Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1641 That Dog From Back Then Is Back!

"During these years, have you been in contact with the abandoned land of Eastern Earth?"

The Buddha Master's eyes flickered with a cold light, and he said word by word.

This mighty majestic devilish energy also contains a strong atmosphere of Buddhism. Apart from the abandoned land of the Eastern Land, who else in the world has this kind of ability?

"No, the Lord Buddha has a clear mind, understands by analogy, and created the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss with his own strength. His original intention is to promote Buddhism, but in recent years, he has ignored the most essential problem, the suffering of people's livelihood!"

"The so-called Buddha needs incense and fire to worship. It is not compulsory, nor is it a gift. The people sincerely believe in the heart, and the power of faith is endlessly supplied. The merit is immeasurable, and this is a virtuous circle.”

"But in today's Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, Buddhist disciples and monastery monks only care about enjoying the benefits brought by the power of faith and incense, but never give back to the people. The Buddha's heart has changed. No one cares about the suffering of the people. The country is not a real ghost country, with a single thought, the evil thoughts in the hearts of the people will rise up and gather together, and it will become a Raksha ghost country!"

"I visualize all kinds of living beings. This Buddhist country can keep laughing and laughing, and it can also be mournful and dead. It's only a matter of one thought. If I don't pay attention to the Buddha, the road to Buddhism will be narrowed in the future."

The old monk Jigong was indifferent, venting his dissatisfaction in his heart. The eight desolations and the six unions are my only gong, and he has cultivated into the body of nine lives. He has experienced nine times of mortals and hearts.

Now that the once-in-a-thousand-year change has finally arrived, he must seize this opportunity to cleanse the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss.

"The Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss was established by the Buddha himself, and the Buddhist classics were brought into the world of immortals and gods by the Buddha. You think you have enlightened, but you don't know that what you can realize is only what the Buddha made you realize!"

The Lord Buddha said lightly that he is the predestined law of all Buddhas. It is because of him that the world has the concept of Buddha. However, he is the origin of Buddhism and the end of Buddhism. Seeking death.

Even so, Jigong's performance still surprised him. He was able to comprehend the Dharma of Dongfo on his own.

"My Buddha can control it, but I can't control the end point. The old man's cultivation base is not good, and it is difficult for him to participate in good fortune, but he still has some experience in Buddhism!"

"It's my Buddha who got a good thing. This flame has an extraordinary origin!"

The old monk Jigong was secretly shocked. He had never heard of the pitch-black flames spreading from the body of the Lord Buddha. He had never heard of such a magical power in Buddhism. The flame seemed to be independent of heaven and earth. Its terrifying devouring power can devour everything in the world and turn it into its own use.

Even the power of Lord Buddha himself is being swallowed by this terrifying flame.

"You don't need to waste time with your tongue, you can't resist the power of this flame, even this Buddha can't understand the whole picture."

"Turn it into nourishment!"

The hell fire surged all over the Lord Buddha, and half of the sky seemed to be blocked by a huge black curtain for a moment, and no light could penetrate, making people lose their five senses.

"This Hellfire has been fed to such an extent by him. The original choice was correct. Sure enough, crowdfunding is the best way to improve Hellfire!"

Li Xiaobai looked at this scene from behind with great excitement in his eyes. The more materials this hellfire needs to be upgraded in the future, the more complicated it will be. Among the top powerhouses like the Lord Buddha, he must have been fed a lot of gods. Material Dibao, if he regains it now, not to mention being invincible at the same level in the future, it will be easy to handle two or three levels higher.

"Lord Buddha has changed a lot over the years, and he has improved a lot compared to back then. I really want to know how he cultivated. He can still maintain a radical cultivation posture when he reaches this stage."

Liu Jinshui cursed old Biden one by one, but he couldn't help admiring Lord Buddha's rapid progress. It's normal for him to reach the level of the other party without breaking through for thousands of years. If he didn't meet a special Opportunities may be like this for a lifetime, but this Buddha Lord is different. A great man who has lived for thousands of years has unfathomable cultivation, but he can still surprise him every time they meet. This kind of terrifying talent, he can't realize it!

On the sea level, the golden Buddha Sea was covered by the black flames of the hellfire. Instead of being extinguished, it was burning blazingly, as if the Buddha Sea was used as nourishment.


The body of the old monk Jigong swayed, and he collided with the Lord Buddha. The sky was dark, ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, and the whole sky was darkened. The two of them were covered with jet-black fireworks.

One is hellfire and the other is magic flame, which makes people feel chills in the bottom of their hearts. Every monk present can't help but have a doubt in their hearts. Is this still the Dharma they are familiar with?

"In the eyes of outsiders, these two masters are complete demons, but one of them, the Lord of Ten Thousand Buddhas, the abbot master who has existed for a thousand years, is definitely the one who comprehends Buddhism most profoundly in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. The two elders, from their hands, must be the Dharma of the Dharma!"

"It's just that I have little talent and learning, and I haven't been able to master Buddhist Kung Fu!"

Hearing the discussions among the monks behind him, Luohan Jianglong said in a deep voice.

No one thought that since it was the method used by the Lord Buddha and Jigong, it was definitely a subtle Dharma. It's just that their understanding of the Buddha has not yet reached such a level in their xinxing cultivation, so they still can't comprehend and integrate it.

"That's right, the Buddha in Dongtu also has murderous intent and demonic flames, but it can't be denied that what he used is not a great supernatural power of Buddhism!"

Different methods are just appearances, but the essence is the same, which needs to be kept in mind!

Liao Wang nodded slightly, and said dully, but his eyes did not focus on the center of the battlefield, but glanced at the Heavenly Pond, his brows were furrowed, as if he was perceiving something.

Just as he was about to explore further, a wave of terrifying waves swept across, the Heavenly Pond of Creation exploded, and a huge white figure soared into the sky, screaming up to the sky, and thunder fell from the nine heavens, bathing his whole body in the light of thunder.

"After two hundred years, my son Nicholas is back!"

"My lords, why don't you just be convinced and shout out my name, Mighty King!"

The eyes of the huge snow-white Qilin divine beast flickered with blue meaning, its eyes were squinting, and it raised its head proudly, staring at the stars and sea in the distance.

Above the sea of ​​Buddha, the two figures with monstrous black flames stopped their attack at the same time, and looked at the snow-white Qilin together, their eyes were full of shock.

"It's not for the purpose of taking some benefits from the Qilin beast. The person who came here clearly knows that this is the fruit of the Dao, and also understands the ins and outs of the incident!"

"It's it, the dog from back then is back!"

"No wonder the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss stirred up the situation. Those people from back then are going to return now!"

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