What Su Yunbing said to several other senior brothers and sisters was also blocked. Only a few people could be seen with surprised eyes and squirming lips, but they couldn't hear the sound, and couldn't even recognize the words on their lips.

Li Xiaobai knows that this paragraph is the key information, "Win" has disappeared for only a hundred years, and when he returns, he is invincible, and the brothers and sisters have only entered the fairyland not long ago, not only escaped from the hands of the fairy gods back then, but also can easily There must be some kind of connection between the "win" of the suppression and massacre of the various sects.

The third senior brother Lin Yin did not intend to let the other party go, and put his hand on "Win"'s head, a strange rosy color appeared on his pale face.

"So that's it. It seems that you are the same kind as us and have the same experience. It's a pity that the person you borrowed from is too weak!"

Lin Yin said sadly that he had already practiced evil skills, and the evil spirit all over his body was extremely terrifying.

A look of pain appeared on the face of "Win". The other party was using the soul search technique on her, hurting the soul. She had never heard of these young people. Why did so many powerful characters suddenly appear, and they also said that she They are the same kind. Doesn't this mean that this group of young people have the same experience as them?

"Don't worry about it. If they can find us, they will naturally find other people. Concentrate on doing your own thing well, don't be contemptuous!"

Second Senior Sister Ye Wushuang made a move, kicked Lin Yin away, and said flatly.

A group of people left, leaving only the severely injured "Win" lying on the spot in a daze.

The screen shakes, the sun and the moon alternate, and I don't know how many cold and hot days, "winning" is fighting against a mysterious existence. There are other brothers and sisters on the battlefield, but the opponents are all shrouded in a layer of darkness, unable to see their true faces. At the critical point, the memory of "winning" will be automatically blocked.

Then there is the past that Li Xiaobai has seen, "Win" was blown away by Su Yun's ice hammer. She wanted to tear the sky and enter a brand new world, but was dragged down by Su Yunbing with one hand. Shengsheng tore off an arm, exploded his fleshy body, and turned into a puddle of blood.

What happened after that was the same as I knew in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss. "Win" was squeezed out of the last drop of residual value by the Lord Buddha. With her, she hooked out the evil thoughts in the hearts of many Buddhist monks, and then eliminated them and turned them into spirits. "Win" and beheaded to form a spiritual level monster.

It's a pity that "win" to death does not understand why the Lord Buddha is so obsessed with refining the evil thoughts in people's hearts, creating ghosts, and then capturing them.

The screen ended here. Li Xiaobai knew everything about the life of the girl drifter, but all the key information was blocked, and no useful information was available.

But one thing is certain, from the words of the senior brothers and sisters, it is not difficult to infer that their strength is not obtained through their own cultivation, but obtained through other means.

Among them, the leverage mentioned by the third brother Lin Yin is probably the source of this terrifying power.

The picture in the mirror disappeared, and the fragmented memory of the female piaozi finished realizing, Li Xiaobai raised his head and couldn't help asking

"What is the leverage?"

The female drifter shook her head, not because she didn't know, but because she couldn't speak.

There is a terrifying existence staring at her, she is not as tyrannical as Liu Jinshui, speaking out is not just as simple as banning speech, it may even be life-threatening.

"Do you know where my brothers and sisters are now?"

Li Xiaobai thought for a while and asked again.

This time, Nv Piaozi gave a response. The bloodstains flowing on the ground slowly gathered together, forming two big characters "Jiehai!" crookedly.

"Boundary Sea?"

"What is this place?"

"Where is it?"

Li Xiaobai was puzzled, this place had never been mentioned by Liu Jinshui and Er Gouzi, these two scammers, just like when they went to the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss, really did not disclose any inside information.

Nu Piaozi continued to shake her head. She knew very little. Her cultivation was indeed strong back then, but she was devoted to killing. She was the closest to the Lord Buddha's conspiracy. As far as I know, and in terms of strength, she is not the most powerful group, and she has not been exposed to that level.

The bloodstains floated and slowly condensed into the appearance of a beautiful woman in the void, which belonged to her before she was alive.

Li Xiaobai nodded, knowing the meaning of the other party, the girl wanted something, not just revenge, she wanted to restore her body, to be precise, she wanted to use this remnant soul to live again.

"He is also a poor person, but unfortunately there is nothing valuable in his memory. Who is doing the silence?"

Li Xiaobai frowned and withdrew.

outside world.

A system prompt sounded in his mind, and the system panel appeared.

Host Li Xiaobai!


Defensive force four parts, the second part can be advanced.


Comprehending and witnessing the memory of the female drifter meets the requirements of the world to refine the heart, and the defense power automatically advances.

It is an elusive task to train the mind in the world of mortals. If you want to experience or witness some ups and downs, and accompany you through it from the perspective of a participant, you can complete this task of training your mind. You can't upgrade simply by being beaten.

"Sister Piao's wool has been wiped clean. If you want to advance again, you need to find the next prey."

Li Xiaobai thought in his heart, the warship had run aground at some point, it was not easy for this dilapidated big guy to last for so long, the surrounding area was still deserted, stretching as far as the eye could see, but there were many people around.

The breath of life is surging, and there are creatures slowly approaching. Under the huge warship, a small group of people is cautiously approaching slowly.

This group of people has a unique shape, consisting of a team of guards and a domestic servant, walking around a sedan chair in the middle.

"Miss, in the opinion of this old slave, it is not suitable to stay here for a long time. This warship is huge, more than twice the size of an ordinary warship. The characters in it must be extremely unusual."

"We need to bypass the Wang family's eyeliner on this trip, so we shouldn't cause any complications!"

Beside the sedan chair, the gray-haired old man bowed and said that they have been sneaking cautiously, even in the deserted desert, they have never let down their vigilance, but this warship fell from the sky and landed directly in front of them.

This is a big trouble, not to mention the monks in this warship, just the existence that can chase down the warship to such a situation is not something they can afford. carry on!

"Uncle Wu, there must be difficulties in the shipwreck. I have been taught by my grandfather since I was a child, and I have formed many good relationships. Now that someone is in distress and I don't know whether he is alive or dead, how can I stand by and watch?"

"Uncle Wu, don't worry, I'll just take a quick look, it won't be a big deal."

Inside the sedan chair, there was a soft and slender female voice.

Uncle Wu sighed, this young lady of his family is too kind, in this world, there is no good person, there are too many such things.

The guards approached the warship cautiously, "Miss, there is movement on the warship, someone has come down!"

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