"Master Jigong!"

Li Xiaobai couldn't help gasping when he saw the old monk sitting cross-legged in meditation, seeing this familiar face here again, it wasn't as simple as appearing here by accident.

With this rags and tattered clothes, and that extremely old face, who else could there be besides Master Jigong?

I have long noticed that Dangru's crazy monk is not an ordinary character, but I didn't expect to appear here.

When Liu Jinshui saw this person, his pupils constricted, and he couldn't help blurting out, "Little Living Buddha!"

Er Gouzi didn't know the old monk in ragged clothes, so he asked, "Who is this bald donkey? Why doesn't he talk? He's so arrogant and isn't afraid of being beaten?"

Beside the pool, the old monk remained motionless, as if he was in a trance, he turned a deaf ear to the whispers with the two of them and remained unmoved.

Li Xiaobai asked, "Senior Brother Six, do you know him?"

"The abbot of Lingyin Temple is known as the Little Living Buddha. It is said that the entire Buddhist sect respects him except the Lord Buddha. They practice in seclusion all day long. I didn't expect to come out today!"

"Three hundred years ago, this was an existence that could take a blow from the elder sister without dying!"

Liu Jinshui looked serious, looked at the old monk in front of him and said.

Jigong is a little Living Buddha!

Li Xiaobai was shocked. Doesn't this mean that he had already run into each other when he was doing business in the Tianzihao Restaurant?

"When I was a child, the old monk often competed with others, taking off his clothes to pee. At that time, the long-term urination was respected. It was not until someone could split the urination that the rules were re-demarcated."

"It's different when you get older. Pursue strength and find freedom. Big fists are the truth. The strong are respected and do whatever they want."

"Now it's even more serious. One sentence can suppress all the immortals and Buddhas in the sky, and the masts and sculls will be wiped out in smoke."

Monk Jigong didn't see any movement, and the Sanskrit sound of the Great Dao directly fell into the minds of several people present.

"Amitabha, what instruction does the master have for sitting here? I happen to have a pot of Treading Xue Xunhong here, can I make it convenient?"

Li Xiaobai turned his wrist and took out a jug of fine wine, the aroma of which was overflowing.

The atmosphere once again fell into a strange dullness.

The old monk fell into samadhi without making any sound.

"This old clapper is pretending to be a ghost, don't pay attention to it, I will talk about it after I get back the Dao fruit first!"

Er Gouzi can't wait, Daoguo cultivation is right in front of him, he clearly perceives that in the depths of this pool, there is a vast energy like the sea, which belongs to him, and is transformed by the crystallization of his cultivation that he condensed in the past!

With short legs, he swooped towards the Fortune Tianchi, but at this moment, a sudden change occurred, and the azure five-element wave spread and swept across. The little broken dog's body was directly nailed to death in mid-air, making it difficult to move.

At the same time, golden Buddha lights shot up from all directions, surrounding Li Xiaobai and his party, exuding an unparalleled terrifying aura, among them were many familiar faces, the leader was Monk Wang Wang, followed by two Arhats subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger on the left and right .

"Amitabha, the poor monk has been waiting here for a long time!"

"My Buddha has long expected that your purpose is not simple. To create this kind of cholera is to steal the mountain beasts of my Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The crime is unforgivable. Today, the poor monk is waiting for you to be punished by the Dharma. Xiaoyou!"

Jianglong Luohan said coldly, his flesh and blood body was covered with a layer of golden Buddha light, like solid armor, extremely hard.

"Wuhu, your plan has been revealed, what last words do you have?"

The taciturn Fu Hu spit out a few words full of killing intent.

"I have been recruited, there is an ambush, how did the Lord Buddha know our movements, could it be that there is a sixth child?"

Li Xiaobai was startled, he didn't notice this plan, only Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi knew about this plan, when did it enter the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss?

"Both of you, let's arrest you with your hands free. I will tell you all your plans to the Lord Buddha. My Buddha is merciful. I don't want you to get deeper and deeper. Follow me back to the Lord Buddha's command to repent, and you will be free from blame."

Liao Wang said with a dull expression.

"Okay, you sixth son, it turns out that you were the one who leaked the secret. By the way, how do you know Fatty's seamless plan?"

Liu Jinshui was really angry, and sternly reprimanded.

Li Xiaobai couldn't help but rolled his eyes, this Liu Jinshui was really taking advantage anytime and anywhere, this perfect plan was clearly thought up by him, what does it have to do with this fat man?

"It's useless to talk too much. Today I forget that Master Wang came here on behalf of the Lord Buddha. With me, the two Arhats Subduing the Dragon and Subduing the Tiger, and the help of the abbot, the Little Living Buddha, no matter how powerful you are, it will be difficult to escape from birth. Obediently obey the Dharma and follow along." If the poor monk walks around, he will not suffer from flesh and blood!"

Jianglong Arhat stopped Wang Wang's words, unwilling to let Li Xiaobai know more.

Today they have mental calculations but no intentions, this wave is sure to win, and quick decisions are king.

"Bastard, Liu Jinshui, my sixth senior brother, is here today. Let me see who dares to make a mistake, not to mention a few arhats. Even if your Buddha Lord comes here in person, he will have to suffer two big competitions!"

Li Xiaobai said in a deep voice, and sold Liu Jinshui with his backhand. This guy has been preserving the blood and blood power in his body, and he doesn't want to consume too much. If he can make a move, he can still hold a stalemate against the opponent's joint offensive.

"Take it!"

Crouching Tiger Arhat let out a long roar, a king character condensed between his brows, with a murderous air all over the sky, he slammed his fists down on Li Xiaobai, and the faint sound of a tiger roared in his ears.

"His grandma's!"

Liu Jinshui was so angry that he almost ran away, the little junior was hurt a little, and he was directly pushed to the cusp of the storm with a single sentence, full of hatred, but he had to shoot the arrow on the string, pointing out a finger in the air to break Er Gouzi's whole body imprisonment, and then horizontally with both palms Push collided with the fist mark of Fuhu Luohan.

The surface of the ground was cracked, stirring up a thousand waves, and Er Gouzi's figure disappeared into the water.

Jianglong Arhat and Liao Wang appeared on the surface of the water in a flash, and they joined forces to kill Er Gouzi. Liu Jinshui circled them with a big hand, one against three, and surrounded them all in front of him, forcing them to fight together place.

It would be easy for Er Gouzi to enter the Fortune Heavenly Lake, and the rest is to wait for him to successfully get back his own cultivation base.

"Junior Brother, Fat Lord has limited blood, but he can't stand up to the three masters. The old man below looks like a tiger. He doesn't look like a good person. If he loses in a while, all his previous efforts will be wasted. If there is any backup, he might as well show it now! "

Liu Jinshui's sound transmission into the secret, not only subduing the dragon and subduing the tiger and this forgetful, but also dozens of eminent Buddhist monks, not from the temple, but from the other side of the 100,000 mountains, the purity of Buddhism is still in the soul On top of the hidden temple.

Seeing that Li Xiaobai was alone and helpless, he immediately gathered around and wanted to kill the weakest one first.

"I am so rich that it is incomparable to a country, so I simply summoned an army of special temporary workers to destroy Lingyin Temple!"

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, before he could call, the monks rushing towards him seemed to have some kind of force under their feet, and if they didn't advance, they would retreat. They clearly used their power to rush forward, but they were getting farther and farther away from Li Xiaobai.

And the monk Jigong who has always been like a rock slowly opened his eyes at this moment...

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