As long as the Buddha condensed in the seawater appears, it will be put into the Buddha Kingdom as soon as it appears, without the slightest disturbance.

"The main Buddha's idea is the only true Buddha, but the old man's visualization is all kinds of beings. Don't be obsessed with the Buddha. As long as this chaos is calmed down and laws are issued, the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss will soon return to its appearance thousands of years ago."

Ji Gong said so.

"Amitabha, this Buddha has his own plan for the affairs of Buddhism, everything is in the heart of this Buddha, and it is well planned, and no one else needs to intervene."

"Everything in the world has its own advantages and disadvantages and the reason for its existence. Since this Buddha has maintained the status quo of the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for thousands of years, it is natural that this Buddha has his own considerations. If you have no place for this Buddha in your heart, you can leave after this battle. The premise is that you can survive!"

The Lord Buddha was covered in golden light, and he couldn't see his true face clearly. The sound of the Daoist Sanskrit sounded, showing a strong color of impatience. Although Jigong is a talented person who can be created, he is also a great general in the Buddhist sect, but he has already lost his soul after cultivating to the ninth generation. Will be affected by the power of faith, different ideas will be born in the heart, and friction and conflicts are inevitable, but I didn't expect it to erupt at this juncture.

"Buddha in the mirror!"

On the sea level, the sea water no longer condenses into a Buddha, but manifests a mirror after another, reflecting the sky crystal clear, reflecting the figure of the old monk Jigong.

"Avalokitesvara with Thousand Hands!"

Ji Gong yelled angrily, and countless slender hands stretched out in the Buddhist kingdom, each hand couldn't pinch out different Buddhist seals, and they all struck at the Buddha Lord in unison.

Above the sea of ​​Buddha, countless mirrors reflected, and a slender jade hand shot out from each mirror, colliding with Jigong's Thousand-Handed Avalokitesvara, bursting out with a strong momentum.

No matter how many slender and slender hands are stretched out in the Buddha Kingdom, the mirrors on the sea can reflect them one by one in an orderly manner, blocking all offensives, and it is difficult to follow up with the Lord Buddha.

Ji Gong's eyes glowed with golden light, he stopped using Buddhist supernatural powers, his hands tore through the void, and appeared in front of the Lord Buddha in an instant, he raised his fist and smashed it, fighting thousands of moves in the blink of an eye.

"This little living Buddha doesn't look very powerful. The old man of the Buddha master knows all about his abilities. All the supernatural powers are perfectly restrained. It is worthy of being brought out by him. Even the cultivation base of thousands of years can be controlled to death."

In the distance, Liu Jinshui frowned watching the battle situation. In terms of strength and cultivation level, Jigong is definitely not weak. He is someone who can survive one or two moves with the senior sister Su Yunbing without dying. To some extent, he is considered a top-notch master.

But the Lord Buddha couldn't help knowing the root and bottom of it, and even the Eight Desolation and the Six Harmonies Solitaire Art was created by the Buddha himself, and he taught Jigong to practice, so it is reasonable to be completely suppressed.

"From this point of view, we can't rely too much on this old man. As long as the Lord Buddha is serious, this old man will be defeated in an instant."

"Is that dead dog shitting when it goes down? Why is it so full? Fatty, my toilet is smoother than this."

An anxious look flashed in Liu Jinshui's eyes, success or failure is all about one move, if he doesn't succeed today, it will be as difficult as going to heaven in the future if he wants to seize the Dao Fruit, and he has no hope of unblocking his body.

"It must be that there are many difficulties and obstacles to recover the cultivation base. This broken dog has not given us a solid foundation. I can only hope that Master Jigong can hold on for a while."

Li Xiaobai's mind sank into the system, as long as the situation wasn't right for him, he would immediately be drawn ten times in a row.

But what Liu Jinshui did next made him confused. He twisted his fat body and shuttled flexibly in the sea of ​​Buddha, sometimes diving, sometimes diving, pasting dirty yellow talisman papers On the top of the Hundred Thousand Mountains, the faint light emitted by the talismans seemed insignificant under the cover of the Buddha Sea.

"Senior Brother Six, what are you doing?"

Li Xiaobai was confused and asked.

"Junior brother, seeing the little Living Buddha beat the Lord Buddha for us, beating life and death, isn't your heart touched in the slightest?"

"Master Jigong buys time, let's keep an eye on the Fortune Tianchi, once Er Gouzi appears, run away as soon as possible!"

"You don't understand. It is said that the Hundred Thousand Mountains were originally transformed by a treasure. The world only thinks it is a rumor, but the fat man knows it is true. The original appearance of the Hundred Thousand Mountains is a broken bowl. The treasure fed by the Supreme with a single painstaking effort, fell here and turned into a mountain, and the divine brilliance was almost exhausted, but it was still a treasure."

Liu Jinshui said that he had witnessed the memory fragments of a certain strong man, and he was convinced that this vast and endless mountain range was transformed by treasures.

"Senior brother is covered with talismans, could it be that he wants to move this mountain away?"

Li Xiaobai understood in seconds that this senior brother would only be so conscientious when he was making money.

"Since my junior brother knows, what are you doing in a daze, hurry up and post a small advertisement with brother Wei!"

Liu Jinshui couldn't help but throw a stack of obscure talismans to Li Xiaobai, and continued to work on the task at hand.

"You have to know that we usually don't have the opportunity to do this kind of work. Even if we sneak in and paste the talismans, people will find out immediately. But today is different, and now the monks of Lingyin Temple are going to the front line. Being restrained by the little living Buddha, forgetting that the anti-bone boy's attention is all on the battlefield. At the most critical moment, the entire 100,000 mountains are soaked and covered by the sea of ​​Buddha. No matter how many talismans we paste, we will not be noticed at the bottom .”

Liu Jinshui has a clear mind, and analyzing the current situation, it is definitely a good time to move the 100,000 mountains. It is impossible to move all of them, but it is possible to move a little bit.

It's better than returning empty-handed, he doesn't want to make a trip with his name on and only the dead dog gets the benefit.

"Brother's vision can be said to be far-sighted. Brother still has a long way to go and needs to continue to sharpen."

Li Xiaobai nodded, summoned more than a dozen avatars, and scattered the talismans in all directions, covering the mountains all over.

The wealth in this mountain is definitely not small. How many monks have fallen in it, and how many monks have dug caves in it. All the good things are hidden here. Brother Six can't snatch them all. He has to rely on his own hands to get rich !

After a quarter of an hour.

Landslides and ground cracks, tsunami cries, the battle between the two above the sea of ​​Buddha is close to a fierce level, the void is shattered with every gesture, and ghosts and ghosts are constantly shuttling in the void, trying to find the opponent's flaws and give a heavy blow.

The momentum was unrestrained, more than a dozen clones turned into powder, Li Xiaobai and Liu Jinshui were forced out of the water and fled to a farther position. The Lord Buddha and Jigong started a real fire, and no longer tried to test each other, but to suppress each other with thunder. The winner is about to be revealed.

Jigong's body was covered with a layer of devilish energy at some point. The aura was manic, strange, negative, and contained endless killing intent. The golden light covering the Buddha Lord's body also disappeared, replaced by layers of black ink. The black flame that burns all things and strengthens itself.

This is the first time since Li Xiaobai entered the world of immortals and gods, he encountered hellfire!

The hellfire that he broke into the world of immortals and gods five hundred years ago!

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