Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1623 Returning To The Extremely Evil Pure Land

His entanglement with this monastery is quite profound.

The warship was moving normally, and the monastery below was submerged in an instant by the terrifying thunder. I have to say that the tribulation crossing is really easy to use. It is not only a group damage, but also a gold medal for avoiding death.

As long as his thunder calamity didn't stop, no monk would come forward to attack and kill him, otherwise he would face a thunder calamity that matched his own cultivation.

Vaguely, he saw many familiar figures running around in Guanghan Temple, but more of them were not bald, but young women in ragged clothes, as if seeing the hope of life, they turned a blind eye to Lei Ting and walked towards the temple. The outside is rushing away.

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, a place where filth and filth are hidden."

Li Xiaobai's eyes flickered. Most of these women were imprisoned for the monks' entertainment. He had already seen this kind of situation in the Arhat Temple. The role of the women was to inspire many monks to practice well.

Only monks with good daily practice results can get this special reward.

"The most urgent thing is to return to the extremely evil pure land. Once Lingyin Temple gets the news and catches up, it will not be so easy to leave."

Li Xiaobai threw a pile of rare earth resources, and the warship speeded up and headed for the distance.

It seems that he forgot something, it seems that he left his precious apprentice in Shiwan Dashan, forget it, it doesn't matter, Ma Niu is talented and intelligent, it will be all right, let him be the sixth son later, come out to meet him.

The power of thunder above the sky is fading, and another round of thunder calamity is gradually dissipating.

at the same time.

Outside Lingyin Temple, hundreds of Buddhist masters gathered to denounce Li Xiaobai's evil deeds, and he also held the identity token of Master Lingtai in his hands. Therefore, he was released to commit murder.

Hundreds of strong men, all of them above the Immortal Realm, you glanced at me and said something, which caused a headache for Lingtai who rushed over immediately after hearing the news. His bad premonition came true. That guy is really in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss Reckless, one after another thunder calamity, who can stand it, let alone holding his identity token back, this time he will not be able to clean up even if he jumps into the Yellow River.

"Amitabha, all masters, please stay calm and don't be impatient. The most urgent thing is to find out the whereabouts of Wuhu. I will report this matter to Master Abbot..."

Lingtai clasped his hands together, and was ruthlessly interrupted before he could finish speaking.

"It's another set of rhetoric, Master Lingtai, every time something happens, you have to report it to the abbot, and then it's nothing, and this time you want to use this excuse to get away with it?"

"This son is holding your identity token, and these atrocities are clearly ordered by you Lingyin Temple. I'm afraid the purpose is to monopolize the name of the number one temple in the Pure Land of Bliss?"

"That's right, even if we find out, what can we do? Our monastery has already been reduced to ruins, and a thousand things are waiting to be built. Lingtai, your wishful thinking has long been figured out by the old monk!"

The eyes of hundreds of Buddhist eminent monks flickered coldly, "If I don't give an explanation today, I can't be fooled."

This is Lingyin Temple's outrage, if you don't take this opportunity to hit him hard, you will be sorry for your status as an eminent Buddhist monk.

"Everyone, this matter has nothing to do with Lingyin Temple, but if your temples are burned down, I will compensate you."

Lingtai's facial muscles pulled out, and he almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth. Naturally, he knew the purpose of these monks coming here, and they wanted to take advantage of the fire.

"Master Lingtai can say these words, and the poor monk can rest assured. This is the list of my Tianyin Temple's losses. I also ask Lingyin Temple to help me."

"This is the list of losses in Dalun Temple..."

"This is the list of losses in Xiaozhufeng Temple..."

This was what everyone was waiting for, and as soon as the Lingtai finished speaking, the list of losses was still approaching, and he glanced at it casually, and his eyes darkened with a series of astronomical figures.

"Wuhu, this old man is at odds with you!"

Li Xiaobai couldn't see the noise in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. He had successfully escaped from the thunder calamity and broke out of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

Host Li Xiaobai.


The first part of the four parts of defensive power to see the realm of the gods, the attribute point of the infinite calamity can be advanced to see people's hearts!


The number on the system panel was beating, and the defense power had successfully advanced to the four god-peeping realms. At this stage, any force would be the leader of the youth.

The advanced conditions have become more stringent, and an option to spy on people's hearts has been added.

"This gameplay has never been seen before, how can I see people's hearts?"

"Is this trying to make me in the world of mortals fail to train my mind?"

Li Xiaobai murmured in his heart, and turned around to ask Sixth Senior Brother and Er Gouzi, but the required attribute points were frighteningly low, and they only needed 100 billion, which could be filled up casually.

In my thoughts, the warship sailed into the extremely evil pure land, surrounded by the familiar dark and deep space, and I felt inexplicably at ease in my heart.

"The resplendent and resplendent appearance of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss really gets more dazzling the longer you look at it. It's still comfortable to stay in your old lair."

"Little ones, come out to greet me, this seat has triumphed!"

Li Xiaobai threw down the warship and strutted into the city gate. The place has been completely built and the city is overcrowded. Presumably during this period, Er Gouzi and Liu Jinshui arrested a large number of monks to serve as cheap labor.

"I've seen the patriarch!"

The captured miners kept coming and going with the big grievances, and when they saw Li Xiaobai, they shouted loudly and bowed down.


"Boy, you didn't die, you came back alive!"

A black shadow sprang out from the slanting thorns and rushed over.

Er Gouzi's eyes were full of surprise, as if he had seen something unbelievable. It was a miracle that he went to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss to be the sixth child and came back alive.

"My divine power is unrivaled in the world, and I am a mere Buddhist sect. What can I do?"

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, this guy with feelings thought he was sent to die, but never thought he could come back alive, what a scumbag.

"Where's Daoguo?"

"Have you ever brought back my cultivation base?"

Er Gouzi sticks out his tongue, his eyes are full of anticipation, and the corner of his mouth is dripping down. How obscene and obscene that appearance is, he can't help but doubt again whether the Qilin beast in Tianchi Fortune has any connection with this guy in front of him.

"The Daoguo is located in the Hundred Thousand Mountains of Lingyin Temple, a treasured place called Good Fortune Tianchi."

Li Xiaobai described the appearance of the white Qilin, and Er Gouzi immediately became excited.


"That's the Dao fruit of this seat. That bald donkey didn't swallow it. God help me. Master Er Gouzi will kill the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and regain his cultivation!"

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