Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1624 Cultural Export Trade War

"Where's the fat man, take out the coffin boards, there's going to be a war!"

Er Gouzi raised his head to the sky and screamed, unable to restrain his excitement, Sa Yazi ran around in the city.

"Junior brother is back, and the trip to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss has been fruitful."

Liu Jinshui popped up in a ghostly manner, and the aura around him was visibly sluggish. It seemed that he had fought against the strong again during this period, and had consumed a lot of blood and energy.

With dark circles under his eyes, he leaned in front of Li Xiaobai with a somewhat dazed expression, and took a closer look.

"Unscathed, how did you do it, why didn't the group of bald donkeys kill you, it was discovered on the first day that my brother pretended to be a monk and entered the monastery."

Liu Jinshui asked with surprised eyes.

"What the hell am I..."

Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, he almost ran away, you know his feelings clearly and let us sneak into a Buddhist monastery, he was really damaged to the extreme.

"Hehehe, junior brother, don't get angry. I trust you to entrust such a heavy responsibility to your shoulders. You have to shoulder this responsibility."

Liu Jinshui patted Li Xiaobai's shoulder and said cheerfully.

"Thank you for your high hopes, brother. You must have had a good rest recently. Don't you dream at night?"

Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed, and he changed the subject and said cheerfully, the girl drifter was sent by him to the dreamland of Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi, and it must have been unbearable to be disturbed these few days.

"I didn't sleep well, and I always dreamed of the same girl. You also know that Fat Master has been mighty and domineering over the years, and owed a lot of romantic debts..."

"No, it was you who did it, you knew that female ghost!"

Liu Jinshui suddenly widened his eyes, his face full of disbelief.

He has been harassed enough in the past few days. As a clone, he does not need to practice. As long as he closes his eyes every day, there will be an inexplicably extra figure of a hanging woman in his mind and give him a fat beating. There is no power to fight back, which shows that the opponent's soul power is far above him.

Consuming a lot of energy and blood, and sluggish a lot of breath is also because of this reason. For some reason, the hanged girl punched him as soon as she came up, and she didn't even have a chance to explain. She was beaten by fat every night. It made him extremely depressed.

"My little brother didn't say that. Could it be that senior brother didn't get some benefits from sister Piao?"

Li Xiaobai teased.

"Miss Piao?"


"She patronized me and beat me up. What good is there? You really threw it over me. Let her go quickly. The fat man doesn't owe her anything!"

Liu Jinshui glared at him and said viciously.

"I really don't owe it. Sixth Senior Brother knows who this Piaojie is. Back then, Senior Sister pulled her out of the crack in the Dao of Heaven with one hand, and crushed her with one hammer."

Li Xiaobai asked tentatively, since it was killed by the senior sister herself, she must be a very famous strongman, it is impossible that the sixth senior brother has not heard of it.

"The girl drifter hammered by the elder sister?"

"It's still an existence that was torn from the heaven with one hand. Could it be her? How did you know?"

Liu Jinshui frowned, shivered all over, felt shuddering instantly, and felt bad all over.

"Oh? Brother Six knows who it is?"

"My little brother only knows a little bit about it. This sister Piao suffered an unbearable humiliation in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, and her resentment is extremely astonishing. I heard that the sixth senior brother is kind-hearted and can help, so I came here to build a good relationship with the senior brother."

Li Xiaobai said with a half-smile.

"It's nonsense, this woman is..."

"Forget it, don't reveal too much, this matter involves a lot, I'm afraid this drop of blood can't bear the cause and effect."

Liu Jinshui shrank his neck, and swallowed the words again. This woman has a good background and is also taboo. If she speaks out, she will be banned.

Li Xiaobai squinted his eyes, and the position of the female drifter rose immediately.

"Junior brother shouldn't know too much about this matter. No wonder this sister Piao wanted to beat Fat Master violently, but the one who bullied her the worst was that broken dog. Why are you looking for Fat Master!"

Liu Jinshui said indignantly with flashes of memory in his eyes.

"Senior Brother Six can talk to Sister Piao and let Er Gouzi take care of him."

Li Xiaobai said mysteriously.

"Junior brother's words are very kind, brother, I will have a good exchange with sister Piao tonight."

Liu Jinshui's eyes lit up.

"Is there any news about Daoguo?"

"In the Hundred Thousand Mountains, Heavenly Lake is created."

"It turns out that in Lingyin Temple, it is a bit difficult to seize the Tao fruit at the feet of the Lord Buddha."

Liu Jinshui rubbed his teeth, feeling a bit embarrassed.

As soon as this remark came out, Li Xiaobai had another urge to hammer someone. Liu Jinshui knew everything about his feelings. Lingyin Temple was like the back garden of his home, and he even knew the exact location of Tianchi. , but just didn't tell him how much suffering he had endured in order to get to Lingyin Temple, and felt that he would have to be tortured by the nvpiaozi for a while to relieve his hatred.

"What's so difficult about it, now that I hate the pure land, it has become a climate, recruiting troops, cultivators are abundant, and there is an endless supply of labor force with great grievances. Don't worry, boy, while you are away, Master Er Gouzi went out to visit the graveyard again. I borrowed a lot of combat power from the ancestors of the major forces, and we will fight the bald donkey with real swords and guns!"

Er Gouzi came up to him at some point, and said confidently.

"One Buddha Lord can destroy you. If the senior sister is here, why bother so much, and you, a dead dog, if you didn't tamper with Fat Master's body, how could you end up in such an embarrassing situation?"

Liu Jinshui's teeth itch with hatred.

"This matter needs to be discussed in the long run. The battlefield does not necessarily require military confrontation. Have the two of you ever heard of cultural export? The trade war is also a battlefield. The battle has already begun. We will continue to send supplies to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss and disintegrate the Buddhist sect from within. Faith, and then take advantage of the chaos to regain the Dao fruit."

Li Xiaobai knew well that when Huazi spread out, the sales channels would be rolled out as soon as possible. As long as you used it once, you would know what a magical treasure Huazi is, not to mention that it also comes with a halo refined by the Lord Buddha. On this day, there must be a wave in the entire Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

"In the past few days, I have sent people to send exercises. The blood god son's exercises are very effective in resisting the power of faith. There are also picture books produced by our extremely evil pure land. Find more capable people and strangers to come to paint and reshape the people's beliefs. , there is more than one god in the world, the Lord Buddha, let us create gods out of thin air, just draw them in my image!"

Kungfu resists the power of faith, and the picture album downplays the sacred status of the Lord Buddha in the hearts of the people.

He wants to use cultural output to tell the common people in the world to believe in science, not to engage in feudal superstition, to learn to think independently, to control their emotions, and to be their own masters.

Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi were dumbfounded when they heard this, they had never seen such a high-level talk in their life, and the younger brother has become famous, and the young is out of the blue...

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