Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1636 Damn, There Are Bald Donkeys Here!

The golden formation went straight into the sky, the huge hexagonal formation slowly rotated, and the mysterious runes exclusive to Buddhism manifested, stirring the whispers of the ancient gods.

This is a teleportation formation from the foot of Shiwan Dashan, which is far better than any formation in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. It was built by the Lord Buddha himself and has an ancient origin.

After the old monk in Lingtai finished the final pre-war mobilization, all the monks disappeared into the golden Buddha light.

"Gun in hand, follow me, kill the donkey, grab the Tao fruit!"

Ergouzi raised his head to the sky and roared loudly, startling the rest of the people in the restaurant.

Li Xiaobai's backhand was a big big bag, and Er Gouzi spun 360 degrees on the spot and fell to the ground.

"Don't be noisy."

"An ordinary repair dog can't talk."

Liu Jinshui reminded in a low voice that the two dogs were depressed, and the two of them walked slowly towards Lingyin Temple.

Li Xiaobai said seriously, "Remember, after entering, go straight to the Heavenly Pond of Creation, and don't hesitate to delay the opportunity of the battle!"


In front of the mountain gate of Lingyin Temple.

The left-behind monks on both sides saw the strange team of two people and a dog, and immediately stepped forward to question them.

"Amitabha, who is here?"

Li Xiaobai stepped forward to talk and said, "Amitabha, masters, under the entrustment of the two abbot masters, Guanglingzi of Guanghan Temple and Juehu of Luohan Temple, I came to Lingyin Temple today to report to Master Lingtai of the Ming Supervisory Academy. Make it easy."

"Master Lingtai is not here, and the front line is in a hurry. If there is anything to do, I will report it later."

The little monk guarding him was unkind, and dismissed Li Xiaobai's words. These days, a cat or a dog can pretend to be a high-ranking monk, not to mention a death order was issued when he left the Lingtai, and no one was allowed to let him go.

"Have you gone to war?"

"Are you the only two around here?"

Li Xiaobai looked left and right, the area around the mountain gate was much deserted, and there were no people to be seen.

"So what, go back and wait, the two of you will come back after Master Lingtai triumphs!"

The guard monk said, looking impatient.

But then the other person seemed to have noticed something, and couldn't help becoming vigilant, staring at Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui, and said coldly, "What do you want to do?"

"Hehehe, since the two masters guard the vacant room alone, there is no threat, take it!"

Li Xiaobai's eyes narrowed slightly, and the long sword in his hand swung down. In an instant, the disciple's knees softened and he knelt down on the ground.

"I was tied up and thrown back into the extremely evil pure land to undergo reform through labor."

"It's better to screw off the head directly. Throwing it into the Lake of Wraiths and refining it into a big resentment is also a good choice, and it's also very loyal."

Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi exchanged opinions on how to deal with the disciples of the mountain gate. What the two Buddhist monks heard was that their hairs stood on end and their bodies felt cold.

"You two masters, the little monk's mouth is the strictest, and he will never leak any news!"


Before they finished speaking, there was a ripple in the void, and Liu Jinshui directly threw the two of them into it one by one. This is a small world shaped by the power of time and space, which can be opened at any time.

Liu Jinshui said, "Throw it in first, then deal with it later, don't delay the business."

Li Xiaobai "That's right, let's go to Fortune Heaven Lake first!"

The mind sank into the system, swiped two million rare earth resources, and drew out two special temporary worker experience cards. Not surprisingly, two cute little princes were called out.

Each of them put on a human skin mask, removed the braids on their foreheads, and pretended to be a disciple of the mountain gate.

"Little Junior Brother has so many secrets!"

There was splendor in Liu Jinshui's eyes, and he once again saw the face of the little prince, the terrifying child who mastered the power of time.

The two children behind him wrestled with each other after a short period of confusion. Each temporary worker has his own personality and characteristics, which are different and unable to control his thoughts. Li Xiaobai doesn't care about this, as long as he doesn't get caught in a short time That's it.

It is normal for Buddhist disciples to have some friction and small fights.

"Through the building complex, there is a hundred thousand mountains in front of you!"

Li Xiaobai led the way and easily bypassed the monastery to reach the back mountain. The monks at the core of Lingyin Temple were all dispatched to the frontier battlefield. There were almost no monks left behind.

"That is a stone pagoda, which contains terrifying power of faith. Buddhist monks practice in it, and get twice the result with half the effort."

"That's the cave. The monks of Lingyin Temple must pass the test when they first get started. By digging the depth of the cave, they can judge the depth of the disciple's cultivation."

"It should be the Heavenly Pond of Good Fortune, covered by the bamboo forest, steaming hot, so uncomfortable, and the energy fluctuations from it can be felt even tens of miles away."

Along the way, Liu Jinshui's avatars were like countless treasures, and he commented clearly and plainly on every Buddhist resource along the way.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help gritting his teeth secretly, he wanted to beat up the sixth senior brother again, you had thought about Lingyin Temple so thoroughly about his feelings, but in the end he didn't reveal any information in advance.

"Master Ergouzi finally felt the familiar breath, the call from the depths of the soul!"

"The cultivation of Dao Fruit Realm is waving to my lord!"

Er Gouzi's eyes became brighter and brighter, like stars shining in the dark night.

"Didn't you say you felt it when you were in the restaurant?"

Li Xiaobai squinted at it and asked casually.

"That's nonsense. How can I feel it from such a long distance. Lingyin Temple has a formation to block the aura. Unless you come in, no one will notice the special aura."

Er Gouzi said absent-mindedly, staring straight at the crater.


Li Xiaobai's forehead was full of black lines, and the broken dog of emotion was talking nonsense again, but fortunately this trip was not in vain, there is indeed a Dao Fruit in the Heavenly Pond, otherwise he would be cheated miserably.

Dead dogs are so fucking unreliable.

"I don't know if there are any eminent monks sitting in the Heavenly Pond of Creation, restrain your breath and sneak over."

Er Gouzi became the backbone of the team in seconds, took out a talisman from nowhere, burned it, and the soil became soft at once, the two of them and one dog dived into the ground, moving forward like a fish swim.

Liu Jinshui was dissatisfied, and said, "Earth escape talisman, one of the ancient runes, if you took out this treasure earlier, we wouldn't have to delay on the way."

"If I arrived early, I wouldn't have seen the scene where the fellow from the Lingtai led the monks from the monastery to leave. The timing is well grasped, it's the right time, place and people!"

"My lord is about to acquire cultivation, you two can just follow me and be younger brothers!"

Er Gouzi was very excited, turned into a khaki light and brought the two of them out of the ground. With a light touch, they landed on the edge of the Good Fortune Tianchi Lake.

But before it got excited for a second, its face froze. An old monk sat cross-legged in front of him. His clothes were ragged and his body exuded a bad smell. The place is a little ahead, and it is likely to be kissed.

"Fuck, there are bald donkeys here!"

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