Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1634 Re-Entering Lingyin Temple

"Master Juehu can be regarded as an eminent Buddhist monk, and he will definitely devote himself to the entire Buddhist belief!"

"However, Master Abbot needs to make a decision on this matter. If you want the two of us to stay and help Luohan Temple, we will have nothing to say!"

Li Xiaobai said in a deep voice, in a word, the pressure on Juehu's shoulders felt even greater.

These two guys are really weak, they have been putting him on the commanding heights of morality, and they can't answer at all. At this time, he has to be responsible for any word. His position as the abbot is probably not stable.

"Amitabha, since this is the case, my Arhat Temple naturally wants to take care of the overall situation. How can I lose the big because of a small one. Even if the entire Arhat Temple falls, as long as the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss can improve, it will be worth it. I only hope that the two of you can help save it some."

Master Juehu gritted his teeth, and almost squeezed out a few words from between his teeth.

For the sake of his future career, he endured it, as long as Lingyin Temple can control the solution, he will not let Luohan Temple ignore him, all he needs to do is hold on for a while.

"Master is really a man of benevolence and righteousness, my younger brother admires him!"

"It is really a blessing to have a master like this in the Buddhist sect!"

Li Xiaobai grinned and offered the flattery in time.

Juehu didn't want to talk to the young man in front of him anymore, he felt too awkward, and he didn't know why, but he always felt that the other party seemed familiar, as if he had met him somewhere.

He waved his hand to let the monks on the side prepare the teleportation formation.

"Needless to say, as a member of the Buddhist sect, this is what I should do, it's just a matter of little effort."

Juehu forced a smile and said.

Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui didn't procrastinate, picked up Er Gouzi and turned around to leave, followed by a group of monks.

Juehu turned his head and said to a monk beside him, "Do you remember what I just said?"

The monk nodded and said, "Report to Abbot, word for word."

"This is very good. I will write today's events into the history of my Luohan Temple, especially emphasizing the words of the old monk just now. As famous sayings, Buddhist monks will widely praise them. It is best to memorize them!"

Juehu said.


The monk went down to prepare. In the temple, the people and events that can be recorded in the annals of history are extraordinary events. The former abbot worked diligently all his life, and he failed to leave a mark in the annals of Luohan Temple until his death. But today is different.

Facing the riots of the people in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, the crisis of faith collapse, and the invasion of foreign tribes, at this moment, every decision and action of the abbot of Juehu will be recorded in detail for future generations to criticize. Beautified.

"Fortunately, there are still some harvests. Although it is a bit difficult in front of me, what I will leave to the old monk in the future is only a good name and a prestige. If this matter is spread, the glorious deeds of my Xiaojia Gu in the Arhat Temple will also make the temple The status has risen with the tide!"

Juehu's eyes flickered with strangeness, every step of the decision-making must be calculated in place, the interests are related, and there is no room for sloppy.

same moment.

The edge of the pure land of bliss.

A monk covered in demon flames walked slowly on the golden land, looking at the monks and believers fleeing in all directions, with a wicked smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Dongtu, he is a monk from Dongtu!"

"Sure enough, as rumored, this incident is a conspiracy by Dongfo!"

"They can't wait, report to Master Abbot quickly!"

The monks were so frightened that their faces were as white as paper. The monks who were full of demonic aura did not know how to restrain themselves, and their aura was wild. It made people feel that their hearts were being held by an invisible big hand, and they might be crushed at any time.

"Sure enough, as the letter said, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss has been abandoned, and it seems that the reality is more cruel than what the letter said. The believers rebelled against the monastery. This is a crisis of faith. The West Buddha is in chaos. This is a great time for a massive attack on the ground!"

"The cultivator in the dark place that seems to be a land of dead spirits wants to use my East Buddha's hand to fight against West Buddha. Wishful thinking is good, so good at calculating, I don't think it is a powerful person, so I will clean it up later."

Tang Sanzan walked through the entire sphere of influence of a monastery, and saw with his own eyes that the people held high the banner, established Protestantism, and shouted the slogan of believing in science and breaking feudal superstition.

The surging demon flames danced, forming a bird shape in the void, leaving with a letter in its mouth. He felt that the time was ripe. Whether he was being used as a spearman or not, it was time to attack the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. great time.

the other side.

Above the sea of ​​Buddha, in front of the mountain gate of Lingyin Temple.

Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui came to the familiar void, Er Gouzi looked excited, and finally felt a familiar aura.

"The last time I came here, I forced my way in with the elder sister."

A trace of nostalgia appeared on Liu Jinshui's face.

"Let's go in and get up inside."

The two of them found the invisible steps with ease, and the majestic mountain gate reappeared in front of them.

The monk guarding the mountain gate stepped forward to question him, but before the other party could speak, Li Xiaobai threw out the identity token from Master Lingtai.

"For those who work for the prison, don't ask if you shouldn't ask. Now the situation in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is critical. There are some things that cannot be revealed too much. It is not good to know too much. What do you think?"

Li Xiaobai said calmly.

Liu Jinshui at the side watched his words and expressions, and promptly took out a bag of Huazi and handed it over.

The guard disciple's eyes lit up with a swipe, and his eyes gradually became awe-inspiring.

"Yes, yes, I will understand!"

"Since you are working on behalf of the Supervisory Academy, it is naturally not easy to intervene. Please come among the two masters!"

"Just know, just keep your mouth shut, otherwise the news will be leaked, I'll ask you guys!"

Li Xiaobai squinted at several disciples, and walked into the mountain gate bullyingly. This Buddhist gate is just like an officialdom. .

"The big hermit hides in the city, the handsome hides in the red sweater."

"Find a small restaurant and sit down, entertained with good wine and good food. Let's wait and see what happens. When Lingyin Temple is in chaos, it's a great opportunity for us to gain cultivation!"

Li Xiaobai casually threw the identity token of the Lingtai into a monk's pocket, and then left gracefully.

"Little brother is not easy, he even has the identity token of Lingtai, so he must be doing well in Buddhism, right?"

Liu Jinshui said meaningfully that the Lingtai was a prison yard hundreds of years ago, and he is familiar with it.

Even the identity token of this kind of existence can be obtained, the younger brother is really a social cow.

"Let's be so-so, it's because the sixth senior brother taught well. If there is a fight in a while, I hope the sixth senior brother will help and show off his masculinity."

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