would stuff it into the chamber pot.

Yuan Ge suddenly felt that it was a mistake for him to come to inquire about the other party's details. He was fooled by Lingtai, how could he know things that the supervisory court could not ask? The other party definitely knew his reason for coming, and was deliberately going deep in order to deal with him!

Inside the Shiwan Dashan, there is a mighty voice, more and more ghosts join the team chasing the army, Yuan Ge is afraid to speak, at this moment he feels creepy, too crazy, the golden chariot is running ahead, thousands of ghosts The army was chasing after him, and there were many soul-level existences among them. If he was left alone, he would only die.

"Master Wuhu, you really haven't considered the issue of ending? With such a large number of spirits, even if you have a quick way to capture them, it must be difficult to deal with them, right?"

"It's the best policy to find a small road to go back from the other end, otherwise, after a while, all the roads behind will be blocked."

Yuan Ge whispered, afraid that if she made a little noise, it would cause the spirits behind to riot.

Yu and Meat said, "The book was typed out word by word by Ben Yu with both hands. No one has changed the knife. No one can control the world of Ben Yu."

"Master Yuange, the pattern has been opened. What is the end when you come out to mess around? It will end naturally on the day you die. It's nothing to be a mere ghost. The righteousness of this little monk is not afraid of evil spirits! Since the old spirit entrusted you to me, Take this opportunity to study hard, don't be surprised."

Li Xiaobai glanced at him and said casually, he has been calculating the route, and it is difficult to reach the other end of Shiwan Dashan. This place is so big and scary, it feels like some kind of supernatural power, extending the space infinitely .

Looking at the shivering pigeons, his face turned pale with one sentence, "In fact, life is sometimes quite boring."

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