Yuan Ge was dumbfounded.

Are you kidding, the ghosts behind are almost out of sight, and the speed of the golden chariot under your feet is soaring to the limit. At this time, you, the driver, tell me that life is meaningless?

Have you considered the feelings of passengers?

"Cooperating with the forward movement talisman, the speed is not slow. If you continue to rush over like this, it will not be a big problem. You will see the Lord Buddha soon."

Li Xiaobai muttered to himself.

"See... Lord Buddha?"

"Master Wuhu, do you know what you are talking about?"

Yuan Ge said in a daze.

"The other side of the mountain is the place where the Lord Buddha practiced purely. The little monk came to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss just to obtain the scriptures. Now that I have the opportunity to meet again, it is naturally very good."

Li Xiaobai said that Lingyin Temple is in a state of stocking him. Even the Lingtai of the Supervisory Academy and the abbot, who has never met before, are only observing carefully and cautiously, so that he has not been able to see the high-level officials for a long time, and cannot start The plan to find Ergouzi Daoguo.

"Master Wuhu, stop joking. How can my Buddha exist, and how can it be seen by you and me?"

"One Hundred Thousand Mountains is like a barrier, unfathomable. No one has ever been able to cross it to the other side. In the past, many people who wished to go to the other side relied on their profound cultivation to find out, but in the end, without exception, they all died in the mountains. Among them, Master Wuhu can achieve such cultivation at such a young age, you should not mistake yourself."

Yuan Ge said, there are many people who have this idea. Everyone in Lingyin Temple wants to cross the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and even regards it as an honor, but it is impossible to do after all. This is at the feet of the Lord Buddha. With its own great supernatural powers to protect each other, it is impossible to break through the mountains and mountains.

"To comprehend the Dharma and meet the Lord Buddha to obtain the scriptures is the lifelong pursuit of a young monk. I never thought that Master Yuan Ge, as the arrogance of Buddhism, has the same knowledge as the people in the world."

Li Xiaobai glanced at him with an indifferent expression.

"Crazy, this person must be crazy, I don't know if there is a chance to go back alive, I must let Master get rid of this disaster!"

Yuan Ge didn't want to talk anymore, the thousands of spirits behind him made him feel like giving up treatment.

Spirit monsters are mental bodies, and the power of their souls is extremely huge. Even with the speed of the golden chariot and a series of forward talismans, they can be chased within a matter of breath.

I don't know how much time has passed, and Yuan Ge sat cross-legged to resist the invasion of the power of faith, with a faint look of confusion in his eyes, Li Xiaobai lit a Huazi and threw it over.

Wisps of smoke entered his body, and his whole body became energetic instantly, his eyes were as bright as torches, and the power of faith was swept away.

"What is this? It can resist the erosion of spirits and monsters!"

Yuan Ge's face was full of disbelief.

"It's just a small gadget. This master made it himself. If Master Yuan Ge is interested, the two of us can cooperate sincerely in the future. I will source the goods, and Master Yuan Ge will sell it. We will share 50 to 50 points, and you will get a lot of money!"

Li Xiaobai said with a smile in his eyes, what he was waiting for was this moment, to bring the round pigeon into the Hundred Thousand Mountains, and make such a big noise, just to let it experience the subtlety of Huazi.

Although it can't completely expel the invasion of the power of faith in the world of immortals and gods, a certain degree of relief can already help monks capture spirits. A treasure that can help monks improve their spirits and resist spirits, even a genius like a pigeon will be tempted .

His purpose is to infiltrate Huazi into Buddhism little by little, and sell it to every monk. In this way, he can unknowingly dilute the belief of Buddhist monks, so as to achieve the effect of digging corners and disintegrate from the inside. Get rid of this pure land of bliss.

"This is true. Such a genius and treasure must be extremely precious. Master Wuhu is really willing to share it with the monks of Lingyin Temple?"

Yuan Ge was taken aback, he didn't expect that the guy who was going to wipe out his family's money when he met him would be so arrogant.

"What is this talking about? It's not just Lingyin Temple. I want to let monks all over the world enjoy this thing, make it bigger and stronger, and create brilliance together."

Li Xiaobai said so.

Yuan Ge feels that he has witnessed too many unbelievable things today, whether it is the overwhelming spirits or the object named Huazi in his hand, he has never seen it in his life.

"Master Wuhu, I misunderstood you, you are a wise man who has made outstanding contributions to Buddhism!"

"Master Yuange, you will be there soon. Hundreds of years later, you will definitely be included in the history of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, it is inevitable to be famous in history, but it is not known if it is just a famous name or a bad name.

There are many mountains and hills in the Shiwanda Mountain, and the shadows are vague, and the sun cannot be seen. It is full of golden faith, and it is difficult to distinguish day and night.

After another period of wilderness racing, a dazzling white light curtain suddenly appeared in front of him, like a barrier.

"what is this?"

"My little monk has a bad premonition. If you pass through this light curtain, you will encounter something ominous!"

A trace of inexplicable fear flashed in Yuan Ge's eyes, and a strong sense of crisis came from behind the big screen, but he was still pumping Hua Zi, and after realizing the benefits, he seized all the time to improve himself.

"Once you find out, you will know."

Li Xiaobai said that behind this light curtain should be the place where the Lord Buddha is. Even the believers call it unknown. Thinking of the act of the floating woman entrusting her dream, I am afraid that the information revealed by the Lord Buddha is just the tip of the iceberg.

The golden chariot passed through the light curtain, and the army of spirits and monsters at the back stopped at the same time, wanting to rush forward, but the instinct of the body was resisting, so they could only stop here, staring at the disappearing figure in front of them.

The brilliance in the big screen was very gentle, and Li Xiaobai didn't notice anything, but the pigeons on the side were also becoming more and more vigilant and nervous, as if there was an unknown threat staring at them in the dark.

"Why is Master Yuange so nervous? You can see that this place is like a spring breeze, and the power of faith is extremely strong. It is obviously a sacred place for Buddhism."

Li Xiaobai said tentatively.

"You don't understand. What you can't get is always in turmoil. The darkness is born under the light. There is great terror here, and the unknown is unknown. The Buddha's heart of the little monk is on alert."

Yuan Ge narrowed his eyes and said, after taking Hua Zi, he has indeed changed a little bit, and now he dares to question the holy land.


When the two were talking, a Buddha's horn came from their ears, and it exploded like thunder, filled with a strong spiritual atmosphere. The system isolated everything, and Li Xiaobai was unscathed, but Yuan Ge suffered from bleeding from his mouth and nose and fell to the ground. Earth, the breath was exhausted to the extreme.

"Who sets foot in my retreat?"

"In Lingyin Temple, there are disciples who can cross the 100,000 mountains, which can be called a feat."

"It's just at the Buddha's feet, you can't step over and take over. If there is something important, you should inform the prison court, then report it to the abbot, and report it layer by layer. Remember the first offense, and you can go back later."

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