Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1633 The Commanding Heights Of Morality

The people of the Great Resentment didn't speak much cruelty, and when they pressed their hands in the void, a terrifying aura surged. In an instant, the sky was dark, and ghosts and wolves howled like ghosts seeking their lives. The billowing black mist blocked the water around Guanghan Temple, and stone statues wearing purple and black fireworks come on foot.

"This is the method of evil spirits. Dongtu has a lot of murderous crimes, and he even got involved in this evil technique?"

"In order to be competitive, I really do everything I can!"

Guanglingzi didn't realize the seriousness of the problem. He was a being who had stepped into the realm of fairy gods. Don't look at him just stepping into it, but it was already a different world.

Ordinary monks are not his opponents at all, even those who come from the abandoned land of the Eastern Land.

Then reality taught him a hard lesson in the next second.

The great resentment gave a grinning grin, took two steps forward and pulled a big bag over it. Guanglingzi's decayed and old head immediately turned 360 degrees, his spirit fled, and manifested in the world in the form of a contemplated object. It is an object imagined as a cauldron, which is filled with women soaking in the water of the pool.

This is a reflection of his heart, and the things visualized are as filthy as his heart.

The great resentment stretched out a hand, covered with dead air, and grabbed the visualized object. The radiant spirit was instantly corroded by the breath of death. In just a few seconds, a generation of Buddhist abbots fell.

"Go against science, that's the end!"

"You are willing to surrender!"

The Great Resentment looked around, the flames of magic were soaring, burning up the sky.

"Don't kill me, I believe in science!"

"The poor monk is also willing to contribute to breaking the feudal superstition!"

The monks around him fell to their knees and begged for their lives to be spared.

"They are the pillars of my Protestantism."

The Great Resentment nodded in satisfaction, waved his hand, and took all the monks away, and Hua Zi of the picture book took good care of him.

For a while, the monks were a little confused, not understanding why they were treated like this when they were prisoners. All they had to do was to read through the album carefully and comprehend the artistic conception. Suddenly they felt that being a prisoner was nothing. not good.

On the other side, Li Xiaobai and his group passed through the teleportation formation and successfully arrived at Luohan Temple.

"Amitabha, who is here!"

Immediately, several figures surrounded him, all of them were familiar faces, dogs who used to follow Ma Niubi around.

"Masters, under the entrustment of the abbot of Guanghan Temple, I came to Luohan Temple to meet Master Juehu on some important matters. I would like to ask all masters to make a convenience and report to you."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile, and stuffed a bag of Huazi by himself.

Immediately, the eyes of all the monks in the venue were straightened. A whole bag of Huazi is in short supply now, and the price on the black market has reached sky-high prices.

Immediately, the faces of all of them changed suddenly, and they looked flattering and flattering.

"It turns out to be the master of Guanghan Temple. The two masters invite you to rest for a while. The young monk will report to the abbot."

Several monks said enthusiastically, bowed and made a gesture of invitation, and welcomed Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui into the wing room, also guarded by two young novice monks.

a moment.

Master Juehu walked in quickly.

"Amitabha, I heard that the two came from Guanghan Temple, but something happened in Guanghan Temple?"

Juehu didn't exchange pleasantries, and asked straight to the point.

Guanghan Temple has always been attached to Luohan Temple. Now that the Protestant crisis broke out and Baixin riots, Guanghan Temple also reported the situation from time to time. Guanglingzi once told him that once there is a turning point or accident, he will be notified as soon as possible. Arhat Temple, discuss countermeasures together.

"Master Juehu is worthy of being the abbot. He can predict the future. Yes, it is true that there is a turning point in the temple. Both of us are believers in Guanghan Temple. Speak up for Buddhist monasteries, guide believers back on track, and rein in the precipice in time!"

"Now the believers of Guanghan Temple have all calmed down and realized their mistakes deeply. Master Guanglingzi sent the two of us to Luohan Temple to do our part. I hope Master Juehu will be more convenient."

Li Xiaobai said with a small smile, took out Guanglingzi's letter from his bosom, and handed it over.


"There is such a thing? With the strength of the two of you, can you save Guanghan Temple from the raging tide?"

Juehu's eyes showed suspicion. How could two believers, not even Buddhist monks, have such great energy?

"As the saying goes, the hearts of the masses are still kind. We have a special status and have not caused public outrage. We persuaded them back in time with reason and emotion. Sometimes force will only arouse conflicts among the masses. We should go deep into the grassroots. , come down to the real place, come from the masses, go to the masses, and do a good job in the ideological work of the people. They are all cultural people, and it is good to speak the truth.”

Li Xiaobai ran the train with his mouth full, chatting with each other, and Master Juehu was secretly shocked when he heard it. He had been thinking about how to quell disputes from the perspective of a superior. The believers from Guanghan Temple actually have such insight and wisdom, it is really unbelievable.

"Yes, the letter is indeed written by Guanglingzi. Since Guanghanzi admires you two so much, I will naturally not refuse this kindness. If you need anything, just ask. The green light on the road in Luohan Temple will ensure that you can go unimpeded!"

The Juehu old monk said.

"Since that's the case, it's not too late. Please also prepare the teleportation formation for us. The situation in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is critical. If it is solved one by one, I am afraid that there is no rush to fight. After all, I only have two people, and I am weak. Please ask the eminent monks of Lingyin Temple to come forward and cooperate, and it will be done in one step."

Li Xiaobai said with a sincere face.

"Looking for help from the eminent monks of Lingyin Temple?"

Master Juehu frowned slightly. He thought that the other party came to Luohan Temple to help, but he just wanted to use his temple as a springboard to Lingyin Temple. He felt that the two in front of him were not easy.

"That's right, for the sake of the great cause of Buddhism, we must not delay it. Now is the time to declare that we must not delay the entire Buddhism for our own benefit. We put life and death aside and vowed to contribute our part to the Buddhism."

Li Xiaobai looked solemn, staring at Master Juehu with burning eyes, and Liu Jinshui on the side nodded frequently like a chicken pecking at rice.

"Uh... this..."


Master Juehu was speechless, he was at a loss for words for a moment, his words were too harsh, and he was placed directly on the commanding heights of morality, if he kept the two of them, then he was selfish and only focused on his own interests, ignoring the interests of the entire Buddhist sect Life and death, but if you let him go, whether Luohan Temple can be saved is still in doubt, which is really difficult.

This believer from Guanghan Temple is not a fuel-efficient lamp!

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