Because I'm Afraid Of Pain, I Put All My Defenses On

Chapter 1648 Unexpectedly, The Girl Is Like A Confidant

The guards are alert, Wu Bo is like facing a big enemy, the existence that can get off this kind of warship is absolutely impossible to be a kind person!

At the bow, a young man appeared in everyone's sight.

"Fellow daoist, don't be surprised. My young lady passed by here and saw the friend's warship run aground, so I sent this old slave to greet her. Since fellow daoist is safe and sound, my young lady will leave now!"

The moment he saw Li Xiaobai, Uncle Wu immediately cupped his fists and said.

Although the other party didn't show his cultivation, the instinct of his servant for many years made him feel that what he was facing at this moment was a ferocious scourge. There was absolutely terrifying power in this young man's body.

Moreover, judging from the position of the warship, it is flying from the west. Who doesn't know that the Western Paradise Pure Land is now raging with flames of war, many powerful people are fighting, and the heroes are divided. They can clearly see the huge talisman hanging above the sky. Understand, at this moment this young man was hunted down from the west, and the water in it was too deep for them to resist.

"Meeting is fate. Your miss and I hit it off right away, so we might as well go together so that we can take care of each other."

Li Xiaobai didn't buy it, and said cheerfully.

The warship crashed and the crowd surrounded him. Seeing him intact at this moment, he was ready to retreat. How could such a cheap thing happen? Now that it happened, if he didn't leave half of his family fortune behind, he wouldn't be able to leave.

"My lord, after all, my young lady is a daughter, and she is born weak and sick. I'm afraid that traveling with you will drag you down, and I appreciate your kindness."

Uncle Wu's eyes changed slightly, he couldn't see through the young man in front of him, he wanted to calm down and avoid causing trouble, but the other party didn't seem to want to let them go easily.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that senior is also a man of temperament. It's just that I hit it off with your young lady. If I don't get stronger, I'm afraid I will regret it. Why don't you listen to what the young lady thinks."

Li Xiaobai laughed.

"Uncle Wu, let this young master accompany you, make good friends, this is also my father's teaching."

In the sedan chair, the pleasant sound of the silver bell came out.


Uncle Wu's heart sank to the bottom of the valley, and his young lady began to show kindness again. This time it was different from the past. This young man was by no means simple, he might have lured wolves into the house.

He wanted to refuse, but what Li Xiaobai said next made his expression freeze.

"Miss is indeed a person of great power, so this damaged warship is given to Miss."

Li Xiaobai casually pointed to the huge stranded warship and said.

"Is this true?"

Uncle Wu's eyes became hot. He didn't know the origin of this warship, but its size three to four times larger than other warships was enough to show its value was precious. It was written by a powerful force. If their family can get it, analyze it. Family offensive and defensive power will be a great improvement.

"It's an honor to meet your young lady with a damaged warship."

Li Xiaobai said with a smile.

Then, ignoring everyone's strange eyes, Da Ting walked to the side of the sedan chair, opened the door curtain, and sat down Da Ting.

There was a woman in white sitting inside, with a gentle and elegant demeanor, and a smile on her face. Li Xiaobai's behavior did not make her show the slightest displeasure.


"How can you enter Miss's sedan chair, come out quickly, my lady is the inheritor of the Wu family, even if a top-level powerhouse comes, she definitely dare not be so contemptuous!"

Uncle Wu and the surrounding guards were furious, this weird young man simply didn't know how to behave, he forced his way into Miss's bridal sedan chair, this would be a death penalty if V was placed in the clan.

"Uncle Wu, it's okay, this young master has no malicious intentions, the road is difficult and dangerous, let's set off."

In the sedan chair, the woman's vermilion lips parted slightly, and she spoke softly.

No matter how angry the old man and the guards were, they had no choice but to give up in the end. A thief had sneaked into the team. Unfortunately, Miss Zhai had a kind heart and couldn't see it.

"I haven't asked the young master's name yet. The warship has been damaged to this point, and it must have experienced a painful battle."

As the procession continued, the woman looked at Li Xiaobai and asked.

"My name is Li Xiaobai. I believed in my Buddha with all my heart and trekked thousands of mountains and rivers to see him, but I never thought that today's Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss is full of flames of war, and ruins can be seen everywhere. It is no longer what it used to be. My faith is shattered."

Li Xiaobai shook his head and sighed, "I have lived in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for decades. To be honest, this is the first time I have left my hometown and wandered around the rivers and lakes. For a while, I didn't know what I should do."

"My lord, I understand, I understand everything. When you first enter the rivers and lakes, you often have this kind of confusion. People always feel uneasy in a new environment. Looking around alone, they feel unfamiliar and scared."

"But do you know what to do? You should overcome your fear and face up to difficulties, so that talents can grow."

Miss Wu Zhizu said softly, with an unchanging sweet smile on her face.

"I didn't expect that the first person I met when I left the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss was like a confidant!"

"Dare to ask the girl's name, Li has written down the kindness today, and she will repay it in the spring in the future!"

Li Xiaobai said with excitement on his face.

"My lord is serious, the little girl's name is Wu Guo..."

In the bridal sedan chair, the two chatted happily, and there were pleasant silver bells and laughter from time to time, which made the outside guards and Uncle Wu feel very uncomfortable.

Miss, don't be fooled by him...

Uncle Wu felt very tired. He could hear the conversation between the two in the sedan chair clearly. This young man named Li Xiaobai didn't speak the truth. He even wondered if the other party's name was Li Xiaobai.

Buddhist belief?

Want to meet the Lord Buddha?

Living in the Pure Land of Ultimate Bliss for decades?

This is pure nonsense. This young man clearly experienced a great battle and was hunted down to this point. He has accepted the warship, and has some vague judgments about it in his heart. It is suspected that the warship of Lingyin Temple, the strongest Buddhist temple, The water here is too deep, it is extremely scary to think about it carefully, the Wu clan has always had nothing to do with Buddhism, and they also maintain neutrality among the many forces, and there will be no entanglements.

"I'm afraid my Wu clan will encounter big trouble today."


After half an hour.

The team stopped again. In the sedan chair, Li Xiaobai was step by step fooling Wu Guo to give him a red string magic weapon on his wrist. He suddenly sensed dozens of breaths of life. He did not belong to the Wu clan, and there were other monks gathered around him. come over.

Wu Guo also noticed something strange, and when the red rope that was about to be taken off was put back into his hand, Li Xiaobai secretly regretted that if it weren't for these monks who appeared suddenly, he would have succeeded.

"Miss, it's the Wang family. We were discovered, and they are chasing us!"

Uncle Wu's voice came from beside the sedan chair, and he seemed a little nervous.

"It's okay, the frontier is the territory of my Wu family, and the Wang family dare not mess around."

"What they want is just a family heirloom of my Wu family. This treasure in my hand is just a fake. Its power cannot be compared with the real one. If they want it, give it to them."

Wu Guo took out a stick and handed it out the window.

"Miss, it is absolutely forbidden. The imitation of the family heirloom is a talisman given to you by the Patriarch. How can you just hand it over to the Wang family? Even if it is a fake, it has the strength to rival the four parts of God-seeing Realm!"

"It doesn't matter. In my life, I will not fight or grab. I will do whatever I want. The magic weapon is nothing but an external object. Mr. Li understands this truth, so why can't I let it go? Send it to the Wang family quickly. Don't let people see it." joke."

The master and the servant talked, but no one noticed that at some point, an invisible talisman landed lightly on the black stick.

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